

A Study of Chinese Color Terms in Pre-Sui Dynasty

【作者】 赵晓驰

【导师】 蔡镜浩;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 词汇场的历史演变研究是建立完整的汉语词汇史的重要内容。颜色词是从词义角度划分出的一大词汇类聚,这个词汇类聚所具有的封闭性使得对其进行尽可能的穷尽性研究成为可能。将隋前分为上古和中古两个时期(以东汉为界),研究隋前汉语颜色词场的历史演变,并描写这一时期汉语颜色词的语义聚合和组合关系,是建立完整的汉语颜色词发展史的基础,也是建立完整的汉语词汇史的基础,同时还是探讨相关词汇现象和规律的一个重要平台。隋前颜色词系统主要由赤、黑、白、青、黄五大色彩范畴的语词组成。从上古到中古,五大颜色词场的单音词总体上是稳定的,主要表现为中古承用了上古的大部分单音词,且大都是使用频率较高的词。从上古到中古,五大颜色词场的复音语词变化较大,主要表现为复音语词在数量上激增,共有的成员所占比重不大。总体看来,复音颜色语词的构词以并列式和偏正式为主。通过对隋前五大颜色词场的语义聚合分析,可将各色范畴的颜色语词划分为不同的语义类聚,还可观察到某一色彩义与别的语义结合的倾向性,主要是与邻近色彩义和伴随特征义的结合。这种结合既有单音词的形式,也有复音词的形式,前者被结合的语义隐藏不露,后者被结合的语义表现为现实的语形。通过对上古和中古各色彩范畴的主要单音词与六大语义类别的对象搭配情况的观察,可了解同一词场的主要成员在搭配对象上的异同。共同之处体现了各成员意义同一性的一面,不同之处多是因为各成员在色彩上具有细微差别以及色彩义的来源不同。如“缟”本指白色生绢,后色彩义与名物义脱离,表抽象的白色,受其色彩最初所附名物的限制一般只修饰织物类对象,而几乎没有在其他语义域发展搭配对象。又如“骍”、“骊”主要搭配动物类对象则是因为这两词最初分别指红色的马和黑色的马。我们还可从使用频率及搭配对象观察某些颜色词从上古到中古的演变,而这两个方面往往是相互说明、相互印证的。最为明显的是中古“红”在使用频率、搭配范围、构词能力等方面都体现出取代“赤”的强劲势头。另如伴随“纁”、“苍”、“玄”、“缁”在中古地位的下降,其搭配对象一般都是承用上古的而没有新的发展;伴随“绛”、“绿”、“黑”、“皂”等词在中古地位的提升,搭配范围都有很大发展。综合考虑颜色词的使用频率、构词能力、搭配范围等因素,我们认为上古赤、黑、白、青、黄五大颜色词场的基本颜色词分别是“赤”、“玄、黑”、“白”、“青”和“黄”;中古这五大颜色词场的基本颜色词分别是“赤”、“黑”、“白”、“青”、“黄”。可见,黑类词场的基本词从“玄、黑”两个变成了一个。另外,赤类词场“红”有替代“赤”的趋势,青类词场“绿”有替代“青”的趋势。上古色彩与名物常融合于一个单音词中,到了中古时期,不少色物词的色彩义从原词溢出,以颜色词的形式附加于原词之前,产生了一批“颜色词+原词”的语词。这主要是由于原词色彩义的磨灭和原义的泛化,为了表义的准确完足而促使色彩义溢出;另外,也有字形、修辞、认知等方面的原因。中古色物词中色彩义的溢出是中古词汇“从隐含到呈现”变化现象中的一个类别,是符合汉语词汇发展总体趋势的。受先民形象性思维的影响,色彩成为名物命名中很重要的一种特征理据。上古以色名物主要表现为一系列以色彩义为语源义的单音节同源名物词。从中古开始,以色名物主要表现为以颜色词为参构语素的复音复合词,其中的颜色词起分类界定的作用;另外颜色词的借代用法也可实现对事物的命名。我们可利用转喻和隐喻两大思维模式来解释这两种命名方式的认知机制。通过对30个常用单音颜色词词义演变模式的梳理,我们发现在隐喻和转喻思维的作用下,30个常用单音颜色词从色彩义出发,引申出分属八大范畴的195个义项,各范畴的意义与色彩意义之间有或远或近的语义关联,在此基础上以家族相似性为特征构成了颜色词的词义系统。某些辞书在颜色词收词、释义方面存有一些疏误,多是因为对颜色词的复音化进程、颜色词的模糊性、颜色词的文化特性等情况认识不足造成的。颜色词辞书释义问题的探讨有助于促进相关辞书的完善。

