

A Study on the Works Written by Yue Ke

【作者】 朱寅

【导师】 张金铣;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 岳珂是抗金名将岳飞之孙,南宋著名学者,一生著述甚富。其传世著作有:为岳飞辩冤的《鄂国金佗粹编》和《鄂国金佗续编》,记载南宋朝野各阶层人物言行的《程史》,考证政治、礼仪制度沿革的《愧郯录》,评论岳珂一生书法收藏的《宝真斋法书赞》,追想东京盛时的宫词《棠湖诗稿》,晚年诗歌作品集《玉楮诗稿》等;他还补注过《三命指迷赋》。另外还有《小戴记集解》、《读史备忘捷览》、《东陲笔略》、《西陲奏稿》、《北征》、《续东几诗余》等六部作品已经散佚,这些作品共同构架起其在学界享有盛誉的以辨明“公是公非”为目的的著述思想。岳珂这些著述,不仅记载南宋史事,反映南宋军事、政治、经济、文化等方面的情况,也是研究书法、语言学、古代文学等学科领域的重要资料。论文试对岳珂学术成就及其著述的文献价值进行较为全面的考察。全文包括绪论、正文和结束语三部分。“绪论”讨论论文缘起、学术界研究现状、研究目的和意义以及研究的重点、难点等问题。正文包括六章。第一章岳珂的生平、交游与著述,主要考察岳珂家世、生平经历、学术交游、著作存留等问题;根据现存史料、笔记、文集等对史传无记载的岳珂生卒年、生平事迹等进行考察,特别是对体现岳珂经历和思想变化的字号、仕宦、交游和佚书等进行考证;力图考察出其思想及学术生发的根源。第二章考察《鄂国金佗粹编》与《鄂国金佗续编》,这两部作品是岳珂为其祖父岳飞辩诬之作,也是现存最完整的岳飞研究史料汇编,文献价值极高;本章主要依据文献考察其编撰过程、材料来源及版本内容、体例与结构、文献价值与影响,探求岳飞感动千古的根源。第三章考察《宝真斋法书赞》,此书是岳珂“以其家所藏前人墨迹,自晋唐迄于南宋,各系以跋,而为之赞”所成之书,这种在跋语后再附加赞语的著录形式,在之前历代的书法理论作品中是不曾见的;原书已佚,清四库馆臣按时间顺序,将辑佚所得编为二十八卷;本章主要研究其成书背景及编撰过程、内容与结构、文献价值与地位,力图还原其在书法艺术史上的价值。第四章考察《程史》与《愧郯录》,这是岳珂的两部笔记体著作,也是他以辨明“公是公非”为目的的著述思想的最好体现,均结集于宋宁宗嘉定七年(1214),时岳珂正因丁母忧闲居故里;这两部作品内容涉及宋代政治制度、礼仪、文化等方面的内容,从一个侧面反映宋代的文化特色,笔者认为这两部作品对于元以后史家修宋史有很大影响,论文主要从编撰、内容及其文献价值等方面考察这两部笔记。第五章考察《棠湖诗稿》和《玉楮诗稿》,分别从编撰、内容及其价值来研究岳珂的这两部文学作品,考察岳珂的文学成就,以及其文学作品所体现的史料价值及时代特征。第六章岳珂的学术思想和著述成就,对岳珂的学术思想和著述成就做全面考察。最后是结语,对全篇作-总结,对岳珂其人其作作全面评价。本文力图在前人研究基础之上,对岳珂及其学术成就作出客观公正的评价,凸现出岳珂在南宋学者群体中的独特魅力。

