

【作者】 张天佐

【导师】 张其成;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文选择中医基本术语“先天”作为研究对象,从其形成的文化背景入手,阐释中医“先天”概念的多层次含义,以及在医疗实践领域的应用情况。正文分为六个部分:第一部分,考察医易会通思想中的“先天”观。重点选择的对中医“先天”形成影响较大的宋代易学代表人物周敦颐、邵雍,着重介绍他们阐释的易学“先天”观,又通过中医对易学的解读建立了中医哲学的“先天”观。第二部分,道教内丹学在追求生命境界的升华过程中,极大限度地发挥了人体潜在功能,所构建的生命修炼体系和具体细节以及最终目标都贯穿了“先天”理念,而且内丹学与中医学都把研究重点落实在人体生命活动之中,内丹学的“先天”观与中医“先天”具有共同的生命基础。第三部分,本文认为中医“先天”观既吸收了易学、内丹学的概念,又结合生命存在的基础(胞胎时期),具有多层次含义,本文从四个层面解析中医“先天”观,(1)以有形无形的意识层面划分先天;后天,无形为先天,有形为后天;(2)无形之气为先天,有形之质为后天;(3)“火”主先天论;(4)以胎儿的出生为先后天分界,即胞胎时期为“先天”。对于“先天”的同位概念“禀赋”进行比较研究。第四部分,探讨“先天”概念为基础对中医哲学基础概念(阴阳、水火、五行)的解释。这种“先天”阴阳、水火、五行的理解,对于明清中医的辨证用药奠定重要基础。第五部分,考察中医以“先天”观念构建的形体功能观,包括构成生命最基本的要素,精气神的先天含义;脏腑经络结构的先天生成;生理功能(营卫三焦生化)的先天本源;以及体质的“先天”因素。第六部分,研究中医“先天”概念在发病、诊断、治疗、用药等方面的运用,涵盖了内、外、妇、儿、五官各科病种,并重点探讨明清中医强调治先天之本的代表方药六味丸与八味丸。第七部分,探讨中医养生的“先天”观和养生方法,古代医家认为“先天”因素对生命寿夭具有极大的影响力,但决定寿夭的因素是多方面的,后天的积极养生可以弥补某些“先天”造成的不足,这方面表现出中医积极地生命观。

【Abstract】 This choice of basic Chinese term "innate" as the object of study, starting from a cultural background to explain the Chinese“a priori”concept of multi-layered meaning, and application of medical practice in the field. The body is divided into six parts:First part of the study doctors will pass easily in the Thought of“innate”concept. Focus on the Chinese choice of“innate”the formation of influential representatives of the Song Dynasty yi, Shao Yong, focusing on their interpretation of the Book of Changes "innate" view, but also to learn through the reading of Chinese medicine on the establishment of the Chinese philosophy of "innate" concept.The second part, the pursuit of inner alchemy of life in the realm of sublimation process, the great use of the potential function of the human body, the cultivation system and build the life and the ultimate goal of all the details through the“innate”idea, and inner alchemy and TCM regarded research priorities in implementing the activities of human life, Inner Alchemy of the "innate" and the Chinese concept of“innate”has a common foundation of life.The third part, the paper that the Chinese "a priori" concept not only absorbed to learn the concept of Inner Alchemy also combined basis for the existence of life (births period), with all levels of meaning, this level of analysis from the four Chinese "innate" view, (1) the division of tangible and intangible aspects of innate sense; acquired, invisible for the birth, for the acquired tangible; (2) invisible gas is congenital, the visible mass is acquired; (3) "Fire" on the main innate; (4) to the fetus was born to have days of boundaries, that is, births during the "innate. " For the“innate”in the same place the concept of "endowments" were compared.The fourth part of "innate" based on the concept of the basic concepts of Chinese medicine philosophy (yin and yang, fire and water, the five elements) interpretation. This "innate" yin and yang, fire, five elements of understanding of the Ming and Chinese medicine TCM drugs to lay an important foundation.The fifth part, study Chinese in order to“innate”view the concept of building the body, including the most basic elements of life composition, and Manner of the inherent meaning; organs and meridians innate structure formation; physiological function (Ying and Wei Triple Burner biochemical) of congenital origin; and the constitution of "innate" factors.The sixth part of Traditional Chinese Medicine "a priori" concept in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, medication, etc. used to cover the inside and outside, women, children, facial disease subjects, and focus on the Ming and Qing Chinese medicine emphasizes the treatment of this congenital Prescription Pill of Six Ingredients with Ba Weiwan representatives.The seventh part of TCM’s "innate" concept and health methods, ancient physicians that "innate" factors on the life Shouyao great influence, but decided to Shouyao the wide range of factors, the positive health can be acquired make up some of the "innate" caused by lack of medicine in this regard demonstrated positive view of life.

【关键词】 中医先天文献
【Key words】 Chinese medicineinnatedocument

