

The Study on the Medical Special Catalogue in Ming and Oing Dynasties

【作者】 张晓丽

【导师】 张子侠;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 专科目录是将某一专门学科的书籍编制起来的一种目录,医学专科目录是著录医学书籍的专门目录。我国古代医学文献丰富,综合性目录中著录医籍很多,明清时期医学与目录学比较发达,产生很多医学专科目录,大多已佚失,现存明清时期较有价值的医学专科目录有四部,即明代殷仲春著《医藏目录》清代曹禾著《医学读书志》,凌奂著《医学薪传》,丁福保著《历代医学书目提要》,其分类体系与体制结构具有独到的目录学价值,本文利用中医文献资料,运用文献学的理论与方法,从目录学角度研究明清时期医学专科目录的成书编撰、分类体系、体制结构,探究其文献价值,总结其发展变化特点,分析其在目录学史上的地位,探究明清医学专科目录的目录学价值,揭示医学目录的发展与明清社会思想文化变迁的关系。本文主要内容分六章,第一章概述古代医学文献从先秦到明清的发展概况,介绍我国古典目录如官藏目录、私家目录、史志目录等关于医学文献的著录与分类情况,阐述我国古代医学专科目录的产生发展概况。第二章主要阐述《医藏目录》的著者生平、成书经过、著录分类体系、医学文献与目录学的价值,论述《医藏目录》以佛教名词分类的特点,论述目录分类中体现的佛教医药观思想。第三章阐述曹禾与《医学读书志》的编撰及目录文献价值,主要研究《医学读书志》著录提要方面的特色,提要记述作者事迹,考辨诸医书源流,记述作者事迹,评论其书,颇有价值。第四章阐述晚清凌奂著《医学薪传》的编撰、分类著录与文献价值,研究其分类与导读书目的特性,为初学医者入门读书指导门径,从著录的西医译著,分析近代西医东传的时代影响。第五章介绍清末民国时期医学家、学者丁福保的生平以及主要著述,阐述他在译述西方医籍,传播西医知识方面的贡献;论述丁福保著《历代医学书目提要》的著录分类情况,概述其著录的特点与分类特色,揭示近代西学东渐背景下医学目录的变化特点。第六章概括分析明清时期医学专科目录的特点与学术价值,探究专科目录的发展与学科发展、学术思想与社会变迁的关系。本文通过对明清医学专科目录的系统研究,概括总结医学专科目录的特点价值。明清医学目录对图书分类的专业化倾向显著,医书的分类包括如医经、伤寒、本草方书、脉经诊法、针灸、临证各科、养生等类。医学目录类目设置专业化,体现医学的专业性,并根据医学学科发展与时代需要,设置新的类目,设立医学丛书、医案医话等类目。医学目录分类更细,划分二级类目,形成子目,一级类目增多,类目的扩充,使医学书籍在目录中的分类更加专业合理。明清医学专科目录著录医书范围广泛,方法多样,著录从先秦到清代的历代医学书籍,反映历代医籍的发展概况;著录医籍内容有新的拓展,如著录外国人的医学著述,及民间流传的医籍,反映时代变化与医学文献的发展;著录医书的类型多样,有医学杂志、教材、译著,及医疗歌诀、医学入门普及书籍等,体现明清时期医学文献的丰富多样性;目录的著录方法有不同,在著录撰人方面有以人类书与以书类人两种,反映医学目录的发展水平。明清医学专科目录著录项目简明,包括书名、卷数、著者,少数著录版本,反映医书基本信息。目录有些还作有提要、小序,注文,考订图书源流真伪,记载作者的生平事迹,反映历代医学书籍基本概况。明清时期医学专科目录具有图书导读的功能,反映对于目录指引读书治学门径功能的重视。医学专科目录的分类著录等方面反映出很强的导读倾向,有利于促进医学入门教育,起到传播普及医学知识的重要作用。明清医学专科目录作为现存中医学专科目录,在医学文献的保存、了解、利用等方面具有重要的文献价值。目录保存大量医学人物、医学文献书目的资料,对于医学史、医学文献的研究具有重要的史料价值。受明清考据学的影响,医学专科目录对医学文献真伪、作者生平等进行考证,撰述者在书目中提出自己的医学学术见解,运用书目弘扬中医学术,具有可贵的医学思想价值。明清时期医学专科目录虽并不完善,然而具有重要的目录学价值。专科目录的发展与专科文献、学科发展、社会变迁关系密切,明清时期科技文化发展,古籍考订整理蔚然成风,科技文献尤其是医学文献受到重视,促进医学专科目录的产生发展,医学专科目录有利于医学专业的教育与读书治学的需要。总体来看,明清医学专科目录集中体现明清时期我国医学文献的发展与医学目录的发展水平,反映历代医学书籍发展概况,在我国目录学史上具有重要地位,在中医文献学史上也具有重要的价值。

