

Chang Zhou’ Clans and Social Work in the Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 仲兆宏

【导师】 王卫平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 常州所在的江南地区是我国古代宗族制度最为发达的地区之一,也是宗族活动最活跃的地区之一,宗族在社会生活中发挥了巨大的影响力。明清时期,常州地区的宗族众多,声名显赫。晚清,时代急剧转型,常州宗族竭力适应社会变迁,寻求自身的生存之路。作为恢复被太平天国战争所破坏的地方社会秩序的重要一环—慈善事业,政府呼吁地方社会的配合和协助,常州宗族及其士绅在共同的利益和价值诉求下,利用政府经意不经意让渡的制度空间,修建和创建了大量的慈善组织,使常州慈善组织的规模达到了历史顶峰。慈善组织救助了大批的弱势人群,一定程度上缓和了地方社会的矛盾,稳定了社会秩序。同时宗族提升了社会地位和声望,获得足够的社会资本,有利于宗族的生存和发展。晚清,常州宗族通过对宗族成员的族内教育,不仅提升了族人的自身素养,使之成为维持宗族秩序和发展的重要手段。与此同时,宗族及其士绅依靠国家进行社会重建的制度性空间,极力恢复和维护传统的社会教育资源,重建和新建了府学、县学、书院、义塾等各类教育机构,以恢复传统的地方社会秩序。这实际上是宗族适应社会发展变化而采取的一种维护和振兴宗族的重要举施。在“清末新政”期间,在国家法理层面上,宗族和士绅兴办新式学校,任职于新式教育的各类管理结构,为常州的新式教育奠定了基础。这也是晚清常州宗族寻求生存空间,调整生存策略的过程。如果说祭祀事业在于调适地方民众的心理状态,以求压抑情感的有效释放,那么河道疏浚、修桥铺路、清道路灯、公园、图书馆等公共事业则在于关注地方社会百姓的日常生计,关注他们社会公共事务的共同利益。晚清的客观社会环境和情势使得地方政府关注公共事业的精力和财力不敷,治理不善。在这一历史的转折时期,常州宗族及其士绅完全或部分代替地方政府参与地方公共工程事业建设,客观上完善了地方官员的部分职能,维护了地方社会的秩序。也正是在这一过程中,政府对宗族的褒奖和依赖大大提高了宗族的名望,地方民众的感德之意也激发了对宗族的钦佩与仰慕。从另一角度看,这也是宗族掌控地方社会的一种表现形式,或说是宗族求得生存的另一种表现形式。晚清常州宗族及其士绅依靠宗族的社会关系、经济实力和个人能力,利用国家自觉不自觉的让渡社会事业的操作空间和法理性的制度性空间,重建和新建地方社会的慈善组织、重建地方社会的传统教育体系、建立新式教育体系、从事地方社会公共工程的建设。在造福桑梓、稳定地方社会秩序的同时,宗族努力寻找着自身的生存空间。宗族扮演了社会事业发展与转型的主角,社会事业提供了宗族生存与变迁的舞台,宗族和社会事业双向促动、双向构建的视域交融,表明晚清常州宗族能动地适应社会变迁的同时促进了地方社会事业的发展。如果我们仅把宗族作为一种社会组织存在,也许我们可以看到作为一种民间力量,在地方社会事业建设和发展过程中,宗族的长袖善舞留给了历史亮丽的色彩。

【Abstract】 Regions south of the Yangtze River, where Changzhou locates, were one of the well-developed, active places of ancient clans system and clans play an essential role in society. There were plenty of clans in Changzhou who were well-known in Ming and Qing Dynasty respectively. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom war destroyed traditional social orders in vast regions south of the Yangtze River, Changzhou no exception. Changzhou became prosperous and got its economic recovery after the war again. Under Tongzhi Emporror’s domination, Qing Dynasty, rebuilding and social order regaining were the main activities in Changzhou at that time.As an important part of social order recovery, charity makes great contribution to stability of society and relief of social contradiction by relieving the poor. Local government of Changzhou appeals all levels of social organizations to cooperate to rebuilding and social order regaining. With such mutual value and interest, considerable charity organizations were set up and the total number are the greatest in history.Changzhou clans concentrated on their internal education and self-improvement in late Qing Dynasty, not only improved the quality of their members, but also maintained their reputation and status, making it one significant method to maintain their social order and self-development. Meanwhile, clans and native gentry made full use of the loopholes in society rebuilding policies and regulations that Qing government advocated so that they helped to regain and maintain traditional social education resources, rebuilt and set up different levels of education organization, such as prefecture level education (from the Tang to the Qing Dynasty, administration larger than county smaller than city), county level education and academy. As a matter of fact, it is an effective way they used to maintain and gain their clans’prosperity in accordance with social changes. They set up new forms of schools and laid foundations for new education form in Changzhou.If we say sacrifices to gods and ancestors meet citizens psychological needs, then civil engineering such as dredging the canal, building roads and bridges, setting up libraries and parks concerned about their daily life and their interests. In late Qing Dynasty, government was short of financial support to local public service and construction. During that period, clans and gentry took on officials’duties and obligations taking part in local construction and public service, partially and wholly, maintained local social order. On the other hand, government was thankful for their contribution and it helped improve their reputation as well as winning citizens’heart. From other view, it is a form of clans’control of the local society, in other words, the form of their existence and prosperity.In the late Qing Dynasty, clans and gentry in Changzhou making use of the loophole in policy, upon their property, ability and their social network, rebuild and set up local social charity organizations, traditional education system, new education system and public service and construction.. Changzhou’s clans is the main driving force in social work transformation in late Qing Dynasty, meanwhile social work provided the stage for their existence and changes. Clans devoted themselves in social work with the purpose of their own prosperity. Interaction between clans and social work illustrates that clans adapt themselves to society spontaneously and promote the development of local social work . It is partial for us to see it as an isolated organization. Apart from their motivation, being an essential driving force, we see the great contribution they made to the society, and the irreplaceable role they played in history.

【关键词】 晚清常州宗族社会事业
【Key words】 late Qing DynastyChangzhouClansSocial Work
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

