

Newspapers and Journals in Modern China and Eastward Spread of Western Medicine

【作者】 潘荣华

【导师】 吴春梅;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国近代大规模的西医东渐发端于19世纪初,传教士具有首创之功。传教士传播西医的初始目标是引领中国人皈依基督福音,但是其结果却造成另一种历史图景:大批传教医生掀起“福音婢女”的神秘面纱,开始把医院作为撒播西医仁爱精神的初始阵地。此后,大批传教士在中国创办西医学校、成立西医社团、译述西医书籍和创办西医报刊,这些现代性传播工具在将西医传播到中国的同时,也为中国传统医学的传承方式注入崭新的现代性因素,特别是报刊这种新型传播工具的采用,以其特有的魅力和价值打破普通人际传播的局限,不仅揭开中国近代报刊史的序幕,将大众传播工具和传播模式引入中国,标志着中国传统信息传播方式的颠覆,而且大大提高西医传播的效果。如果说传教士拉开报刊传播西医的序幕,那么,晚清时期,早期的本土西医群体和留日医学生群体创办的启蒙报刊,则打破外国人操控西医传播权的局面,开创国人主动接受和自觉传播西医的历史新篇章。当然,从其规模和影响上看,自办启蒙报刊尚不足以与传教士报刊相抗衡,但客观上加速了西医传播的本土化进程,对启迪民族精神、谋求救国良策、祛除教会医学的毒魅,起到不可低估的积极意义。特别是陈垣,在学生时代就将个人前途和民族安危紧密联系在一起,积极支持收回医学教育权的运动,善于利用报刊的强大宣传和教育功能,开辟一条独特的医学救国之路,他以“著述医”自称,以卫生报刊为阵地,以医学救国为主线,努力宣传救国、保民、强种思想,使救国思想在更大范围内得到彰显和传播。从历史传承和空间扩散上看,民国时期西医传播事业较之晚清时期有空前发展,这不仅表现为西医报刊总量飞速增长,也表现在西医传播事业的历史进程上。虽然民国时期战乱频仍,社会动荡,使得西医传播进程呈现出阶段性顿挫和地域性差异,但是始终弦歌不绝,艰难发展。特别是八年抗战和解放战争时期,报刊总量超过前期任何一个阶段,传播中心也历经数次变迁,先是以上海为全国性中心向周围扩散,抗战时期又移至中西部中心城市和革命根据地,最终形成一个多中心多向性扩散网络,传播环境的改善和良性生态的形成,进一步增强报刊传播西医的能力。革命根据地地处偏僻落后的农村,生活环境艰苦,文化教育卫生条件落后,疫病严重威胁军民健康。但是革命根据地克服各种困难,因陋就简,广泛利用各种党报党刊和专业报刊,结合其它形式,开展卓有成效的卫生宣教运动。虽然根据地卫生报刊种类少,生存难,但是却在中国共产党的坚强领导下,在广大军民的艰苦努力下,胜利完成各个时期的历史使命,把根据地建设成中国卫生宣教事业的先进地区,为各个时期中国农村的卫生建设积累了经验,也为解放后全国卫生工作的推进奠定了基础。革命根据地卫生宣教事业有很多值得总结的宝贵经验。从传播主体上看,医校报刊、团体报刊、官办报刊、专科报刊和报纸副刊的纷纷出现,表明多主体传播格局已经形成,组织传播最终成为报刊传播西医的主要形式。首先,医校报刊是教育传播的重要媒介和师生学术活动的重要途径;也是传播和弘扬医学救国精神和职业理念的重要平台。其次,社团与报刊共生是当时中国医界的一道风景线。西医群体、西医社团和西医报刊相辅相成,构成医学发展的内部支撑体系,特别是专科报刊,为西医理论体系的本土化和现代医学体制在中国的建立作了充分的准备。再次,以通俗、简明为特征的报纸副刊纷纷问世,标志着西医传播已经开始由精英阶层向普通大众进行科学教化的等级传播模式。此外,作为政府喉舌的官办报刊,在舆论导向、采编质量等方面都处于优势和主导地位,对西医传播事业有重要的示范和指导作用。多元传播格局下西医传播事业的繁荣,给中国近代医学的发展带来什么?文章分别以医校报刊、学术期刊、医团报刊为中心,对西医传播的效果作一宏观考察。首先,民国时期,政府多次颁布法令,收回教育主权,推行学制改革,自办医学院校逐渐取代教会医学校,成为当时规模最大的西医传播组织,为西医共同体的形成与发展准备大批后备人才。其次,西医的不断传入预示着西医传播已经从信息接收转变到体制构建上来——理论体系的本土化和实践模式的本土化。学术社团和学术报刊的问世为西医体制在中国的移植与再造提供组织保障和制度基础,促进学术研究向专深方向发展,也促成西医共同体的壮大。再次,西医共同体不仅是现代医学知识的生产者和传播者,而且成为现代公共卫生事业的倡导者和实践者。政府施为、社会参与、服务大众是公共卫生的基本特点。公共卫生制度的建构过程实质上是医学的国家化、社会化和大众化过程。事实上,西医共同体在借鉴国外先进的卫生制度时,非常注意公共卫生的国家化、社会化和大众化推进,从而指明未来医疗卫生事业的重点问题和发展方向。

