

The New Views on Mohism: The Textual Research for the Lose Contents of Mozi and Mohist Theory

【作者】 徐华

【导师】 张金铣;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文力图在前人研究基础上,辨析《墨子》篇章及内容,解读并阐述以墨子为代表的墨家学说的思想内容。全文共分十章,大体包括三方面:一是考辨今本《墨子》及其佚文,二是辨析史籍中关于墨子及其著作的记载,三是解读以墨子为代表的墨家思想的若干内容。第一章考论今所传道藏本《墨子》前七篇的内容,推断《亲士》、《修身》二篇当属墨子早年自著,而《所染》至《三辩》五篇则应为其早期门人弟子所记。第二章辨析疑出《墨子》的“献书惠王”、“天与地孰仁”、“先质而后文”和“申徒狄”四则佚文,指出有些或可补今本之阙,有些则实难从信。第三章通过对《太平御览》中内容同为“多言何益”的三则载录之分析与研究,以为其相互之间可互相印证,对话体现了墨子思想的务实主义倾向及特点。第四章通过对上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书中被指为《墨子》佚文的《鬼神之明》篇的研究,认为该篇当属《董子》而非《墨子》。第五章分析《史记·孟子荀卿列传》关于墨子记述所存在的疑点,推测其成因可能有三种,或是司马迁认为自己所掌握的材料尚不充分而慎语阙言,或是主、客观方面的多重因素导致有所隐没,或是流传过程中的人为删削使然。第六章辨别《汉书·艺文志》有关墨家出于“清庙之守”论断,认为其用意在于以“清庙”与“明堂”相呼应,暗喻墨学非仅枯守之说,而亦为治民之术。第七章从墨子关于政治、经济和人际关系三方面的论述出发,评析其社会思想,并就其社会思想中的模糊及矛盾之处进行解读,提出新的见解与思考,指出尽管墨子无情揭露当时社会的弊端,并力图改造现实、重塑理想社会,但其理论在实践中是难以施行的。第八章围绕墨子学说中涉及文化方面的一系列论述,剖析其文化思想内容,进而认为其文化思想的实质,在于通过对文化的功能主义解释,强调文化建设当立足于民众、社会和时代的需要。第九章分析墨子有关“义”的学说,将其理论总结为三个层次并予以述评,指出其“义”之学说的精髓在于“公”,与所云“爱”、“利”三位一体,构成墨家的核心理念和精神。第十章以《孟子·滕文公下》的一段话语为线索,从对墨、儒、杨三家思想的整体考察和比较中得出结论,认为其分歧与争议主要体现在对“孝”、“忠”的不同理解和把握上,由于中国传统社会自身的性质以及这三家学说的不同特点,决定了儒学最终成为占主导地位的思想。十章虽内容有别,繁简不同,然前后相应,密不可分。无论是考辨《墨子》文本及其佚文,还是解读《墨子》、阐释墨家学说,都力求能有所发明,以期有裨益于墨学研究之深化、进步。

【Abstract】 Based on the predecessor’s theory, this thesis expatiates the contents of Mohism by distinguishing and analyzing the chapter as well as the contents of Mozi. The whole text is divided into ten chapters, which roughly includes three aspects:Firstly, analyzing the current version Mozi and its lost contents; secondly, analyzing the records of Mo-tse and his articles in historical document; and thirdly, analyzing the Mohism theory examples.In the first chapter, through the analysis and research in the first seven chapters of Mozi, it is deduced that Befriending the learned and Self-cultivation are written by Mo-tse himself in his early years, moreover, the five chapters from On dyeing to Threefold arguments are recorded by his disciples in the early years.In the second chapter, the writer does research in some lost contents which Seemingly get from the now existing Mozi version. The themes are A Proposal to King Hui, Which one of heaven and earth is benevolent, the question is before knowing and Shentudi. It is pointed out that some may fill what is the blank in current version and some are undependable.In the third, through the analysis and research on the three records about Talking too much is useless from Tai Ping Yu Lan, the author of the thesis thinks that the records have cross-proved relationship with each other, as well as reflect the tendency and characteristics of pragmatism of Mohism.In the forth,by study in On ghosts which is indicated as the lost contents of Mozi in bamboo books of Kingdom Chu of war period in ancient China stored in Shanghai Museum, it is not believed that it belongs to Mozi but Dongzi.In the fifth,by the analysis of the doubtful points in statements about Mo-tse in now existing Shiji, the three reasons are gathered that Sima Qian thought his materials were still insufficient to say no more, that subjective or objective factors resulted in concealing something, that someone removed it during passing.In the sixth,by the research in the judgment that Mohist came from temple guarder in Hanshu, its purpose was believed to mean deeply that Mohism is not the dull theory, but the way to management.The seventh starts from Mo-tse’s discussion on politics, economics and interpersonal relationships. Moreover, according to the fussiness and contradiction in his social thoughts, new opinion and thought are put forward that although Mo-tse cruelly exposed and criticized the society, his dream of trying to change reality and rebuild an ideal society is beautiful but hard to put into effect.In the eighth, discussion and analysis being spread from different angles around a series of discussions relating to culture in Mo-tse theory, the essence of his cultural thoughts is believed that cultural construction should be established in the needs of people, society and times.In the ninth, Mo-tse’s idea about "justice" is divided into three levels, which are commented one by one. The pith of that theory is the trinity of fairness, love and benefit, which are on the same level and constitute the Mohist core idea and soul.In the last one, from a clew of a passage of Mencius’discourse, the ideas of Mo, Confucian and Yang being researched entirely and compared, the conclusion is that their differences and arguments are due to their different understanding of loyalty and filial piety. Confucianism plays a leading role at last for Chinese traditional society and the different ideas of the three schools.The ten chapters explain multifarious contents but are contextual corresponding and structural complete. No matter do chapters textual criticism, or Mohist thinking explanation is all for the purpose that is to find something new. Hope to benefit to deep research and improvement of Mohism study. More than twenty new opinions are presented in the ending "Conclusion" for reservation.

【关键词】 《墨子》《墨子》佚文墨家墨子思想
【Key words】 Mozithe lost contents of MoziMohistMohism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

