

Research on Bronze Vessels Hoards of Shang and Zhou Dynasty Unearthed Since 1949

【作者】 高玉平

【导师】 黄德宽;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 解放後,青铜器窖藏的不断出土,尤其是周原地區湘江流域大批青铜器窖藏的重現天日,引起了人们的關注。但截至目前,還没有任何一部著作将解放後全國范圍内所發现的青铜器窖藏作为考察封象來進行整體上的研究。本文著重從宏觀上研究“窖藏”青铜器這一现象,運用個體考察和整體觀察相結合的方法,從共時和歷時的角度分别造行描寫和分析。全文共分七章:第一章“緒論”。對文中涉及的幾個概念造行了界定,對青铜窖藏造行了分類,回顧了青铜器窖藏研究已取得的成果,明確了本文的“青铜器窖藏研究”的研究對象、研究范圍、材料的選擇和處理和研究方法。第二至第五章,分为四個專题,分别为“商代青铜器窖藏研究”、“西周青铜器窖藏研究”、“東周青铜器窖藏研究(上)”和“東周青铜器窖藏研究(下)”,是從歷時的角度對青铜器窖藏進行(?)分。而每一章當中根據青铜器窖藏的出土情況,包含三節或四節,一般是分为“遼河流域”、“大小凌河流域”、“黄河流域”、“長江流域”等幾節,從共時的角度,對全國范圍内的青铜器窖藏進行地域(?)分。其中各個區域内再细化为若干較小的地域范圍,以便觀察其中所呈现出的青铜器窖藏群的规律。“東周青铜器窖藏研究”分为上、下兩章,是遵循了一般的青铜器(?)分惯例,将青铜鑄幣窖藏與一般的青铜器窖藏區分開來。在具體的寫作中,我们先對個體的青铜器窖藏從“埋藏的情況”、“出土器物的種類和鑄造時代”、“埋藏的時代”等方面造行描寫和分析。然後盡力结合青铜器窖藏的時代背景,分析判断出個别的、或铜器窖藏群的埋藏性質。第六章为“青铜器窖藏的比较研究”,分别:以時代为標準,考察同一時代下不同地域的铜器窖藏之間的異同及其所反映的歷史文化信息;以地域为標準,分析同一地域内不同時代的青铜器窖藏之間的異同及其所反映的歷史文化信息;按定點選取幾個地域,将青铜器窖藏與随葬铜器墓葬進行比较,分析其異同。第七章为“青铜器窖藏的歷史文化價值”。我们以为數最多的“保藏”類和“祭祀”類青铜器窖藏为考察對象,從以下幾個方面觀察其歷史文化價值:①窖藏出土的青铜器與歷史文化傳說;②窖藏出土的青铜器铭文为青铜器斷代、文字學、史學、法學、經濟學、譜牒學等學科提供的重要材料;③青铜器窖藏與民族文化史、禮制等。我們對收錄的建國以來所見的350余處商周青铜器窖藏,造行了多層次、多角度的描寫和分析,基本上完成了“建國以來所見商周铜器窖藏的研究”這一課题,并得出了初步的研究结論,主要有:青铜器窖藏的埋藏性質,誠如學者们已经指出的那樣,根據自身的埋藏環境、出土器物、埋藏的時代背景等等,可以分为不同的類别。即:祭祀類、保藏類和储藏類,各類窖藏自具特色。二、通過對不同時代、不同地域的青铜器窖藏的描寫和分析,可以表明:似乎商人不太重视“窖藏”铜器;将青铜器“窖藏”起來造行祭祀,是三苗文化和巴文化的特有屬性;周人较为重視家族重器的“保護”和“藏匿”,因此,在特殊的背景下将其窖藏;金屬鑄幣作为價值尺度和流通手段的天生(?)能使得它非贵为禮器,但卻依然被人們所珍视。三、“去國”祭祀,產生了一類特殊的青铜器窖藏。四、青铜器窖藏在埋藏的方式、埋藏的器物、埋藏的背景和性質等褚多方面,體现出與陪葬铜器墓葬之間的差别,但同時二者又相辅相成,共同反映了當時的歷史文化面貌,以及中國古代光辉燦爛的青铜文化。五、通過對商周青铜器窖藏资料的初步分析,總結了青铜器窖藏和窖藏出土青铜器的幾個歷史文化價值:1.青铜器窖藏出土的器物,可以與上古神話傳說相係聯,为文化史的研究提供了不可多得的實物资料。2.窖藏出土的青铜器铭文为铜器断代提供了可靠的標尺,如我们在文中统計了31件年、月、月相、干支俱全的窖藏青铜器。3.窖藏出土的青铜器銘文,承载了商周時代的家族譜系、官司訴訟、土田交换等歷史信息,補充了傳世文献之不足。3.鄭國祭祀遺址的青铜器窖藏,可以與典籍中記载的社祀内容相對應,從而印證了傳世文献的相關内容。本課题對青铜器窖藏现象從整體上和宏觀上的考察、研究,這種思路和方法,開拓了青铜器窖藏研究的新视野,所得出的初步結論为青铜器窖藏這一现象的進一步研究奠定了一定的基礎,對歷史學、文化學以及先秦禮制等方面的研究亦不無參考價值。