【Abstract】 The large-scaled western medicine application of current China initiated at the beginning of the 19th century which was attributed mostly to the efforts of missionaries. The preliminary purpose of transmitting western medicine was to lead Chinese to convert to the gospel of Christ. However, the outcome turned to be another kind of historical picture:a large number of missionary doctors lifted the mysterious veil of the "Gospel maid" and began to use hospitals as the places of charity. Since then, many western missionaries in China established schools, western social associations, translated western books and founded western newspapers. These modern tools of communication not only transmitted western medicine to China but also added some modern factors into traditional Chinese medicine, especially the wide-spread use of newspapers broke ordinary communicating limitations with its unique charm and value and greatly enhanced the effect of spreading of Western medicine which not only opened a prelude of the history of modern Chinese press but also brought the mass media and patterns of transmission to China. It symbolized the innovation of Chinese transmitting tradition.If western missionaries opened a prelude of transmitting the western medicine by the press, then, during the late Qing dynasty, the enlightening newspapers and magazines founded by local western medical groups and medical students studying in Japan broke the situation that foreigners manipulating the western medicine transmission and opened a new chapter of the history of western medicine in China. Although from the aspects of scale and impact, running the enlightening press cannot be compared with the missionary press but objectively accelerated the localization process of spreading of western medicine. The positive significance of enlightening the national spirits, seeking good policy, eliminating church medicine cannot be underestimated. Especially a young man called Chen Yuan, tightly linked his individual prospect with the national safety and actively supports recovering the right of medical education campaign. He was good at utilizing the power of newspaper propogating and educational functions and opened a unique way of saving the country by medicine he used the press as the tool to announce the ideas of saving the nation, protecting people and transmitted the ideas of saving the nation in wider spread.From the view of time and space, transmission of western medicine was developed at an unprecedented speed compared with the late Qing dynasty which was reflected by the increase of the amount of newspapers. Despite the frequent war and social unrest hinder the pace of development, the western medicine developed toughly. Particularly during the eight-year war and the liberation war, the amount of newspapers reached the maximum than ever. The centre of transmission had changed its location for several times eventually, which formed a multi-center network and further enhanced the spread of western newspapers.From the viewpoint of the main body of communication, the emergence of magazines from medical schools, organizations, governments, specialized field indicates that the pattern of multi-agent communication has already formed, and organizational communication has finally been the main form of the dissemination of western medicine. First of all, medical school magazines are significant medium of educational communication as well as important way of teachers/students’scientific activities. Besides, the coexistence of civic organizations and magazines is a landscape of Chinese medical community. Organizations, communities, and magazines concerning western medicine complement each other, and forms the fundamental structure of medical development, especially the one about specialized medical field, which makes concrete preparations for the localization of western medical theory and foundation of modern medical system. What is more, supplements of magazines, which are generally easier, are common to people, and this indicates western medical communication is from the elite to ordinary people. Also, the government magazines, which are always used to express government viewpoints, are playing key roles in directing public opinions. Definitely, they are an important guide for western medical communications.The Revolutionary Base is located in the remote countryside with poor sanitation and backward education, and diseases are the serious threat to the health. But the Revolutionary Base overcame difficulties and made the extensive use of newspapers, journals, and professional press combined with other forms to carry out fruitful health education campaign. With the strong leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the hard work of soldiers and civilians, the historical mission of each period had been successfully accomplished. The success of health education in the revolutionary base left a lot of valuable experience.What did the prosperity of western medical communication in multiple communication style bring to Chinese modern medical science? The article gives a close look at the result of western medical communication based on medical school magazines and academic magazines. Firstly, during the Republican Period, the government decreed for many times about holding back the education sovereignty, carrying out educational system revolution, replacing medical schools founded by churches private medical schools. The government became the largest western medical communication organizations, and prepared large amounts of talents for the formation and development of western medical communities. Secondly, the influx of western medical science indicates that western medical communication had already transferred from information intake to system construction—localization of theoretical system and practical mode. The emergence of academic community and magazines provides organizational insurance and system foundation for the transplantation and reproduction of western medical system in China, promoted the development of academic research, and enlarged western medical communities. Thirdly, western medical communities were not only the producers and carriers of modern medical knowledge production, but also recommenders and practitioners of modern medical work. It was the basic character of public medical work that government donated, society participated, and people enjoyed. The process of building public medical system was actually a process of nationalization, socialization and popularization. In fact, western medical communities cared very much about the nationalization, socialization and popularization of public medical worked when they learned the advanced medical system from foreign countries. Therefore, we can see the key point and developing direction of future medical work.

【关键词】 近代中国报刊西医传播
【Key words】 Modern ChineseNewspapers and JournalWestern MedicineCommunication
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

