

Jung: Nature, Mind and Literature

【作者】 常如瑜

【导师】 鲁枢元;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 作为精神分析学派的代表人物之一,荣格提出了许多重要的心理学思想。他的理论既是对弗洛伊德心理学思想的继承,同时又在后者的基础上对人类潜意识及其与自然和宇宙的关系等问题做了更加深入的研究。荣格的文艺理论在文学领域产生了深远的影响。他不仅发现了埋藏于个体潜意识之下更为深层的集体无意识精神,而且揭示了人类心灵同宇宙和自然之间的内在关系。荣格的文艺思想对于拯救现代人的精神危机、重塑人与自然之间的新关系以及文学作品的生态转向等问题都具有非常重要的意义。论文主要从自然、人类心灵以及文学的角度研究荣格的文艺心理学思想。在他的生态思想中,这三者的地位及其相互关系问题也是最为核心的问题。自然是文学和人类心灵的基础,自然不仅积淀了文艺作品的集体精神,而且决定了作家的创作心理。从人类集体心灵的广义层面上来说,自然对文学的影响是其对人类集体心灵影响的体现,文艺作品中表现的生态精神产生于人类集体灵魂深处。这些思想也构成了荣格生态思想的基本内容。首先概述荣格的文艺心理学思想。以集体无意识理论和情结理论对文学作品和作家心理的影响为核心,并从生态的角度初步考察荣格文艺思想对于文学艺术的价值和意义。集体无意识理论和情结理论是荣格文艺心理学思想中的两个重要理论,它们分别从作品心理和作家心理两个角度体现荣格的精神生态思想。一方面,集体无意识理论的主要内容是原型,原型来自自然。文学中的原型意象表现自然对人类心灵的影响。尤其是在集体无意识的层面上,原型意象凝聚了一个民族的精神,原型的心理内容涵盖了这个民族对自然和宇宙的认识。另一方面,情结是作家心理特征的呈现,但是,它超越了作家个体无意识的范畴,是作家心灵对民族精神、甚至人类精神的关照。同时,作家的心理情结又是对生态精神的投射。从生态角度来看,荣格文艺思想对弗洛伊德的超越就在于荣格文艺心理学理论中的精神生态思想。在精神与自然的关系问题上,荣格对集体无意识的发现,超越了弗洛伊德个体无意识理论的视域。在否定人类自我中心主义心理取向的基础上,探讨人类心灵同自然以及宇宙精神之间的内在联系。借助进化论和现代人类学理论,荣格回溯了原始人的生存智慧,并认为原型象征了人类最初的生存智慧,自然在人类心灵的形成过程中起到了决定性作用,文学和艺术作品中塑造的原型意象正是此种心灵智慧的显现。在概述荣格文艺心理学思想的基础上,文章着重探讨自然在荣格心理学中的地位问题。在荣格文艺心理学思想中,自然与人类心灵密切相关,自然以及自然精神对人类心灵产生了重要影响。这种影响集中体现在荣格的两个重要理论(集体无意识理论和情结理论)当中,它们共同反映荣格对人类精神的关注,尤其是现代人的精神病症。其作用在于疗救现代人的精神问题,重新修正人类心灵当中自然的地位以及人与自然界其他物种之间的关系。更进一步来说,荣格认为,自然在人类心灵形成过程中具有重要作用。人类精神来自于最原始的自然精神,从集体无意识的角度而言,人类精神与生态精神是不可分离的。正因如此,荣格的生态精神恰恰落实在原型中的生态思想及其对文艺作品的影响。与理性和科学不同,文学所反映的并非是人类意识和理智的需求,而是意识之下深层潜意识的内容,这部分内容很大程度上取决于自然和宇宙精神对人类心灵的影响。它的最初形态,如神话传说、古代仪式以及梦幻等,都源自于自然。一方面,文学作品中的原型意象象征人类心灵与自然最原初的关系,并反映自然在人类集体记忆深处留下的印迹。另一方面,从人类心灵角度来看,文学作品本身来源于自然,它产生于受自然影响的人类集体无意识心理,即生态无意识心理。生态无意识作为生态思想与荣格集体无意识思想的结合,对于解释文学作品与自然和生态之间的内在联系具有非常重要的意义。此外,原型批评作为荣格心理学思想在文学批评领域的重要应用之一,也体现了丰沛的精神生态思想。荣格生态思想对文学的影响还反映在他对人类心灵(包括作家心理)与自然之间内在关系的深入探索。首先是对作家创作心理的研究。作家的创作活动实际上是受到生态无意识心理影响的,无论是回归意识还是逃避情结,都来自于作家心灵对自然的“感应”。其次是对人类集体心理的影响,荣格清楚地看到现代人的心灵危机源于人类对自我灵魂的迷失,这也同建设性的后现代思想不谋而合。在大卫·格里芬所代表的许多后现代哲学家的理论中我们也可以看到荣格精神的影响。因此,荣格的生态思想对后现代思想产生了深远影响。对于文学的生态转向而言,荣格的生态思想激发了人们灵魂深处对自然的回归和向往之情,文学转向自然和生态恰恰表明自然与人类心灵的内在关系。在集体无意识精神指引下,人类的哲学思想、文学精神以及心灵都朝着一个新的方向转变,这个新的价值转向的核心便是人类同自然和宇宙万物的新关系。最后,论文对荣格生态思想在文学实践中的应用做了具体研究。一个典型的例子就是魔幻现实主义作家的创作经验。如马尔克斯的《百年孤独》、博尔赫斯的诗歌等。可以说,拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义作家通过大量的文艺创作活动实践了荣格的生态思想,并且从集体无意识的深处挖掘人类精神同整个自然精神之间的联系。他们在创作过程中,往往将人类历史、民族命运以及梦幻、神话同自然和宇宙精神结合起来,塑造出神奇怪诞的文学意象。这些意象可以追溯到遥远的过去,具有高度的象征意义。它们容纳了作家对人类精神世界和自然宇宙的深度体验,反映作家对人类和自然关系的思考,而这一切又都受到生态无意识心理对作家灵魂的影响。同时,这些作品富含生态思想,反映真正具有生态情怀的文学家对人类命运、民族命运以及自然精神和宇宙精神的关注。