【Abstract】 After 1949, a large number of bronze vessels hoards were unearthed, especially in Zhou Yuan Region and Xiang Jiang drainage basin, and they have been concerning widely by the scholars..However, so far, there is no works which takes the bronze vessels hoards nationwide as a research object on general level, so we filled the gaps. By combining case study and micro visual study, it is described and analyzed from the perspective of synchrony and diachrony. This dissertation is divided into seven chapters.In chapter one, we reviewed the achievements in the field of bronze vessels hoards and defined the study object, research scope, the choice and process of material, related concepts and the types of bronze vessels hoards.Bronze vessels hoardsof Shang Dynasty, bronze vessels hoards of Western Chou dynasty, and Bronze vessels hoards of Eastern Chou dynasty (first,second)will be studied respectively from the diachronic angle in the next four chapters. Every chapter is divided into three or four sections from the perspective of synchrony in accordance with the different distributions of the hoarding; they are Liao River drainage basin, Daling River drainage basin, Yellow River drainage basin and Yangtse River drainage basin, etc., and the above mentioned drainage basins are further divided into smaller areas to observe this phenomenon. And then it will be described and analyzed from the perspective of the relevant information of hoarding, the types and casting period of bronze vessel unearthed, the age of hoarding, etc. At the end of this dissertation, we will try to analyze and judge the characteristic of the hoarding by combining its historical context.The study object in chapter five is metal currency hoarding in Eastern Chou dynasty and the research method of this chapter is similar to the chapters mentioned above.By convention, we separate bronze metal currency from other bronze objects and take it as an independent chapter.In chapter seven,we foucs on comparing works.Time,area has been taken as a standard respectively.At the same time,we compare bronze vessels hoards with bronze vessels burials,of course,not each,but some.According these comparing works,we have obtained some ponderable conclusions.And the last chaper is "Historical and cultural value of bronze vessels hoards"Taking the preservation ones and worship ones for examples is our best choice:①the relationship between bronze vessel hoards and myth legend;②the essential of bronze inscriptions to many branches of research.③bronze vessel hoards record some important information about culturology, ritual system,and so on.More than three hundred and fifty bronze vessels hoards have been investigated by us, from various perspective.And we obtained some conclusions,such as:First,we confirm that bronze vessels hoards could be categorized into three sorts: preservation ones,worship ones, stockpile ones.Second,when comparing the distribution of bronze vessels hoards in different times,or different districts,we discover that:boarding bronze vessels were not exercised in the Shang dynasty,while exercised widely in the Zhou dynasty for securing bronze vessels.And boarding bronze vessels for worship is characterized by Ba and San Miao.Third,hoarding bronze vessels for worshiping has nothing with tomb as while as hoarding bronze vessels hoards for moving the capital to another place exists.Forth,there are many differences between bronze vessels hoards and bronze vessels burials,such as "how""what""when""why", just like basic factors in a news report. We have to admit that they are complementing each other to construct the system of bronze vessels.Fifth,by analyzing Shang Zhou bronze vessel hoards, it is concluded that bronze vessel hoards has the following important historical and cultural values:The utensils unearthed in bronze vessel hoards have a relation with the myth legend in remote ancient times, so they provide the study of cultural history many precious material objects.1.The inscriptions on hoarded bronze vessel provide reliable scale for division of history, such as the thirty one pieces of hoarded bronze vessel mentioned above with the concrete date, phase of the moon, and sexagenary cycle on it.2.By analyzing the inscriptions on hoarded bronze vessel, we can find out the historical records of pedigree of a clan, law and economy of the day to fulfill the extent documents.3.The religious activities inscribed on the hoarded bronze vessels, discovered in Zheng religious sites, coincide with sacrificing to the god of land that recorded in ancient books, and verifies the facticity of the extent documents.4.By making investigation and research as a whole, this dissertation opens up a new field in bronze vessel hoarding research, and the preliminary results concluded form it lay the foundation for the further research of bronze vessel hoarding. It also contributes a lot to the research of history, culturology and Pre-Qin’s ritual system, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

