

Development and Application of Several New Systems for Culture and Stock Enhancement in Typical Habitats of Sea Areas

【作者】 张立斌

【导师】 杨红生; 张涛;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋生态学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文针对当前我国浅海生境和生物资源衰退的现象,基于刺参等海珍品增养殖专用设施与装备技术水平相对较低的现状,从池塘、浅海近岸、离岸岛屿等典型海域生境的特点及养殖生物的生态习性出发,研制了适宜于池塘刺参增养殖的多层板式立体海珍礁、适宜于浅海近岸刺参增养殖的牡蛎壳海珍礁及其配套制作装置、适宜于离岸岛屿刺参增养殖的多层组合式海珍礁、以及适用于海藻、扇贝、刺参、海胆等多物种搭配混养的海龙Ⅰ型底播海水养殖设施,并对设施的应用效果进行了初步研究,对受损养殖海域的生境和生物资源修复以及海珍品增养殖专用设施在沿海地区的应用推广等提供了科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1.较为系统地综述了浅海增养殖工程设施的研制与应用进展。分析了应用于筏式养殖、网箱养殖、底播养殖、池塘养殖等领域的设施、装备及其应用现状、发展方向和前景;分析了人工鱼礁的设计、水动力学特征、选址、布局、评价等的关键技术及其在构建海洋牧场和生境与生物资源修复中的应用。2.研制了一种适用于池塘刺参增养殖的多层板式立体海珍礁,通过装配有不同颜色、间距、放置方式的聚乙烯波纹板的海珍礁实验来优化和评估该养殖设施。装配有黑色波纹板的海珍礁的聚参效果显著高于装配有蓝色、绿色、透明和混合(上5层透明与下6层黑色)的海珍礁的聚参效果;倾斜放置波纹板的海珍礁的聚参效果显著高于平行和波纹放置波纹板的海珍礁的聚参效果;相邻波纹板间距为2cm的海珍礁的聚参效果显著高于3cm、4cm和5cm的海珍礁的聚参效果;而除装配有透明和混合波纹板的海珍礁之外,以上其他组合的海珍礁的上层聚集刺参的数量显著高于下层。实验证明了倾斜放置有间距为2cm的黑色聚乙烯波纹板的多层板式立体海珍礁更适合池塘的刺参增养殖。3.研制了一种适用于浅海近岸海域刺参增养殖的牡蛎壳海珍礁。该设施在胶州湾红岛附近海域刺参养殖实验显示,自2009年3月6日至11月26日,刺参平均湿重从(49.57±1.16)g ind-1增加至(79.87±1.46)g ind-1;6月16日和11月26日等刺参活跃期礁区范围内刺参密度较高,分别为(21.5±1.0)ind m-2和(20.5±0.6)ind m-2,且各取样日期礁区内的刺参密度均显著大于礁区外的刺参密度;6月16日、11月26日和4月18日刺参距离礁区的平均最远距离较远,且仅为(86.3±4.6)cm、(85.7±2.8)cm和(78.2±3.5)cm;牡蛎壳上附着的硅藻群落和刺参胃含物所含的硅藻群落均含有大量的波状石丝藻、斜纹藻和舟形藻,且均以波状石丝藻为群落的优势种,其对整个群落的贡献率分别占到了41.05%和63.00%,二者硅藻群落的相似度较高。牡蛎壳海珍礁为刺参提供了遮蔽空间和摄食场所,对刺参具有较强的吸引力。4.研制了一种牡蛎壳海珍礁的配套制作装置,结构简单,造价低廉,可减轻劳动强度,并可极大的提高牡蛎壳海珍礁的生产效率。5.研制了一种适用于离岸岛屿海域刺参增养殖的多层组合式海珍礁。经过在日照前三岛海域一年多的熟化期,春季礁体上附着藻类优势种为石花菜和孔石莼,夏季优势种为孔石莼和叉开网翼藻,秋季礁体上附着藻类显著减少,只有孔石莼和石花菜两种,且生物量也不大;投放水深对礁体上附着藻类种类及生物量的影响较大,浅水礁体倾向于附着更多种类和生物量的藻类,礁体应尽量选择水深10米以内的区域投放;礁体邻近区域底播30g ind-1左右的刺参苗种,经过1年半的生长,礁区平均每个礁体上栖息刺参5 ind,礁体周围5m范围内活动的刺参分布密度约为1.2 ind m-2,刺参平均湿重为90g ind-1,增殖效果显著。6.研制了一种适用于海藻、扇贝、刺参、海胆等多物种搭配混养的海龙Ⅰ型底播海水养殖设施。在大连獐子岛海域应用实验显示,不同密度(10 ind m-2、30 ind m-2、50 ind m-2)对虾夷扇贝壳高特定生长率SGR的影响差异不显著,不同底质条件(沙底、泥沙底、泥底)对扇贝壳高SGR的影响差异极显著,底质与密度的互作对虾夷扇贝壳高SGR的影响差异不显著;不同密度、底质条件以及二者的互作对刺参聚集数量的影响差异均达到了显著水平,沙底条件下的刺参的聚集数量显著高于泥沙底和泥底;不同密度和底质条件对海胆聚集数量的影响差异均达到了显著水平,而二者的互作对海胆聚集数量的影响差异不显著,不同底质条件下海胆的聚集数量关系为:泥底>泥沙底>沙底;沙底条件下海龙Ⅰ型底播海水养殖设施上可形成了明显的局部海藻床。