【Abstract】 Yue Ke, a famous litterateur and historian in Southern Song dynasty, was the grandson of the great anti-Jin general Yue Fei’s and wrote many books. He handed down to posterity the works including E Guo Jin Tuo Cui Bian and E Guo Jin Tuo Xu Bian, which are to debate the injustice for Yue Fei; Ting Shi, which records the speech and action from all sectors of the court and the public in Southern Song; KuiTan Lu, which researches the evolution of the system of politics and etiquette; Bao Zhen Zhai Fa Shu Zan, which comments Yue Ke’s lifetime collection of calligraphy; Tang Hu Shi Gao, which recalls the palace Ci’s of the Kaifeng prosperous years; and Yu Chu Shi Gao, which is a collection of poetry of his later years. He also supplemented and annotated San Ming Zhi Mi Fu. There are six other books that have been lost in the ancient times, that is, Collected Commentaries on Book of Rites by Dai Sheng, Shortcut List of History Memorandum, Brief Affairs of the East Frontier, Memorials of the West Frontier to the Throne, The North Expedition, and The Sequel of Dong Ji’s Ci Poetry. Those works constitute together the well-known writing theory with intent to distinguish accepted social ideas of right and wrong. Yue Ke’s experience and his works reflects the aspects of military, politics, economics, and culture in Southern Song Dynasty and are also important research data in the fields of calligraphy history, linguistics, ancient literature and other disciplines. So it is necessary to research his biography and the works.This article includes three parts:introduction, body, and conclusion. Introduction describes the origin of the paper, academic history, research purpose and significance, key and difficult points of research. Body part consists of six chapters. The first chapter, Yue Ke’s life and activities, investigates Yue Ke’s family, life experiences, academic communications and main works. This chapter investigates Yue Ke’s birth and death years and life stories which were not recorded in historiographic-biography, based on available historical data, notes, collected Works, etc., and tries to investigate his thought and academic sources through testing his given name and descriptive name, official career, communications and lost books which embodies the changes of his experience and thought.Chapter II studies E Guo Jin Tuo Cui Bian and E Guo Jin Tuo Xu Bian. These two works of Yue Ke refuter for his grandfather, Yue Fei, and are also the most complete existing compilation of the historical facts of General Yue Fei, so they have high historical value. This chapter, based on literature, mainly studies their compilation process, sources of materials and their versions, style and structure, literature value and impact and explores the spirit root why Yue Fei had been moving throughtout the whole history.Chapter III studies Bao Zhen Zhai Fa Shu Zan. This book is written by Yue Ke through "adding compliments after the postscripts of all calligraphic works between Jin and Tang Dynasties collected and classified by his family". This writing style is never seen in all ancient calligraphic theory works. The original version of this book has been lost. Si Ku Quan Shu compilers collated what they had collected into 28 volumes roughly according to chronological order. This chapter mainly studies its background and compilation process, content and struction, literature achievement and status, and tries to restore its value in the calligraphy history.Chapter IV studies Ting Shi and KuiTan Lu, which are Yue Ke’s two notes, and also embody best his writing idea of distinguishing accepted social ideas of right and wrong. Both are completed in the 7th year of Ningzong Jia Ding reign period (1214), when Yue Ke was staying at home without any official position because of the death of his mother. These two works related to the political system, etiquette, and cultural aspects of Song Dynasty, and reflect from the side the cultural characteristics of Song Dynasty. The writer of this paper believes that these two works have a great influence on the historians after Yuan Dynasty to compile "History of Song Dynasty". This paper studies these two notes mainly from the aspects of compilation, content and its documentary value.chapter V studies Tang Hu Shi Gao and Yu Chu Shi Gao respectively from the compilation, content and value, and studies Yue Ke’s literary achievements, as well as the historical value and time characteristics embodied in his literary works.Chapter VI studies Yue Ke’s literary achievements and literary idea and makes a comprehensive study on Yue Ke’s thought from the aspects of his literary achievements, literary idea, and the limitations of his works.The last chapter is conclusion to conclude the whole paper and make a full evaluation of Yue Ke and his works.This paper attempts to make an objective and fair assessment of the historical status of Yueke on the basis of previous research to show his unique charm among the group of historians in Southern Song Dynasty.

【关键词】 岳珂岳珂著述学术成就文献价值
【Key words】 YueKeWorksAcademic AchievementsDocumentary Value
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