【Abstract】 As one of representatives of Psychoanalytic School, Jung proposed many important psychological thoughts.His theories inherited from Freud’s psychological thoughts,at the same time,he made deeper study in human unconscious and the relationships between unconscious and Nature and Universe.Jung’s literary theories had a profound impact in literature.He not only found collective unconscious that buried under the individual unconscious,but elaborated the inherent relationships between human mind and Universe and Nature.Jung’s literary thoughts are of great significance to save the spiritual crisis of modern man,remodel new relationships between human mind and Universe and Nature and the eco-turn of literature, etc.The dissertation studies Jung’s literary psychological thoughts from the point of view of Nature,human mind and literature.In his ecological thoughts,the status and the relationships of the three are the crux problem.Nature which is the base of literature and human mind, not only accumulate the collective spirit of literary works,but determine authorr’s writing psychology. From generalized dimension of human collective mind,the impact of Nature on literature is the manifestation of human collective mind,the ecological spirit of literature comes from human collective soul.All these thoughts compose the elements of Jung’s ecological thoughts.Firstly, the dissertation overviews Jung’s literary thoughts.The core is that the impact of collective unconscious theory and complex theory on literature and authers’ psychology.And initially studies the value and significance of Jung’s literary thoughts on literature and arts in ecology.Collective unconscious theory and complex theory are two important theories in Jung’s psychological thoughts,they express Jung’s spirit ecological thoughts in psychology of works and authors’ psychology.On the one hand,the main content of collective unconscious is archetype,archetypes come from Nature.The archetype images of literature express the impact of Nature on human mind.Especially in the level of collective unconscious,archetype images embody a nation’s spirit,and the psychological contents of archetype cover the nation’s understanding of Nature and Universe.On the other hand,complex is the manifestation of authers’ psychological characteristics, however,it is beyond authers’ individual unconscious,and it is the care of authers’ mind on nation’s spirit and even human spirit.At the same time,authers’ complex is the projection of eco-spirit.From an ecological point of view, the transcendence of Jung’s literary thoughts to Freud is the spirit of ecological thoughts in Jung’s literary psychology theories.On the problem of the relationships between spirit and Nature,the discovery of collective unconscious by Jung is beyond the horizon of Freud’s individual unconscious theory.On the basis of negative psychological orientation of anthropocentrism, study the inherent relationships between human mind and spirit of Nature and Universe.Through Evolution and modern anthropological theory,Jung traced the living wisdom of primitive.He thought that archtype is the symbol of living wisdom of primitive,and Nature plays a decisive role in the process of the formation of the human soul. Archtypes in literature and artistic works are the manifestation of the wisdom.On the basis of an overview of Jung’s literary psychological thoughts,the dissertation focuses on the the status of Nature in Jung’s literary psychological thoughts.In Jung’s literary psychological thoughts, Nature is closely related to the human mind,Nature and Nature spirit have a major impact on human mind.The impact is reflected in two important theories of Jung’s(collective unconscious theory and complex theory), which reflect the spirit of Jung’s concern for human mind,especially modern psychiatric disease.The effect is a treatment for modern psychiatric disease, and revises the status of Nature in human mind and the relationships between human and