【Abstract】 The deterioration of marine biological resources and their habitats in shallow water is becoming a serious problem, and few dedicated systems for the culture and stock enhancement of precious sea product, such as sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, are developed. Based on the features of typical sea areas, such as pond, near-shore and off-shore, and behavioural characteristics of maricultural animals, several systems were developed, such as a new multilayer, plate-type system for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumbers in pond/cofferdam, a new artificial oyster-shell reef system for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumbers near shore, a new multilayer, combined-type system for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumbers off shore, and a new HAILONGⅠbottom mariculture system for the culture and stock enhancement of multi-species, and etc.. Moreover, the primary evaluations of these systems were also conducted. The study can contribute to the restoration of damaged maricultural areas, and can promote the application and spread of the new systems in coastal areas. The main results are as follows.1. The recent progress derived largely from engineering and facilities for maricuture and stock enhancement in shallow water was reviewed in this paper. The application status and future development of facilities and equipments for suspended culture, cage culture, bottom culture and pond/cofferdam culture were analyzed. And the key techniques of design, hydrodynamics, site selection, geograpHical layout, evaluation of artificial reef were also expounded. Furthermore, the application of artificial reefs in marine ranching and restoration of marine livings and their habitats were summarized.2. A new multilayer, plate-type system for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumbers in cofferdam was developed. To optimize and evaluate the system, four experimental designs were implemented using polyethylene corrugated sheets of various colors, interval spacing and shapes/styles. Results showed that a system equipped with black PE corrugated sheets attracted more animals than either blue, green, transparent or a selection of mixed sheets (five transparent sheets in the upper layer and six black sheets in the lower layer. The system with oblique-angled sheets attracted more animals than either a wavy or parallel arrangement, and the system with a 2-cm between sheets attracted more animals than spacings of 3, 4 or 5 cm. As expected, the upper layers of the systems attracted more animals than lower layers in most cases except for those with transparent and mixed oblique-angled sheets with a 3-cm spacing. Thus, a system with black, oblique-angled corrugated sheets and 2-cm spacing is recommended for A. japonicus culture and stock enhancement in cofferdams or ponds.3. A new artificial oyster-shell reef system for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumbers near shore was developed. From Mar 6th to Nov 26th, 2009, culture experiment of A. japonicus near Hongdao, Jiaozhou Bay was conducted. The average wet weights of sea cucumbers increased from (49.57±1.16) g ind-1 to (79.87±1.46) g ind-1. Densities of sea cucumbers in artificial oyster-shell reef zone on June 16th and Nov 26th,which are in the high mobility periods of sea cucumbers, are (21.5±1.0) ind m-2 and (20.5±0.6) ind m-2, and densities of sea cucumbers in artificial oyster-shell reef zone were significantly higher than that outside. The average distances from the farthest sea cucumbers to the edge of the nearest reefs were merely (86.3±4.6) cm, (85.7±2.8) cm and (8.2±3.5) cm on June 16th, Nov 26th and Apr 18th, which were significantly higher than that on the other observation days. Diatom communities on oyster shells are much similar to that in the stomachs of sea cucumbers in the reefs. The new system supplied concealment and food for sea cucumbers, and rather appealed to sea cucumbers. 4. A new matching device for manufacturing artificial oyster-shell reef system was developed. The device had the advantages of low cost and simple structure, which could also reduce the labor intensity and improve the productivity.5. A new multilayer, combined-type system for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumbers off shore was developed. After an acclimating period of more than one year in the sea area of Qiansandao, Rizhao, seasonal investigations were conducted. Gelidium amansii and Uiva pertusa are dominant species in algae communities on the new systems in spring, while Uiva pertusa and Dictyopteris divaricate in summer. In autumn there were only two species of algae, Gelidium amansii and Uiva pertusa, with low biomass. Water depth showed significant effect on algae species and biomass on the systems. More species and biomass of algae on the system were investigated in shallow water. The new systems should be laid in the sea areas within 10m depth. Sea cucumbers with average wet weight of 30g ind-1 were sowed on the bottom of neighboring sea areas. After one and a half years, the average number of sea cucumbers, A. japonicus, in the new system was 5 ind, and the average density of sea cucumber within 5m around the system was 1.2 ind m-2. The average wet weight of sea cucumbers was 90g ind-1. The new systems showed beneficial effects on stock enhancement.6. A new HAILONGⅠbottom mariculture system for the culture and stock enhancement of multi-species, i.e. algae, scallop, sea cucumber, sea urchin and etc. were developed. Experiments in the sea area of Zhangzidao, Dalian were conducted. Different densities (10 ind m-2、30 ind m-2、50 ind m-2)and the interactions of different densities and substrates showed no significant effect on the shell height of Japanese scallops Patinopecten yessoensis, while different substrates (sandy, semi-sandy, muddy) showed significant effect on that. Different densities, substrates and their interactions showed significant effect on the numbers of sea cucumbers, A. japonicus, in the new systems. There were more sea cucumbers in the system on sandy substrate than that on semi-sandy or muddy substrate. Different densities and substrates showed significant effect on the numbers of sea urchins in the new systems, and their interactions showed no significant effect on that. The relationship of the numbers of sea urchin in the systems on different substrates was muddy > semi-sandy > sandy. There was local seaweed bed in the new system on sandy substrate obviously.


