

Change and Response: Research of Public-private Partnerships in the Administrative Law

【作者】 陈军

【导师】 杨海坤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 行政法诞生于19世纪自由法治国家背景之下。行政法体系主要由行政主体、行政行为和行政救济的三个组成部分架构,其中行政行为居于核心地位。但20世纪中后期,行政法赖以建立和存在的国家理论、法治理念以及行政法研究对象公共行政发生了重大变迁,传统行政法面临挑战。行政法必须根据公共行政的发展,适时变化与革新,以适应行政不同阶段的发展需要。本文正是基于这种考虑,透过公私合作的视角,尝试运用行政法学的基本原理、行政学、政治学和经济学等学科的有关知识,采取比较、实证等研究方法,研究公私合作背景下行政法的变化与革新,建构适应公私合作发展需要的行政法基本制度。全文共分为五章:第一章公私合作的理论基础及演进历程。公私合作是行政机关作为公部门和私人部门为实现公共任务而采取的一种合作关系,它可以涵盖公部门单纯运用公权力实现公共任务和公共任务完全民营化之间的所有公部门和私部门的合作形式。公私合作具体分为行政委托、公私合营、公共建设参与、公私合作管制等四种形态。公私合作存在一定理论基础,公私合作是以治理理论、公共选择理论、合作国家理论等理论为基础理论体系作支撑的。公私合作形式的存在并迅速发展,在国外及我国有一个历史演进的过程。第二章公私合作的行政法行为形式。公私合作涉及行政公权力运作,在行政法上通过一定的法律形式表现出来。行政行为形式选择自由理论为公私合作行为形式存在奠定了行政法理论基础。公私合作在行政法上主要通过行政契约、私法契约和非正式行政行为形式表现出来。第三章公私合作的行政法规制。公私合作存在一定的负面影响,行政法必须对其进行规制。我国通过一系列的行政法规和规章对公私合作行为进行规制,但还存在诸多问题,有必要进一步完善。笔者对我国公私合作行政法规制存在问题、如何进行规制及如何完善进行探讨,并以特许经营为中心进行实证分析,考察我国行政法对公私合作的规制。第四章公私合作背景下行政法的变化与革新。公私合作下行政任务由传统行政法中行政机关单独承担到行政机关与私人部门共同承担。行政任务的完成主体变化,为行政法带来重大挑战。公私合作下行政法的公私法性质、行政法基本理念、行政主体制度、行政行为法制度、行政程序法制度、行政责任承担等行政法基本制度相应发生变迁。公私合作引发行政法的制度变迁,行政法面临变化与革新。第五章公私合作的行政法基本制度的建构。行政法治实践中公私合作蓬勃发展,行政任务完成方式的变迁,促使行政法研究范围的调整和研究内容的更新,促使行政机关和行政权力为主线的传统行政法体系的改造与重构,促使国家角色和行政法治理念发生转变。公私合作背景下,传统行政法面临巨大挑战,传统行政法的基本制度亟需创新。公私合作使传统行政法向现代新行政法过渡,建构相关新的行政法制度以适应行政活动发展成为必要,这一建构制度涉及行政主体制度、行政行为制度、行政程序制度、行政责任制度、司法审查制度、自我规制制度等整个行政法的大厦。公私合作背景下,私人主体行政法律地位的确立、公私合作行为的行政实践、合作式行政程序的兴起、国家履行责任向担保责任和监督责任的转变、司法审查制度的重构、自我规制进入行政法学的研究视野,都是行政法学研究亟需解决的课题。公私合作背景下,传统行政法基本制度的必须作出调整和建构新的制度,以回应公私合作的行政法治实践的需要。