【Abstract】 The special catalogue was the catalogue which it collected the special books, the medical special catalogue was the book which it collected the medical books. The medical literatures was very abundance in ancient China,it were noted in the synthesis catalogue. In Ming-Qing periods, Medicine was development, a large of medical literatures was engenderd, the medical special catalogue was produced. There were four medical special catalogue books which it were in existence and value,it included《The medical sutra catalogue》,《The reading summary to medical book》,《The medical firewood passes》,《The catalogue summary of past dynasties medical books》.There was value in classify system and structure of the catalogue books. The thesis studied the classify system and structure of the medical special catalogue in Ming-Qing periods,searched the literature and academacal value of the catalogue books, and summarized the characteristics of the catalogue, analysed it’s status and effect in catalogue history.The article content six chapter:the first chapter expounded the general situation of the medical literatures from ancestor Qing to Ming-Qing periods, and disserted the classify system and noted situation of the medical literatures in feudal official catalogue, personal catalogue,history record catalogue, expounded the development situation of the medical special catalogue in ancient China. The second chapter discussed the classify system and structure of《The medical sutra catalogue》by Yin Zhong Chun, searched the value of literature and catalogue,discussed the classify system characteristics with Buddhism word, expounded Buddhism medical thought of catalogue. The third chapter discussed compiled situation and the value of literature and catalogue of《The reading summary to medical book》by Cao He,sdutied the the value of summary. The four chapter discussed compiled situation and the literature value of《The medical firewood passes》by Ling-Huan,sduty the characteristics of classify system and directed-reading function,search infection of the modern west medical transtmited from the west medical book by noted. The fifthly chapter expounded scholar Ding Fubao’s life and writing, discussed his contribution of transtmiting the west medical knowledge, discussed compiled situation and the literature value of《The catalogue summary of past dynasties medical books》by Ding Fubao,studied the change of medical special catalogue in the modern west medical transtmited. The sixth epitomed the characteristics and the value of the medical special catalogue in Ming-Qing periods,studied the relations between the catalogue development and society culture change.The article studied the medical special catalogue in Ming-Qing periods, sumed up the characteristics and the value of the medical special catalogue. First, the tendency of classify specialization was very notability, the classify of medical books was in the light of medical subject, the classify item was very speciality, and the new classify item was set up according to the development of medicine and need of times. The classify item was set up to medical series and medical case etc. The classify of catalogue had the second class item. The enlargement of classify item represented classify specialization of the medical catalogue, The classify of catalogue was in reason and specialization.It was very abroad and multiplicity that the medical books which nated by the medical special catalogue. In Ming-Qing periods, the catalogue included the TCM literatures,west medical literatures,folklore medical literatures,etc. The types of catalogue was very variety,it included journal,teaching material, translation books,ballads,etc. The means of recording books was various in the catalogue,it was compendious. The structure of the medical catalogue included summary and preface that recorded information of the medical personality and books,made reader to know situation of past dynasties medical books. The medical special catalogue in Ming-Qing periods had the function of directing read,it was acquitted by classifying and noteing.It was avail to medica education and promulgation.The medical special catalogue in Ming-Qing periods had importantment literatures value to save and use medical literatures,it had date value to study medical history. The medical special catalogue textual rearched medical literatures as the influence of textual rearching in Ming-Qing periods,and advanced medical academical opinion.Though the medical special catalogue was not perfect,it had important status in China catalogue history. The development of medical special catalogue was connection with society change and subject development.The development of science and culture in Ming-Qing periods made special catalogue accelerated. The medical special catalogue in Ming-Qing periods had important catalogue status and literatures value in medical history.

【关键词】 明清医学专科目录文献价值
【Key words】 Ming-Qing periodsMedicinespecial catalogueliteratures value
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

