

The Study on Anhui Colloquial Periodical

【作者】 黄晓虹

【导师】 吴春梅;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 19世纪末20世纪初,民族危机日益加深。图强御侮、挽救危亡,成为近代中国人民压倒一切的神圣使命。一批先进的知识分子,认识到国民素质对国家兴衰存亡的决定性影响,把开启民智摆到了救亡运动的重要位置,并通过各种方式进行思想启蒙,创办白话报便是其中之一。这一时期涌现了许多著名的白话报刊。1904年由陈独秀创办的《安徽俗话报》,虽然从创刊到停刊只有短短的一年半时间,却“风行一时”、“驰名全国”,“仅及半载,每期从一千份增至三千份,销路之广为海内各白话(报)冠”,成为当时国内最具代表性的白话报刊之一《安徽俗话报》契合了时代的需求,以启蒙救亡为宗旨,从政治、经济、教育和社会习俗等方面对民众进行思想启蒙。本文拟在探讨《安徽俗话报》启蒙思想的主题之下,分五章对《安徽俗话报》的创刊背景、文本及思想内容展开较为全面系统的研究:第一章介绍《安徽俗话报》的创刊背景。主要从三方面入手进行分析,从清末新政时局到开民智思想的产生再到白话报的兴起与发展,试图从宏观角度理清《安徽俗话报》创办的历史背景及其相互间所产生的影响。笔者认为,清末新政时期新知识分子群体的出现和开民智思潮的发展,为白话报刊的产生和发展提供了条件和动因。而白话报刊创办后,又对新政和开民智思想作了积极的宣传鼓吹,双方起到了相互促进的作用。第二章主要对《安徽俗话报》进行述论。该部分首先对创办人陈独秀的思想演变及办刊实践进行述评。其次从办刊原因、目的、读者对象等方面对该报发刊词所体现的启蒙宗旨作分析。接着通过对《安徽俗话报》的主要栏目和内容进行统计评析,来论证该报启蒙民众、救亡图存的办刊宗旨,并通过分析《安徽俗话报》同人的思想和经历,来说明该报启蒙宗旨形成的必然性。最后对该报的广泛传播和停刊原因进行简要分析。第三至第五章主要是从不同视角来论述《安徽俗话报》的启蒙思想,其中:第三章主要探讨《安徽俗话报》对社会习俗的关注。本章从揭批封建恶俗、宣介科学、反对迷信、主张戏曲改良等方面,论析《安徽俗话报》的移风易俗思想。第一部分阐述了《安徽俗话报》的婚姻观。该报对封建婚姻制度进行了剖析和批判,并以西方婚姻方式为参照系,大力提倡婚姻自由。第二部分探讨了《安徽俗话报》以科学为武器,对阻碍社会进步的封建迷信思想和行为所作的揭露和批判。第三部分论述《安徽俗话报》的戏曲观。对于开通风气的“第一法门”——戏曲,《安徽俗话报》相当重视,一改封建社会对戏曲演员的轻视态度,并提出了改良戏曲的具体措施。第四章主要论析《安徽俗话报》的国家意识。19世纪末20世纪初的中国,民族危机空前严重。创办于此时的《安徽俗话报》,虽是一份地方性报刊,但关心国家命运,关注国家大事,却是贯穿该报始终的一条主线。《安徽俗话报》从反抗外来侵略、维护国家利益、启蒙民众爱国救亡意识的角度出发,一方面以近代西方国家政治学说为理论依据对近代国家观念作阐述,另一方面揭露列强侵略行径,将瓜分豆剖的危局呈现在国人眼前;同时抨击清廷的腐败与无能,暗中鼓吹革命。该报主张实业救国、教育救国,并在兴办实业、改良教育方面提出了自己的观点。本章希望通过对上述问题的论述,充分展现该报所具有的国家意识。第五章主要对《安徽俗话报》立足本土,关注安徽矿权斗争尤其是铜官山矿权斗争情况,鼓励兴办学堂,劝戒恶习等内容进行述评。本章主要是为了体现《安徽俗话报》全国视野下的安徽视角,以突出该报的本土特色。《安徽俗话报》是晚清时期出现的一份重要白话报刊。该报虽然存在时间不长,却传播较广、影响较大。因此,本文结语部分试图对《安徽俗话报》的办报特点和成功之处作个总结。笔者以为,《安徽俗话报》之所以取得一定成就,是与该报通俗生动的语言和文体、顺应时代的办刊宗旨以及全国观念和地方意识兼顾的取材视角紧密相关。《安徽俗话报》将三者不着痕迹地统一于一体,由此而取得的启蒙效果和产生的社会影响,是当时许多报刊所难以达到的,该报也因此成为这一时期“最有代表性”的白话报刊之一。

