

Land Scale Operation Models and Its Effect Evaluation

【作者】 薛凤蕊

【导师】 乔光华;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 发展现代农业是我国新农村建设的重要任务,是以科学发展观统领农村工作的必然要求。推进现代农业建设,提高农业的水利化、机械化和信息化水平,是提高农业综合生产能力的重要举措,是增加农民收入的基本途径。这个过程还受到很多因素的制约,如农村耕地地块分散、机械化利用程度不高、农业技术推广缓慢等问题,制约了我国现代农业的发展。通过土地流转、使土地集中连片,实现农地规模经营,能够有效地配置土地资源。为此,十七届三中全会制定了促进土地流转和适度规模经营的相关政策,旨在促进农地的自愿、合法、有偿转让。目前,全国各地出现了诸多土地流转和农业规模经营模式,包括公司化经营模式、种地大户经营模式、土地股份合作社经营模式等,这些模式都是在不改变农村基本经营制度的前提下,创新土地使用权制度的有益探索。鄂尔多斯市是内蒙古自治区经济发展最快的城市。近年来,该市通过工业反哺农业,投入大量的物力财力,为发展适度规模经营和现代农业做出很大的努力,取得了显著成绩。本文以内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市为例,目的是探索现代农业建设中有效的土地规模经营模式。内容从农牧民的土地流转意愿出发,以各种土地规模经营模式为研究对象,着重研究规模经营模式中的各个利益主体在追求利益最大化过程中的经济行为和理性选择,并对各种经营模式进行了绩效评价,运用DID方法评估土地流转和土地合作社对农牧民收益的影响,结合鄂尔多斯市各个地区的资源禀赋和各种土地规模经营模式的特点提出了资源配置分析;最后提出结论和建议。本文的研究发现:(1)农区的农民土地流转意愿受政策、技能培训、文化水平、人均耕地面积、非农收入等因素的影响。半农半牧区的农牧民土地流转意愿受性别、年龄、人均耕地面积、人均草地面积、非农收入等因素的影响。滞留在农村的农牧民年龄较大、文化水平较低,制约了鄂尔多斯市土地规模经营的发展。(2)从农牧民增收的角度讲,种地大户(家庭牧场)和土地合作社的经营模式较优于其它模式。(3)从机械化利用程度和科技推广角度讲,公司化经营模式较优于其它模式。(4)从面对的风险来看,参与土地流转的农民比不参与土地流转的农民面对的风险小,而参与土地合作社的农牧民比参与土地流转的农民更容易转嫁和规避风险,增加收入的空间更大。本文的创新点有:(1)理论上阐明了农牧民的劳动投入与收入的均衡状态,解释了机械替代人力后,农民增加其它行业的劳动投入产生收入效应;农民增加闲暇时间产生替代效应。(2)在对农区与半农半牧区农牧民土地流转意愿进行比较分析时,采用Logit模型,除了选择与农牧民的个人因素、家庭状况有关的变量外,还增加了政策因素、技能培训等新的变量,找出影响农区和半农半牧区农牧民土地流转意愿的主要因素。(3)原有的研究结果大多以农地经营效率和土地流转后剩余劳动力转移的农民为研究对象,对仍然滞留在农村居住的农民研究的很少。本文运用一手调查资料,采用DID方法评估土地规模经营对农牧民收益的影响,拓展了DID模型的研究领域。

【Abstract】 Developing modern agriculture is a fundamental task of new country construction in our nation, which is also an inevitable requirement to rural work commanded by scientific outlook on development. It is an important measure to improve agricultural comprehensive production capability and a basic way to increase farmers’income as promoting modern agricultural development and raising the level of agricultural adequate irrigation, mechanization and informatization. This process is restricted by many factors, such as cultivated lands disperse in rural, the low use of mechanization, slow popularizes in agriculture technology and so on, all of these restrict our rural development. To allocate resources efficiently can by the measure of land circulation and scale operation. For this, our country made the policy on promoting land right circulation in the Third Plenary Session of the seventeenth Central Committee, the aim was that to promote farmers transfer the land use right with compensation freely and legally. Nowadays, there are many models on land right circulation and scale operation appears in whole country. It contains: corporatization operating model; large size arable household operating model; land share cooperation operating model. These models are beneficial quest to innovate land-use right in not changing rural the basic rural operation system.Erdos is one of fastest-growing cities in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Recently, the city has a remarkable development through the effort of industry-financed agriculture and put into a lot of material resources and financial resources. It has done a big effort for developing moderate scale management and modern agriculture. This paper takes Erdos City as an example to explore the effective models of land scale operation in modern agriculture. The content is based on farmer’s willingness for land right circulation, through studying the various land scale operating models, focusing on the different interest subjects who has different economic actions and rational choices in pursuit of the max of the interest, and evaluating the achievement using DID method evaluate farmer’s profits in land right transfer and land-cooperatives; Then resource allocation analysis is put forward based on resource characteristics and the various land scale operating model in Erdos; at last, conclusion and suggestion are proposed.The research reaches following conclusions: 1.In agricultural area, the land right circulation willingness are influenced by policy, skills training, farmers’education time, and non-farming income; while in agricultural-pastoral areas, the essential factors are gender, age, non-farming income. Rural areas farmers’s old age, less educated, restricting the scale of land management’s development in Ordos city. 2. Large size arable household and land cooperation model is superior to other models in terms of farmer income. 3. Corporatization operating model is superior to other models in the degree of mechanization and technology’s promoting. 4. With the respect to risks, the farmer of Involving land circulation will face with smaller risks than the one who hasn’t involved. The farmers who join land cooperation will have smaller risks than the ones who join land circulation. And the ones who join land cooperation can transfer and avoid risks easier than the ones who involve land circulation, then expand the space of income.The innovations are summarize as follows: 1. First of all, clarifying the equilibrium state between labor input and income of farmers; explaining the income affection which is produced by farmers who taking part in other vocations after the mechanical substitute for manpower, at the same time, explaining the substitution affection which is raised by adding leisure time. 2. Besides that, when analyzed and compared the willingness of farmer’s for land right circulation between the agricultural area and agricultural-pastoral areas, by the Logit model. It not only involved the variable factors of personal, family condition, but also added political and skill training, etc. It also proves the main element to influence the willingness of farmer’s for land right circulation between the agricultural area and agricultural-pastoral areas. 3. In addition, past research takes the efficiency of land operation and farmers who shift of surplus labor after land right transfer but give little consideration about those farmers who still living in countries. In this paper, I employ DID method by taking advantage of primary data to evaluate the effect of large-scale management of farmland on income of farmers. Meanwhile, this method develop the research fields of DID models.