【Abstract】 Administrative law was born under in the national context of the rule of law of freedom in the 19th century.the system of administrative law mainly consist of the three components which are the administrative body、administrative acts and administrative relief, among which administrative acts is the core. However, in the late 20th century,the national theory、philosophy of the rule of law and public administration which is the object of study on administrative law on which administrative law establish and exist has undergone major changes, the traditional administrative law being confronted with challenges.Administrative law must timely change and innovate according to the development of public administration,in order to meet the administrative needs of different stages of development.This article is based on such considerations, through public-private partnerships in perspective, trying to apply the basic principles of administrative law、administrative science、political science and economics and related knowledge of other disciplines and adopting a contrast、empirical research methods, etc to study changes and innovations of administrative law under the context of public-private partnerships and build the basic system of administrative law which meet the development needs of public-private partnerships.Full-text is divided into five chapters:Chapter I Part of this thesis focused on the theoretical basis of public-private partnerships and the course of evolution. public-private partnerships which is a cooperative relationship that the executive authorities as a public and private sectors take to achieve common tasks,which can cover all forms of cooperation of public sectors and private sectors between the individual use of public power of the public sector to achieve common tasks and the full privatization.public-private partnerships are specificly divided into administrative commission, joint state-private ownership ,participation of public building, regulation of cooperation of public-private. there is a certain theoretical basis for public-private partnerships, public-private cooperation is based on theoretical system include theory of governance、theory of public choice and theory of co-state.forms of public-private partnerships exist and the rapidly develop ,which has a history of the evolution process in foreign countries and China.Chapter II the form of public-private partnership in administrative law. Public-private partnerships are related to administrative operation of public authority, which are displayed by certain legal forms in the administrative law.theory of freedom of choice in the form of administrative acts has laid a theoretical foundation of administrative law to acts of public-private partnerships. acts of public-private partnerships are displayed in the administrative law majorly through administrative contracts, private contracts, and informal administrative action forms.Chapter III Regulation of administrative law of public-private partnerships. administrative law must regulate public-private partnerships,because public-private partnerships have a negative impact. China draw up a series of administrative rules and regulations to regulate behavior of the public-private partnership, but there are still many problems, there is need for further refinement. the author explore problems of regulation of China’s administrative law on public-private partnerships、how to regulate public-private partnerships and how to improve. the author Study regulation of public-private partnerships in China’s administrative law centring franchise to empirical analysisChapter IV The administrative law changes and innovations under the context of public-private partnerships. it is responsible for administrative tasks from the administrative authority solely undertake in the traditional administrative law to share by the administrative authority and the private sector under the context of public-private partnerships. changes of the main body which undertake administrative tasks poses a major challenge to the administrative law. the basic system of administrative law occur a corresponding changes such as public and private law nature of administrative law, basic Philosophy of administrative law, the system of administrative main, the system of administrative acts, the system of administrative procedures law, Administrative accountability Under the public-private partnership.public-private partnerships Induced Changes of the basic system of administrative law, being confronted with with change and innovation in administrative lawChapter V the basic system of administrative law are builded on public-private partnerships. rapid Development of public-private partnerships in practices of rule of administrative law and changes in the way of completion of administrative tasks, promote the adjustment of the scope of administrative law and updates of the content of administrative law, make the traditional system of administrative law which is in the main line of the executive and administrative powers transformate and reconstructe, bring the role of nation and the basic philosophy of dministrative law change. Under the context of public-private partnerships, the traditional administrative law faces enormous challenges, the system of the traditional administrative law is in urgent need of basic innovations. Public-private partnerships promote the traditional administrative law transit to the modern administrative law. It is necessary to construct a related systems of new administrative law which relate whole administrative law including the system of administrative body、the system of administrative acts、the system of administrative procedures、the system of administrative accountability、the system of judicial review system , the system of self-regulation system.Under the context of public-private partnerships, these are all are needed to resolve the issue in the Study of administrative law,including establishment of administrative legal status on the private、the administrative practice of acts of public-private partnerships、the rise of cooperative administrative procedures、changes of responsibility of Countries from fulfilling their responsibility to guarantee accountability and oversight responsibilities、reconfiguration of the system of judicial review、self-regulation enter focus of research of the administrative law.Under the context of public-private partnerships, the the basic system of traditional administrative law must be adjusted and constructed the new system, in response to needs of practice of administrative law in public-private partnerships

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