【Abstract】 In the late 19th century and early 20th century, the national crisis became more and more severe. It was urgent for the Chinese people in modern times to make the country strong, to defend against the imperial insults, and to save the nation from extinction. An advanced group of intellectuals realized the critical impact that the civilian’s quality has on the national destiny of prosperity and decline. They put emphasis on inspiring people’s mind in the national salvation movement and tried to enlighten people’s thoughts in all ways, among which the most important one is to establish newspapers in the vernacular. In this period a great deal of well-known newspapers in the vernacular emerged. Anhui Colloquial Periodical was established by Duxiu Chen in 1904. In spite of its short time of one-and-a-half years, it has been proclaimed the fad in the time. It was so well-known all over the country that it became the bestseller among all the newspapers in the vernacular with an increase of the circulation of every issue from 1000 to 3000 in only half a year. In this way, Anhui Colloquial Periodical became the then most influential journals in the vernacular in China.Aiming at enlightening the Chinese people and saving China from subjugation, Anhui Colloquial Periodical met the demand of time and enlightened the thoughts of people in politics, economy, education and social customs. This paper intends to explore the Anhui Colloquial Periodical in the theme of Enlightenment, with the following sub-sections comprehensively and systematically studied, such as founded background, text and ideological content.The first section introduces the founded background of Anhui Colloquial Periodical. It discussed the historical founded background of Anhui Colloquial Periodical and their inter-impact from a macro perspective mainly from such three respects as the current situation under the New Deal at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the opening of people’s wisdom, and the rise and development of vernacular newspaper. A more relaxed policy environment situation under the New Deal and the beginning and development of the trend of opening people’s wisdom provide conditions and motivations to the emergency and development of vernacular journals at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Vernacular journals made a positive publicity and advocacy of the New Deal and opening people’s wisdom. The two sides promoted each other in development.The second part is about the overview of Anhui Colloquial Periodical. It starts with the comment on the founder Chen’s ideological evolution and the practice of running the journal. Second, it follows the analysis of the Enlightenment purpose embodied in the foreword to Anhui Colloquial Periodical in the respects of reasons, aim, readers and etc. Then it proves the purpose of running the newspaper as public enlightenment and salvation and survival of the nation by the statistical assessment of its main columns and contents; and illustrates the necessity of the enlightened purpose of the newspaper by analyzing the Anhui Colloquial Periodical colleagues’ideas and experiences. Finally, the paper has a brief analysis of the reasons for the widespread and stop of publication.The third to the fifth part mainly discusses Enlightenment of the Anhui Colloquial Periodical. In Chapter Three, it discusses the transformation of traditions in exposing and criticizing the feudal vulgar, disseminating science, protesting against superstition, and advocating improving drama. The first part of this chapter is on the marriage perspective of Anhui Colloquial Periodical. The second part discusses that taking science as a weapon, Anhui Colloquial Periodical exposed and criticized the feudal superstition thinking and behavior which impeded the progress of the society. The third part is about the perspective on drama. In Chapter Four, It reveals the political aspirations of Anhui Colloquial Periodical in exposing aggression, attacking corruption of the Qing Dynasty, and instilling the modern concept of state to people, it analyzes that under the situation of national peril and the rising trend of, Anhui Colloquial Periodical advocated saving the nation by developing industry and its indirect participation in the development of industry, it explores its education advocacy, puts forward its own perspectives on children education, women education, setting up new schools and carrying out national education in military. But the newspaper had no breakthrough in its advocacy of educational reform in comparison to the effective and comprehensive educational reform in terms of the New Deal of the Qing Dynasty. In Chapter Five, it comments that based on local affairs, Anhui Colloquial Periodical showed great concern to the Anhui mineral rights struggle, running schools and admonishing bad habits. This chapter is mainly to show the localism of Anhui Colloquial Periodical under the national perspective and highlight the newspaper’s local characteristics.Anhui Colloquial Periodical is important as vernacular newspapers in the period of democratic revolution. Though the newspaper did not last very long, it was widely spread and influential. Therefore, in the concluding section, it attempts to summarize the features and successes of Anhui Colloquial Periodical. In my opinion, the achievements of the newspaper lies in its vivid language and style, the purpose of running with the times and the balance of both national and local perspectives. Anhui Colloquial Periodical successfully combined them into one unit, and had huge enlightenment and social impact, which was unachievable for many other journals. Just for this reason, Anhui Colloquial Periodical became one of "the most representative" vernacular newspapers in that period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

