

To Study the Adaptation of the Legend of White Snake

【作者】 李斌

【导师】 曹惠民;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “白蛇传”是中华民族的著名传说,已作为“原型”存在于民族的集体记忆之中。现代以来,“白蛇传”成为作家们改写与创作的重要题材。与白蛇传创作的热闹局面相比,研究界对此缺少必要的关注。本文旨在梳理、阐释现代以来产生的“白蛇传”作品,以填补学术研究的不足,为后来的“白蛇传”改写提供理论指导,也为研究其他民间传说提供一个扎实的案例。本文运用文本细读方法,借助互文性和文学社会学理论,细致评析了现代以来不同时期的“白蛇传”作品。研究对象涉及大陆、台湾、香港地区乃至海外的作家作品,具有比较重要的史料价值。论文发现了一些作品如《白娘子永镇雷峰塔》中存在的“硬伤”,也发现了一些被前人所忽略的问题。“五四”之前的“白蛇传”创作虽然也会渲染白蛇与许宣(许仙)之间的爱情,但作品往往充斥着儒家的礼教思想和佛教的色空观念。“五四”以来,白蛇传改写深受时代环境的影响,作品具有鲜明的时代烙印。作家们以现代意识来诠释“白蛇传”,古老的传说焕发出新的光芒。向培良、高长虹和顾一樵等在二十年代创作的表现主义话剧白蛇传,具有鲜明的“五四精神”。作品以表现恋爱自由、婚姻自主为主题反对封建礼教,暴露社会的黑暗,揭示被封建势力压迫下的人生苦痛,富于启蒙色彩,具有强烈的现实意义。谢颂羔、秋翁、包天笑、卫聚贤等人在三四十年代改写的“白蛇传”作品,具有鲜明的“现实化”特点。作品中的白娘娘不再是蛇妖,而是一个凡人。大体说来,他们对“白蛇传”的现实化改写是出于现实的功利目的,而不是出于艺术的考虑。“白蛇传”的现实化改写增加了对现实的批判力度,甚至在艺术上也能带给读者某种新奇的阅读体验,但其缺陷也十分明显:丧失了传奇性。五六十年代的“白蛇传”改写具有鲜明的政治化色彩。“戏改”运动期间,产生了大量的“白蛇传”作品。但集体改编、集体创作也使得这一时期的“白蛇传”作品失去了独特性。因为改写的主题被“钦定”为反封建,所以作品千篇一律地批判以法海为代表的封建统治势力,颂扬以白蛇、青蛇为代表的人民群众的反抗精神。另外,由于政治的干预力量与作家内心的审美要求的冲突,这一时期的“白蛇传”作品常常出现内容前后矛盾、人物形象反复无常等弊病。七十年代以来,在地域上打破了局限于大陆一隅的单一格局,台湾、香港地区乃至海外的作家大显身手,“白蛇传”改写呈现出主题多元、手法多样、形式多变的局面,可谓是百舸争流、硕果累出。八十年代以来,由于主流意识形态对文学创作的干涉力量逐步减弱,大陆的白蛇传改写一改七十年代的死寂局面,逐渐呈现出活跃趋势。“白蛇传”还存在被改写的空间,不同的作者可以从不同的角度予以诠释,赋予“白蛇传”以新的主题、情节、人物形象。“白蛇传”的改写要以现代意识为基点,传说不可能在“泥古”中复活。“白蛇传”在形式上有戏曲、话剧、舞剧、影视、小说等,“有意味的形式”将使“白蛇传”的改写散发出璀璨的光芒。

【Abstract】 The Legend of White Snake is one of the most popular tales of China. It exists in the memory of Chinese as a prototype. Nowadays, The Legend of White Snake becomes a very important theme of literature, and countless creative writers rewrite the tale with distinctive colors and social significance. However, the lively of the situation with the Legend of White Snake rewritten faces the lack of essential attention of academic community. A large number of the works with profound ideological content and higher artistic value are buried and forgotten. So, studying on the works is of great significance. It can not only fill the lack of academic but also provide theoretical guidance to the writers who want to rewrite the tale.I use the theory of Intertextuality, the theory of literary and sociological, and the theory of Close Reading to study the works of the Legend White Snake of different times. Object of this paper covers works of the mainland of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas. So, this paper has important academic value. This paper found out some problems which have been ignored by the predecessors.The works Before the May Fourth were often filled with the ethical code of Confucian thought and Buddhist concept which oppose free love and common sex. Since the May Fourth, writers begin to explain the tale with modern sense, and the ancient legends shine a new light.Xiang Peiliang, Gao Changhong and Gu Yiqiao rewrite the tale and their works have expressionistic feature. There is distinctive the May Fourth Spirit in their works. Works with the theme of love oppose the feudal ethical code, expose the darkness of society, and reveal the pain of life. It has a strong practical significance and is a part of literary enlightenment.Xie Songgao, QiuWeng, Bao Tianxiao, Wei Juxian and others in 1940s rewrite of the tale and their works have a distinct feature of "reality". Generally speaking, rewriting the tale in this way is out of a purpose for revealing the darkness of the society rather than out of artistic consideration. Such rewriting of course has a certain critical intensity to the reality, and it can give the readers a novel experience. However, its shortcomings are obvious in that it has missed legendary plot.Rewriting the tale in 1950s and 1960s is affected by political power. The Drama Reform movement makes rewriting the tale active, producing a lot of works. However, the collective adaptation also makes works of this period lose their uniqueness, resulting in the disadvantages of formulation and conceptualization. The theme is revealing the darkness of the feudal society by the government. Works critics Fa Hai, who is the representative of the feudal forces, and praise the white snake and green snake, who representing people’s spirit of resistance.Since the late of 1970s, as the political power’s affection on literary gradually weakened, rewriting the tale is very active. Rewriting the tale is not confined to the mainland of China, the writers of Taiwan, Hong Kong and even overseas also play an active role. A lot of works of the tale are crated during this period.The Legend of White Snake can be always adapted. It can be interpreted from different angles by different authors. Authors can give the tale with a new theme, plot or characters. The modern sense is essential to rewrite the legend. The significant form will make the rewriting of the tale send out bright light.

【关键词】 白蛇传雷峰塔现代意识改写
【Key words】 the Legend of White SnakeLeifeng Pagodamodern thoughtrewrite
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

