

A Study of Lüli Treatise of Hanshu

【作者】 夏国強

【导师】 王继如;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 代表汉代天文观测和曆法设计水平的《汉书·律曆志》,历代的研究者一直给舆了(?)度的关注,在清代达到了高峰。而现代科学技术的进步,也为《律曆志》算法的讨论和研究提供了更为便利的条件,并产生了丰硕的成果。不过,相封於《汉书·律曆志》总体研究而论,目前的研究较重於单个问题的研究。即使是算法专题,也脱离不了逐段逐算的注解式研究,没有对《汉书·律曆志》的整体内容加以分析和诠释。故此,在《律曆志》思想基础和曆法系统的研究上,还有值得补充的地方。通过进一步的研究,可以让我们对《汉书·律曆志》有一个相对完整和系统的认识。有(?)於此,在前(?)时修的基础上,立足於《汉书·律曆志》的计算体系,以文献记录为根本,文献语言训解和数算论证为主要手段,对《汉书·律曆志》现有研究进行三个方面的补充:一是从文献记录本身出发,阐述《汉书·律曆志》的数字关系,藉此说明《汉书·律曆志》建立在宇宙观测水平上的宇宙认识观,即(?)阳生气,气之微著於鐘律,鐘律之正则风气正顺,四季和谐,万物就按照规律成长繁衍。再化为(?)阳之气,终而复始。人类掌握自然的规律,就可以顺应天道,(?)利避害。因此(?)乐制度、度量法则、四季划分,晨事安排、曆法编制都是据此产生。这一体系的具体表现就是“三统”输。“三统”包含万物,以太阳视运动轨道的规律(二至二分日的太阳可见时间呈歇梯状排列,所以,“三统”以十一月、十二月、一月为起首作斜梯排列)作为其自然科学基础,把(?)阳的变化都纳入这个体系当中:天地人(三统)之道为函三为一,所以(?)阳变化的起始都从1和3开始。具体的变化和鐘律的“三分损益”法相同。即用1/1,2/3,4/3,3/3,6/9,12/9作为乘数来造行变化。其中,分母为阳,数字构成1:3:9的等比数列(公比为3);分子为(?),构成1:2:4和3:6:12两组等比数列(公比为2)。以这一变化为基础,每三组构成循环,历经九辰(仲冬至孟秋,是万物从孕育到长成的陪段),万物畏成,为“成之数”,经过完整的十二辰(四季)产生万物之数,为“该之(?)”,“成之数”和“该之(?)”相比,又回复到黄鐘之畏9,从而构成完整的天道循环。宇宙空间中的自然变化、社会更替都依据这外循环来进行。再通过数字的反复变化,就可以计算出太阳、月亮、五星的运行大周期,将万物变化都包含在内,同时也把万物的(?)阳化合本质蕴含其中,成为曆法数据推演的思想基础。二是述证《汉书·律曆志》的算法纪录,参考前人的相关算法研究,以字句训诂为本,(?)量贴近著者原意来说明《汉书·律曆志》的演算系统,以还原文献本意。包括其产生的自然科学、人文社会原因(如太阳回(?)年(?)差、星体运行恒星周期和会合周期、(?)星周期、三正理论、八十一分法等)。讨论其主要的推算办法,验证系统以及相对於今天的科技水平而言所存在的问题。并且仔细考证了西汉及其以前所使用的雨(?)曆法系统的关系以及(?)星纪年问题。对西汉及以前的曆法情况做了总体上的说明。这对於我们全面了解《汉书·律曆志》有参考作用。三是对《汉书·律曆志》进行版本比勘,以四个宋本、一个元本、殿本和中华书局本对《汉书·律曆志》造行校勘,结合算法系统,从文字音(?)训诂的角度,对《汉书·律曆志》的文献语言记录中的一些条目及有争论的问题做了考订,如“四千六百一十七(?),复得甲子”、“如法为一寸”、“六(?)之数”、“三十六年”等,合计63条答记。期望为研究者进行相关研究时提供一个参照。通过对《汉书·律曆志》的总体研究,能够对汉代宇宙观测及曆算水平有一个具象的认知,并为了解汉代宇宙观提供一种途径,更好地实现其在曆史学及思想史上的价值。

【Abstract】 As the representation of level of Astronomical observations and calendar in the Han Dynasty, it was recorded in the "The Luli treatise of the Hanshu".The researchers attention has been given modestly. in the Qing dynasty reached its fastigium. With the modern scientific and technological’s progress, it provides more convenient condition to produce fruitful results for the research of the "The Luli treatise of the Hanshu ". However, compared with the Overall research About items of the "The Luli treatise of the Hanshu ", the current study emphasizes the individual issues heavily. It can not escape from the comments paragraph by paragraph, even its the algorithm topics, There is not the overall content of analysis and interpretation about the "The Luli treatise of the Hanshu ". Therefore, it looks like scattered appreciably, resulting in some regret to us in the research of ideological history and the calendar on the history. The " The Luli treatise of the Hanshu" also does not have a systematic understanding.Therefore, based on the foregone study of the " The Ltlli treatise of the Hanshu ", we need for emend Almanac of the "Hanshu" newly.there are three complementary aspects:One is understanding a kinds of cosmism, it was established by Han dynasty in the " The Ltlli treatise of the Hanshu ";A concrete manifestation of this system is "three beginning" theory. "Three beginning " impenetrate everythings, it was based on the sun orbit. They try to use the temperament to depict this rule:Change in the natural universe is the unity of space, the earth and mankind,so start both yin and yang changes starting from 1 and 3.through the 1/1,2/3,4/3,3/3,6/9,12/9 as the multiplier to be changed. Among them, the denominator, the number of geometric form 1:3:9 series (common ratio is 3); molecules are composition 1:2:4 and 3:6:12 two geometric series (common ratio of 2). With this change, based on each of the three groups that constitute a cycle, after 9-chen,all things have grown.And then, after a complete 12-chen (Four Seasons),all things will start again.Compared 9-chen with 12-chen, we should acquire the ratio of Yang (1:3:9) again. So as to constitute a complete cycle, the space in the natural change, social change is based on this cycle. Repeated changes in digital, we can calculate the sun, moon, five-star running cycle.Second is interpret the algorithm system of the " The Luli treatise of the Hanshu ". To explore the subjective and objective reasons for its formation and its development context, and analysis its internal structure roundly;Third is to collate the versions of the " The Luli treatise of the Hanshu" and find the difference in the different text. There are 63 items in the aspects of language and acceptation through collation, and provide a reference for related research by this work.Through the the general study of the " The Luli treatise of the Hanshu ", we have known the understanding about the universe, its based on the observation of celestial bodies and the count of calendar, and to provide a means to understand the cosmism in the Han Dynasty, with a view to better achieve its value in the history and the ideology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

