

Study on Regional Differences on Private Enterprises Creating and Existing

【作者】 江三良

【导师】 马怀礼;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 区域发展的不平衡与区域经济、收入差距的扩大,已经成为制约我国经济健康稳定发展的不可小视的障碍。而创业活动,既是我国区域发展不平衡的成因之一,同时,它的结果又进一步促进了区域经济、收入差距的扩大。我国东中西部经济差距的产生主要归因于民营经济发展的不平衡,民营经济的发展要归功于民营企业的创生活动。创业环境理论解释了“创业者到哪里创业?”以及“为什么?”等有关创业的客体问题,但不能很好地解释“创业者从何处来?”以及“为何来自此处而非别处?”等有关创业的主体问题。创业行动的产生源起于人们创业意愿的形成,优越的创业环境在吸引外来投资的同时,并不一定能够激发本地居民投身创业的热情。本文从我国各地创业环境的分解中逐步引入内生于区域内个体行为与参考群体的互动的创业氛围概念,试图从新的视角探讨民营企业的地区差异。本文的主要研究分为六个部分,第一部分是对与本文研究内容相关的创业研究综述,指出目前研究中存在的不足,以及本文的研究意义、研究方法;第二部分是对企业创生与地区差异的事实观察,鉴于企业数量与经济增长的密切关系,个地区是否保持较高的经济活力与它是否有较高的企业创生率有关,观察表明,在我国,不仅不同地区企业创生率存在差异,企业创设者的出生地也存在差异,进而提出本文的研究主题;第三部分是创业活跃地区的观察与思考,对影响创业活跃程度的因素分析,通过对典型创业活跃地区调研发现的总结与归纳,提出影响创业活跃程度差异的成因,既有外部因素,也有内生性因素,还与社会报酬结构有关;第四是从外部环境方面解剖我国民营企业创生的地区差异,探讨资源富集程度、市场规模、储蓄水平、地区产业结构与市场中介组织发展等外部支持对民营企业创生的影响;第五部分是探地区内生的创业氛围与民营企业创生的关系,从成长型企业的特征、创业氛围到外部环境、个人行为与创业氛围的互动,提出地区创业氛围的阶段性规律;第六部分是文章的理论与政策结论。本文的逻辑关系具体表现为:我国真正的企业是改革开放以后才涌现出来的,但无论从企业的创生数量还是从企业的成长速度与质量上,我国不同地区间都呈现显著的非均衡态势,这是地区间潜在创业者群体存在禀赋差异,还是环境、机会的差异所致?按照流行的环境依赖理论,企业创生活动由环境决定,但以上海、北京、天津为例,它们的创业环境、居民创业技能都算得上是全国最好的,这三个地区本土(出生在本地)居民的创业活动却并不活跃,这是为什么?通过梳理我国各地外部支持与文化环境的差异,本文得出,单纯从创业环境来理解我国不同地区企业创生活动的差异存在缺陷,必须将创业环境、创业者个体活动与地区内生根植于居民观念中的有关创业认知联系起来,通过引入创业氛围概念,本文认为,地区内的居民是否崇尚创业并采取创业行为,与创业氛围高度相关,而创业氛围的形成和传导,取决于由创业环境、企业密度“循环累积反馈”影响的创业成功率与创业收益率,在此过程中,地方政府、教育部门、先行创业者与中介服务机构等,可以分别发挥一定推动作用。

【Abstract】 The expanding unbalance and difference between the development of regional economy and income in our country,has already become an inconvenient barrier which restrict economical progressing healthily and steadily. Since entrepreneurship activity is one of origins to bring unbalance between areas development, simultaneously, the result of entrepreneurship activity promoted the expansion of regional economy and income greater. The economic gap between the East and the Mid-west areas in our country mainly attributed to the unbalanced development of privately operated economy,while the development of privately operated economy attributed to the activity of private enterprise creating and existing.The entrepreneurship environment theory explained "Where entrepreneurs start an undertaking to?"as well as "why?"and so on questions,which related the object of entrepreneurship, but it cannot explain "where are entrepreneurs from?"as well as "why they come from here, but non-elsewhere?"and so on questions,which related the subject of entrepreneurship.The source of entrepreneurship motion is entrepreneurs’ wish to start an undertaking, while the superior entrepreneurship environment attracts external investment, it is not definitely able to stimulate the local resident’s entrepreneurship enthusiasm. Decomposing regional entrepreneurship environment in our country gradually,this dissertation introduces that the individual behavior is endogenous from entrepreneurship atmosphere as the region and reference group’s interaction, from that the author attempts to discuss private enterprise’s regional disparity on a new field of view.The main work of this dissertation is arranged in six parts. The first part is a summarize about the studies related to entrepreneurship research to point out the insufficiency which exists presently, as well as the research significance, and research techniques of this dissertation; The second part is fact observation about the disparity on enterprise creates and lives between regions, in view of the fact that enterprise quantity and economic growth related closely, whether an area maintains a high economic vitality related to whether it maintains a high rate of enterprise creating and existing. The observation indicated that not only the rates of enterprise creating and existing are different between regions in our country, the source of enterprise originator is different also, then this dissertation proposes its research subject; The third part is the observation with consideration about entrepreneurship active area so as to analysis the factors that affect entrepreneurship active degree, through investigation and study to the model entrepreneurship active area, this dissertation proposes its summary and induction, there are not only external factors but also endogenetic factors as well as social reward structure be related; The fourth is to dissect what external environment factors lead to the disparity as private enterprises creating and existing in our country, such as the concentrates degree of resources, the market size, the deposit level, the area industrial structure and the market intermediary organization development and so on exterior supports to the private enterprises creating then existing; The fifth part is to search what relation between the local endogenous entrepreneurship atmosphere and the private enterprise creating and existing, from the aspect of growth enterprise, to the entrepreneurship atmosphere to the external environment, the interaction of personal behavior and the entrepreneurship atmosphere, this part proposes the staged rule when local entrepreneurship atmosphere strengthening; The sixth part is the theory and the policy conclusion from this dissertation.The concrete manifestation of logical relation in this dissertation is:Until reform and open policy there are true enterprises emerge in our country, but the unbalance and difference of enterprises growth between different zone have been existing from quantity to quality, is it the remarkable non-balanced situation result from the talent difference of the zone potential pioneer community, or is it the result from difference of environment, opportunity? According to the popular environment dependence theory, the activity of enterprise creating and existing is decided by the environment, take Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai as the example, the entrepreneurship environment and the skill of entrepreneurship are considered as the national best, but entrepreneurship activity is actually inactive at these residents (born in these three locality), why? Through carding difference between regional exterior support and the cultural environment in our country, this dissertation considers it existence flaw if we study from the entrepreneurship environment purely,that it is not clear to understand the difference of enterprise creating and existing at different area in our country. We must relate the entrepreneurship environment, the pioneer individual activity and the endogenous entrepreneurship cognition rooted in the resident idea.Through introducing the concept of entrepreneurship atmosphere, this dissertation believed whether in the local resident does advocate starts an undertaking and adopts the entrepreneurship behavior, is highly related with the entrepreneurship atmosphere, how to formate and conduct the entrepreneurship atmosphere is decided by the entrepreneurship success ratio and the entrepreneurship returns ratio which is influenced by entrepreneurship environment, the enterprise density as "the circulation accumulation feedback", during this process, the local authority, the educational department, the advance pioneer and the intermediate services organization and so on, may play certain promotion effect separately.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