other species of Nature.Furthermore,in Jung’s view,Nature plays an important role in the formation of the human mind.Human spirit is from the most primitive natural spirit,from the point of view of collective unconscious,human spirit can not be separated from the ecological spirit.So, Jung’s eco-spirit is manifested in ecological thought of archetypes and the influence of which in the literary works.Different from ration and science, literature is not reflected in the needs of human consciousness and intellect, but the contents of the unconscious, which is depends largely on the influence of Spirit of nature and the universe on human soul.Its original form, such as legends, ancient ritual, and fantasy and so on, are all derived from nature. On the one hand, archetypes in literature symbolize initial relationships of human mind and Nature,and reflect the blot in human collective memories left by Nature. On the other hand, from human mind, literary works come from Nature,they are from human collective unconscious that is under the influence of Nature, it can be called Ecological unconscious. As the combination of ecological thought and Jung’s collective unconscious, ecological unconscious has great significance to explain the inherent relationships between literary works and Nature and ecology.Furthermore, as an important application of Jung’s psychological thoughts in literary criticism, archetypal criticism manifests many spirit ecological thoughts.The influence of Jung’s ecological thoughts is reflected in his study on the inherent relationships of human mind(including the authers’ psychology) and Nature.Firstly, for authers’ psychology.The authers’ writing activities are impacted by ecological unconscious.Whether regression conscious or escape complex,both come from the induction of authers to Nature.Secondly, for the influence on human collective psychology.Jung clearly saw that the crisis of modern mind was from the lost of human soul by themselves.The thoughts coincide with the post-modern theory.In many of the theory of post-modern philosophers represented by David Griffin, we can also see the influence of the spirit of Jung. So, Jung’s ecological thoughts have deep impact on postmodern thoughts.For the eco-turn of literature,Jung’s ecological thoughts excite regression and longing for the Nature in the depth of human mind, literature turns to Nature and ecology express the inherent relationships of Nature and human mind. Under the guidance of unconscious spirit,human philosophy, literature spirit and soul shift to a new direction, the core of the new value shift is the new relationship of human and nature and the universe.At last,the dissertation makes study on the literary practice of Jung’s ecological thoughts.A typical example is the creative experience of magic realism authors.For example,Garcia Marquez’s Hundred Years of Solitude, Borges’s poems,etc.It can be said that the Latin American magic realism authors take many literary activities to put Jung’s ecological thoughts in practice, and the relationships of human spirit and Nature spirit in the depth of collective unconscious.In the writing process,they always combine history, destiny of the nation, as well as fantasy, myth with the spirit of nature and the universe, create magical and grotesque literary images These images can be traced back to the distant past, with Highly symbolic. They accommodate the double understanding of the authorr on the human spiritual world and nature and the universe,reflect the exploration of author for the relationship between human and nature. The all are also depend on the influence of the Ecological-unconscious on the soul of authorr. At the same time, these works have many ecological thoughts,and reflect the attention of ecological authors to the destiny of human and nation and the spirit of Nature and Universe.

【关键词】 荣格集体无意识情结自然心灵
【Key words】 JungCollective UnconsciousComplexNatureMind
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

