

The Study on the Developmental History of Iron and Steel Industry in Modern China (1840~1927)

【作者】 李海涛

【导师】 王国平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 钢铁工业是一个特殊的经济部门。对于近代中国钢铁工业的发展历程,学界尚未进行深入细致的整体研究。本文以1840-1927年间中国钢铁工业发展历程为考察对象,通过研究,力图揭示其发展轨迹,并就该时期为什么中国钢铁工业始终发展不起来、各阶段钢铁工业建设的总体特征及其不足等问题展开论述。本文考察的是中国钢铁工业的第一个建设周期,是全面认识中国钢铁工业百年发展历程的起点。中国工业化启动后不久,钢铁作为不可或缺的基础工业原料,其经济价值和战略价值引起朝野的关注。传统冶铁业无法适应时代发展需求,急遽萎缩。在此背景下,中国出现了发展钢铁工业的呼声。从1870年代初开始,中国钢铁工业建设开始了探索旅程。1871年建成的福州船政局所属铁厂成为近代中国第一家钢铁企业,标志着中国钢铁工业的诞生。然而,它只具备钢铁加工能力,囿于市场、资金等因素的掣肘,冶炼钢铁计划自始至终未能实现。其它一些洋务企业的炼铁计划也相继流产。作为洋务运动前期推动钢铁工业建设的代表性人物,李鸿章在1880年代亦趋向消极。中国钢铁工业迟迟未能全面起步,有诸多制约因素,主要表现为:自然资源不佳,资金缺乏,制度缺陷,以及市场需求空间有限等方面。中法战争后,以军事工业的进步和铁路建设的兴起为标志,中国工业化向纵深发展,导致国内钢铁市场需求的增加,为钢铁工业的发展提供了强劲的推动力,一批具备冶炼能力的钢铁企业陆续兴建。贵州青溪铁厂是近代中国第一家钢铁联合企业。汉阳铁厂以其规模和历史影响,成为近代中国钢铁工业全面起步的标志。然而,所有这些企业均先天不足,存在不同的缺憾。甲午战争后,盛宣怀接办汉阳铁厂,谙熟经营之道的盛宣怀将钢铁、铁路、银行、煤炭等事业协同发展,顺应了钢铁工业建设的高度关联性特征。同时,他着手改良扩张汉阳铁厂,并推动组建汉冶萍公司,取得较为显著的成效。清末汉冶萍公司的迅速发展,开创了中国钢铁工业建设的汉冶萍时代。该局面的形成,是多种因素共同作用的结果,主要包括:清政府的大力扶植,铁路建设造就的市场空间,日本资金的较好利用,以及盛宣怀个人的历史作用。但是,辛亥革命中断了汉冶萍公司良好的发展势头。民国成立后,借鉴世界经济发展经验,钢铁工业被北京政府确立为基础工业,钢铁工业政策形成。同时,受有利的国际市场环境影响,北京政府强势介入钢铁工业建设,采取一系列整顿措施,但收效甚微。中国社会各界也积极参与钢铁建设,钢铁工业建设出现一股规模扩张的热潮,但扩张的实际结果是中国钢铁工业的畸形发展。进入1920年代,中国社会动荡,钢铁企业发展环境极为恶劣,以汉冶萍公司为代表的一批钢铁企业相继停产。在外部,日本长期以来采取种种手段,处心积虑地掠夺中国钢铁资源,到此时,基本确立了对中国钢铁企业的控制地位。中国钢铁工业迅速衰落,走完了它的第一个建设周期。

【Abstract】 Iron and steel industry is a special economic department. Until now, there is no thorough research on the historical development of Chinese iron and steel industry in modern times in academic circles. This dissertation focuses on the historical development of Chinese iron and steel industry during the period of 1840 to 1927, trying to reveal the path of its development and carrying out detailed discussion on why Chinese iron and steel industry failed to develop, and the general features and disadvantages of the development of iron and steel in each period of time, etc. What this dissertation investigates actually is the first cycle of Chinese iron and steel industry which is also the starting point for the full recognition of the centenary development of Chinese iron and steel industry.Shortly after the industrialization in China, iron and steel, which was the raw material of basic industry, gained the attention of government for its economic and strategic values. However, the traditional metallurgical industry could no longer meet the demands of the times and declined sharply. Under such circumstance, there appeared a voice for the establishment of the iron and steel industry. Since 1870s, Chinese iron and steel industry has begun its exploration. In 1871, the Forging Plant and Metal Rolling Plant belonged to Fuzhou Dockyard was established, which was the first iron and steel enterprise and marked the birth of Chinese iron and steel industry. However, this plant was only qualified for processing iron and steel, meanwhile, due to the factors of market, capital, etc., the plan of smelting iron and steel was never carried out. Likewise, other similar plans failed, too. As the representative of promoting development of iron and steel industry in the earlier stage of Westernization Movement, Li Hongzhang showed less interest in 1880s. Besides, many restrictions, such as unqualified natural resources, lack of capitals, the flaws of institution, and the limited demand of the market, etc., had seriously delayed the full development of Chinese iron and steel industry.After the Sino-Franch War, the improvement of military industry and the rise of railway construction, marking the progress of the development of Chinese industrialization, led to the rise of the demand for iron and steel which strongly promoted the development of iron and steel industry. Several iron and steel enterprises capable of smelting were established. Qingxi Iron Works was the first joint adventure in modern China. The scope and influence of Hanyang Iron Works made it represent the starting point of full development of Chinese iron and steel industry. However, those enterprises all had their inborn deficiency. Sheng Xuanhuai took over Hanyang Iron Works after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. Being familiar with management of business, Sheng cooperated the development of iron and steel with the development of railway, bank and colliery, which was in accordance with the feature of highly-relatedness in the development of iron and steel industry. Meanwhile, he reformed and enlarged Hanyang Iron Works and promoted the establishment of Hanyeping Corporation, which achieved great accomplishments. The prosperity of Hanyeping Corporation in Late Qing Dynasty created the Era of Hanyeping in Chinese iron and steel industry. As a matter of fact, the formation of the Era of Hanyeping was the result of many factors, including the support from the government, the huge space of the market due to the construction of railway, the good use of Japanese capitals and personal influence of Sheng Xuanhuai. Unfortunately, the desirable situation was disrupted by the Revolution of 1911.After the foundation of the Republic of China, considering the experience of world economic development, iron and steel industry was appointed as the base industry by government, and the policy of developing iron and steel was formed. At the same time, influenced by favorable international market, government took a series of measures of regulation, but with few effects. All works of life in China also joined the development of iron and steel industry actively, which arose a great upsurge in the enlargement to iron and steel industry. However, the enlargement stimulated the lopsided development of Chinese iron and steel industry.When it entered 1920s, China was in turmoil, the environment for iron and steel industry was deteriorating. Hanyeping Corporation and other enterprises were forced to stop production one by one. Meanwhile, Japan took various measures to rob Chinese resources of iron and steel and finally established its position of control to Chinese iron and steel enterprises. Chinese iron and steel industry, therefore, declined quickly and finished its first cycle of development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