【Abstract】 The historic evolution research of vocabulary field is an important content for establishing complete Chinese vocabulary history. The color term is a big divided part of vocabulary gathering from the acceptation angle which has some abjuration with a limited research possibility. With the Pre-Sui dynasty divided into ancient times and mediaeval times(based on the Dong-han times), researching on pre-Sui Chinese color terms’historic evolution and describing its acceptation gathering and combinative relationship is the base of establishing a complete Chinese color terms history and Chinese vocabulary history, and also an important platform for discovering interrelated vocabulary phenomena and regulations.The pre-Sui color terms system mainly comprises five categories of phraseologies: red, black, white, cyan, and yellow. From ancient to mediaeval times the system’s single syllabic words are generally steady with exhibition of a large quantity in common and highly frequent usage rate. Meanwhile, the system’s complex tone phraseologies change greatly in rapid quantity increase and a relatively low proportion in common, which generally speaking, have the formation models of apposition and affixation.Through the previous analysis all these five categorized color terms can be divided into diverse acceptation accumulations in addition to the tendency observation of the combination between one certain color term acceptation and other one, especially the adjacent color term and accompanied diagnostic one. This combination has the forms of single syllabic words and complex tone words, in which the former has a hidden combined acceptation, while the latter showcases the realistic shell.Through observation on the objective arrangement situations of all main single syllabic words and six categorized terms we can understand the difference in arrangement objectives of main members within the same term field. The common point represents the side of identical acceptation within members, while the different is due to minute difference and diverse origins among one another. Take this word“缟’’as an example, which originally means white raw silk. But later it only means abstract whiteness after separation of the color acceptation from the objective meaning. Restrained by its acceptation origin and modifying only the fabric objects it develops no arrangement ones in other terms fields. As for this word“骍’’, which originally means the red horse, it is used to modify animals when developing the abstract red acceptation. So is the word“骊’’.We can also observe some color terms’evolution from ancient times into mediaeval times in terms of usage frequency and arrangement objects which can explain and corroborate each other. The most obvious example is that the term“红’’showcases the prominent tendency to replace the word“赤’’in terms of usage frequency, arrangement ranges, and word-building capabilities. With the declining status of such words like“纁’’,“苍’’,“玄’’and“缁’’, they develop no new arrangement objectives in succession to ancient ones. With the ascending status of such words like“绛’’,“绿’’,“黑’’and“皂’’, the arrangement range of these words develop greatly.Taking into consideration of color terms’usage frequency, word-building capabilities and arrangement ranges, we think that the five-color terms group including“赤’’,“黑’’,“白’’,“青’’and“黄’’has a basic color terms of“赤’’,“玄,黑’’,“白’’,“青’’and“黄’’in ancient times, while they are“赤’’,“黑’’,“白’’,“青’’and“黄’’in mediaeval times. It’s easy to see that the black categorized terms“玄’’and“黑’’change from two into only one, the“红’’has the tendency to replace the“赤’’for the red terms, and“绿’’to replace“青’’for the cyan ones.Colors and nominal objects usually have a fusion form in ancient times and a batch of phraseologies take place in mediaeval times consisting of color terms plus original word with color acceptation having spillage over the original word due to the latter’s wearing away and expansion for accurate expression or because of word shapes, rhetoric and perceptions. The mediaeval times vocabulary develop from enfolding into unfolding with color terms’acceptation spillage as its one sort, which conform to the general Chinese vocabulary developmental tendency.Nominal objects are denominated on the basis of colors impacted upon ancestors’visualizing thoughts, which is represented in a series of same-origin single syllabic nominal terms with colors’meanings showcasing the derivations in ancient times, while in mediaeval times which is represented in the complex tone terms with color terms as the constitutional elements functioning as delimitations and classifications or by means of metonymy. We can explain the two methods’cognitive mechanisms utilizing the intellective modes of metonymy and metaphor.Through the pectination over the acceptations evolution modes of mostly used 30 single syllabic color terms we discover that featuring the family similarities, the color terms acceptation system is formed by means of metonymy and metaphor, which is based on different far or near meaning correlations between categorized acceptations and original color acceptations with derivations of 195 items which belong to eight categories.There are some dictionaries having neglects in color terms’gleanings and explanations mostly due to lack of knowledge in color terms’complication processes, haziness, and cultural specialities. The discovery in the problems of color terms’paraphrases can boost the related dictionaries’consummation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

