

Study on the Effect of Prairie Road Landscape on the Driver’s Psychology and Physiolgy

【作者】 李香红

【导师】 朱守林;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 森林工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 驾驶员驾驶行为是人、车、环境因素综合作用的结果。相关研究表明26%的驾驶员交通事故由人与环境的综合因素引起。公路景观是公路交通人机环境系统的重要组成部分,直接影响到驾驶员的心理与生理状态、驾驶行为、行车疲劳和交通安全。草原公路一般具有纵坡小、圆曲线半径大、长直线多和景观单一等特点,易使驾驶员产生单调感和心理疲劳,因而使驾驶员反应迟缓、注意力降低、速度与距离估计偏差增大、感知与处理信息的能力下降,严重威胁到行车安全。草原公路景观对驾驶员心理生理影响的研究有利于增强我国草原公路建设的科学性、减轻驾驶人员的心理与生理疲劳、增强行车安全性。本文首先选取了2名驾驶员样本,在山区、典型草原及对照草原公路路段进行初步实验,利用多通道生理采集仪采集心电及眼电信号,经分析发现三种路段驾驶员生理反应不同,并初步确定心率、心率增长率、心率变异、眨眼次数可以反映驾驶员驾驶过程中的生理变化。在此基础上选取5名驾驶员,在100km长的草原公路进行限速行车实验及非限速行车实验,采集心电及眼电信号,并利用初步确定的指标分析驾驶员行车实验中生理变化规律。分析室外实验表明,同一车辆驾驶员与副驾驶人员生理指标有相似的变化规律,同一副驾驶人员的室内实验与室外实验心率增长率变化有相关性。因此,本文选取22个实验样本,进行初步高速、山区、草原路段室内模拟实验和草原公路限速路段室内模拟实验,以期探索受试者在室内实验过程中生理指标变化规律,寻找室内、外实验规律异同,为今后研究草原公路景观对驾驶员心理生理影响奠定理论基础。本文运用统计学方法对室内外实验数据进行处理和分析,得到的主要结论有:1.在限速实验路段,驾驶员的心率增长率、部分心率变异指标、平均眨眼次数、每5min眨眼次数均值标准差及眨眼次数增长率等生理指标在26-30min时间段出现较大变化,结合主观问卷调查表明,在相同时段80%驾驶员出现不舒适感或疲劳感。2.在限速实验路段,将驾驶员心率增长率、眨眼次数分别与驾驶时间、圆曲线半径进行相关性检验,发现只有心率增长率与驾驶时间呈负相关,且驾驶员行车过程中随着驾驶时间的增加均出现心率负增长率,经曲线估计回归模型对比最终建立了时间与心率增长率的线性模型。研究还表明,不同气质类型驾驶员心率负增长率出现的时间不同。3.研究非限速实验路段数据,表明驾驶员在22-26min时间段内生理指标出现较大变化,结合调查问卷显示在相同时段驾驶员受外界环境影响较大。限速路段驾驶员心率增长率与行驶时间呈负相关关系,非限速路段驾驶员心率增长率与行驶时间无显著相关性,说明行驶速度对心率增长率有影响。4.限速路段与限速路段实验结果相比,大部分驾驶员心率及心率增长率波动值较小,表明非限速路段的行驶速度较适合驾驶员在草原路段上行驶。04驾驶员非限速路段行驶速度集中在134km/h较设计车度增加65%,经数据分析心率增长率与驾驶时间呈正相关关系。揭示在草原公路景观路段驾驶员以过低或过高速度行驶均有随着驾驶时间的增加心率增长率变化较大,易出现驾驶疲劳,结果表明驾驶员以100km/h-120km/h行驶较舒适,也就是说驾驶员舒适状态下的行驶速度均高于设计车速20km/h-30km/h。结果表明草原公路线形设计存在不合理之处。5.结合室内与室外实验分析结果表明,实验过程中受试者心率变异指标范围与医学标准值不同,但受试者心率、心率增长率、心率变异、眨眼次数与调查问卷、疲劳量表、驾驶行为能力测试值在表征受试者不舒适或疲劳感时具有一致性。6.草原公路限速路段的室外实验与室内模拟实验受试者心率及心率增长率随时间变化趋势具有一致性,表明可以应用室内实验研究室外实验趋势性变化。

