

A Study on Chinese Passive Representation

【作者】 金御真

【导师】 朱景松;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文讨论汉语被动表示法。全文围绕现代汉语表示被动的方法,从两个角度进行比较。一是历时与共时的比较,即把近代汉语和现代汉语被动表示法进行比较;二是横向的比较,即把现代汉语被动表示法与韩语被动表示法进行比较。全文分四章。第一章到第三章是历时与共时的比较,第四章是汉语与韩语的横向比较。第一章讨论近代汉语里的被动表示法。着重讨论汉语被动表示法在上古汉语基础上的进一步发展,逐一讨论表示被动的介词的语法化过程,主要分析了“被”、“着(著)”、“吃(喫)”、“教(交、叫)”的发展和变化鹿卜秩凇5谝唤谔致邸氨弧的语法化,第二节讨论“着(著)”的语法化,第三节讨论“吃”的语法化。第二章讨论现代汉语里的被动表示法。着重讨论现代汉语表示被动的句法手段和表示被动的介词,特别是讨论最常见手段——介词“被”,说明介词“被”用法的新变化。汉语语法研究的传统观点认为,采用“被”的句子表示对主语所指对象而言是不幸的遭遇。我们看到,在现代汉语里,“被”的主要语法意义是表示被动。这种变化之所以出现,原因之一是受到印欧语语法的影响。这个变化是汉语语法走向精密化的一个表现。第三章讨论近代向现代转变的动因和机制。以讨论“教”、“交”、“叫”的语法化为例,分析使役句向被动句转变的动因,探讨转变的机制。这些考察主要是以中古汉语语料进行的。第四章讨论汉语被动表示法与韩语被动表示法的比较。在上文讨论现代汉被动表示法的基础上,第一节简述现代韩语表示被动的方式。第二节,在此基础上进行比较。韩语属于黏着语,汉语属于分析语。通过比较可以发现,就语言手段而言,汉语表示被动采用的是“词”,是虚词;韩语采用的是格助词和词缀。汉语利用组合方法表示主动、被动,韩语通过屈折方法来表示。汉语表示被动,可以径直采用受事主语句,不一定非得用虚词。汉语存在主谓谓语句,这是现代汉语语法的特点之一。主谓谓语句里当大主语、小主语为受事与施事的分别时,是不用被动标志而能表示被动意义的句子格式。此外,一般的指人名词作主语时,这个名词也可以是受事主语,这样的被动意义就要靠语言环境来控制。这些在韩语里是没有的。因此,汉语被动表示方法丰富多彩。相应地就带来一个问题,对于以汉语为第二语言的韩国学习者而言,要掌握汉语被动表示方法有一定的难度。把汉语表示被动的方式跟韩语比较,是为了更好地认识现代汉语表示被动的方式。这样做,其理论意义是为揭示语言普遍规律提供一个样本;从实用角度说,可以帮助韩国学习者更有效地学习汉语,可以帮助从事韩语与汉语翻译的人员更准确地做好翻译工作。第三节,结合笔者多年来从事汉语和韩语翻译教学的实践,从两种语言的对译中,进一步说明两种语言被动表示的差异。最后是一个附录,考察汉语被动表示法发展过程中的一个特例:先后出现的不同版本(不同时期语言状况的反映)《老乞大》、《朴通事》里的被动句。韩国人比较熟悉这两部书。《老乞大》、《朴通事》反映的汉语面貌,宏观地看是共时材料;但从成书到后来,也经历了较长的时间,先后有几次修改,因而对修改部分的比较,又反映了一定时间段汉语面貌的历时变化。我们通过这两部书不同时期、不同版本的修改、变动情况的考察,研究汉语被动表示法在一个时间段内的发展变化。

【Abstract】 This paper studies Chinese passive representation.Centered on the study of Chinese passive representation, this paper makes a comparative study from two perspectives. One is the comparison between synchronic and diachronic study, and between Chinese passive representation in recent and modern times, the others is the comparative study of Chinese and Korean passive representation.This paper consists of four chapters. From Chapter one to Chapter 3, it is about the comparison between synchronic and diachronic study, Chapter 4 is about the comparative study of Chinese and Korean passive representation.Chapter one discusses Chinese passive representation in recent times, focusing on its further development evolved from ancient Chinese language. It explores the grammaticalization process of prepositions that are typical of passive voice, mainly analyzing the development and changes of“bei”,“zhuo”,“chi”,“jiao”. This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the grammaticalization process of bei, the second part the grammaticalization process of zhuo , the third part the grammaticalization process of chi.Chapter two discusses Chinese passive representation in modern times, focusing on syntactic devices and prepositions that are typical of passive voice in modern Chinese language, especially the most common device——preposition“bei”, its new development. The traditional view of Chinese grammar study believes that sentences with the preposition“bei”indicate that the subject has unfortunate experiences. We find, in modern Chinese language, that the grammatical meaning of the preposition“bei”is to indicate passive voice. One reason why this change occurs is the influence of Indo-European language grammar. This change shows that Chinese grammar is becoming more sophisticated.Chapter three discusses the motive and mechanism behind the change. With the example of the grammaticalization process of“jiao”, the author analyses the motive and mechanism behind the change from causative sentences to passive sentences. This study is done with middle and ancient Chinese language as corpus. Chapter four compares Chinese passive representation with that of the Korean language. Based on the discussion of Chinese passive representation in the previous chapters, the first part of this chapter briefly illustrates modern Korean passive representation, and the second part makes a comparison between the two. Korean language belongs to the category of agglutinative language,while Chinese language is a kind of analytical language. Through comparison,we can find that,in terms of language device,Chinese language uses "word",or function word to be specific,to indicate passive voice;while Korean language uses case function words and affixes. Chinese language uses combination method to indicate active and passive voice,while Korean language uses inflection method. In the Chinese language,we can simply use recipient sentences without the use of function words to indicate passive voice. In Chinese language, there exists“subject + verb + verb”pattern, which is actually one feature of modern Chinese grammar. In a "subject + verb + verb" sentence,when the major and minor subject are the recipient and agent respectively,it is the sentence pattern of passive voice without the use of typical passive symbols. In addition, when the subject is human being,this noun can be the recipient,but whether it is passive or not relies on the context. However,all these do not apply to the Korean language. In that sense, there are various ways to indicate passive voice in the Chinese language. This also brings about a problem. For Korean learners who study Chinese as the second language, it is difficult to master Chinese passive voice. By comparing Chinese passive voice and that of the Korean language, the author hopes that it will be easier for Korean learners to understand Chinese passive voice. The theoretical significance of the paper is to provide a sample for revealing the general features of language, while the practical significance is to help Korean learners learn Chinese more effectively and to help translators who are involved in Chinese-Korean translation to produce more precise and better work. The third part of this chapter, with the teaching experience on Chinese and Korean language translation over the years, the author further explains the differences of passive representation of the two languages.The final part is an appendix, studying a special case in the development of Chinese passive representation: passive voice sentences occurring in the different versions (It is the reflection of different language use at different period of time) of Lao Qida and Piao Tongshi. The Korean people are familiar with these two books. The Chinese language of Lao Qida and Piao Tongshi,viewed macroscopically,is a kind of synchronic material. Over the years since the publishment of the two books,some revisions have been made,so in this sense they also reflect the diachronic changes of Chinese language. We try to conduct a research on the development of Chinese passive voice over a period of time through examinations on the revisions and changes of different versions of the two books at different time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