【Abstract】 The driving behavior is the result that the human, vehicle and environmental factor interact together. The research shows that 26% of the traffic accidents are caused by human and environmental factors. The highway landscape is an important part of the highway traffic man-machine environment system, and directly impacts on the psychological and physiological state of the driver, driving behavior, driving fatigue and traffic safety. Small longitudinal slope, large circular curve radius, long and straight line and the tedious landscape characteristics of prairie highway easily make the driver feel a sense of monotony and mental fatigue, so it finally leads to drivers’slow response, low attention, error increasing of estimating speed and distance, and ability reduce of percepts and processing information which seriously threats road safety. The study how the Prairie Highway Landscape impacts on psychological and physical behavior is beneficial to scientificlly construct prairie highway, reduce the drivers’ psychological and physical fatigue and enhance traffic safety.In the dissertation two driver samples are selected to conduct preliminary experiments in the sections of mountains area road, typical prairie area road and comparison prairie road section. Collecting and analyzing ECG and eye signals by multi-channel physiological acquisition instrument, the author finds that the drivers’physiological responses on the three sections is different, and preliminarily determines that heart rate(HR), heart growth rate, heart rate variability(HRV), blinking frequency can reflect the driver’s physiological changes in the process of driving. Then five drivers are chosen to drive at limited speed and non-limited speed on 100 kilometer prairie highway to collect ECG and eye signals, analyze the drivers’physiological variation regular during the driving experiment by indexes preliminarily determined. The drivers’traffic experiment verifies that the driver and the co-pilot have similar physiological variation regular. The co-pilot’s heart growth rate changes from experimental indoor are related to that from experiment outdoor. Therefore, 22 samples are selected to conduct initially laboratory simulation experiment on the freeway, sections of mountains area road, prairie road section and laboratory simulation experiment on the section of prairie road section at limited speed, in order to explore various regular of physiological indexes of subjects in the process of laboratory experiment and prairie road section and look for similarities and differences between experiment indoor and experiment outdoor. It can establish the theoretical basis to annalyze prairie highway landscape impact on the driver’s psychology and physiology in future.In the dissertation data of experiment indoor and outdoor experiment are treated and analyzed by statistical methods, and some conclusions are obtained. The main conclusions are as follow:1. Experimental section of the speed limits, driver’s heart growth rate, some heart rate variability, the average blink frequency, the standard deviation of the mean of blink frequency per 5 minutes and the growth rate of blink frequency and other physiological indicators have large scale of change in 26-30 minute period. Through subjective questionnaire survey, it shows that 80% of drivers have discomfort or fatigue at the same time.2. In the experimental section of the speed limit, by respectively testing correlation of driver heart growth rate and blink frequency with driving time and the curve radius, it finds that only heart growth rate is negatively correlated with the driving time, and drivers’heart growth rate is negative with the increase of driving time in the process of driving. Compared by curve estimates regression model, the linear model of heart growth rate with the time going are established. Research also shows that negative heart growth rate occurrs at different period among the drivers of different temperament types.3. Research on data on non-limited experimental section, it shows that drivers’physiological indicators have large scale of change in period of the 22-26 minute. Combining subjective questionnaire survey, it shows that change of environment influence drivers’physiological indexes at the same time. Heart growth rate hasn’t significant correlation with driving time, indicating that driving speed impacts on the heart growth rate.4. The result of experiment indoor and ourdoor at limited speed shows that the most drivers’heart rate and the heart growth rate fluctuat very small. It indicates that the driving speed of drivers in non-limited speed road is suitable for drivers to work. 04 drivers at speed of 134 kilometer per hour on non-limit speed road which increases by 65% than design speed. By analyzing the data, heart growth rate has a positive correlation with driving time. It reveals that if the driver drives at too low or too high speed in the landscape section of prairie highway, his heart growth rate has large scale of change with the driving time increasing and he is easily proned to feel fatigue. The results show that driving at the speed between 100 kilometers per hour to 120 kilometers per hour the driver feels comfortable. This shows that the comfortable driveing speed is 20 kilometers per hour to 30 kilometers per hour higher than the design speed, which indicates prairie highway alignment design is not very reasonable.5. The results of laboratory and outdoor experiment display that range of subjects’ HRV indicators during experiment is different from the medical stardard value.But the sujects’heart rate, heart rate growth, heart rate variability, blink times have the same conherece with results of investigation questionnaire, Fatigue Scale and driving behavior ability’s test value at the same time to reveal the subjects’discomfort and fatigue.6. Change trends of subjects’ HR and HR growth rate with the time going are identical in the section of speed limit between indoor experiment and ourdoor experiment. So it indicates that outdoor experiment can be studied through indoor experiment.

  • 【分类号】U418.9;U491.254
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】541
  • 攻读期成果

