

Study on Digital Correlation Properties in Silkworm(Bombyx Mori) and Mulberry(Morus Alba) Based on Spectroscopy Technology

【作者】 黄凌霞

【导师】 楼程富; 金佩华; 何勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 数字农业已经成为21世纪农业信息化发展战略的支撑技术。它从农业生产、农业管理以及农业科学研究的实际出发,将各个环节准确定量并加以数字化,为全方位的农业科学管理、合理决策提供基础技术平台,为农业科学研究提供全新的定量定性研究方法。蚕桑业是我国的传统优势行业,但随着社会、经济和科技的高速发展,现正面临着科学化、信息化、高效化的挑战。光谱技术是实现数字化农业研究的重要技术,近年来在许多农作物的相关特性研究上取得了成功经验,但光谱技术在蚕、桑上的研究则未见报道。为此,本论文就光谱技术在蚕桑行业中的应用进行了一系列的研究与探索,为推进数字蚕桑奠定了一定的基础,取得的主要研究成果如下:(1)对所采用的SPAD502叶绿素仪在桑叶测量时不同叶位、不同品种的影响差异性做了统计分析,发现这两个因素对SPAD的测量结果有显著差异。(2)建立了9个品种桑叶的叶绿素含量与SPAD值之间的关系,并列出了方程。发现9个品种均呈正相关关系,说明采用SPAD仪可以用来对桑叶的营养状况做出简单判断,但是对于不同的品种,其具体数值需要进行校正。采用SPAD502研究了同一叶片、同一植株不同分支处SPAD值的分布情况,并采用ArcView3.2地理信息系统软件中的空间分析模块对其进行了形象、直观化的表达。结果表明,对于同一叶片,测量部位不同,SPAD值也不同;而对于同一植株的SPAD值则基本上遵循从低端向顶端减小的趋势。结合养蚕实际,对春、秋两季荷叶白品种确定的叶位进行了跟踪测量。分析了SPAD值在养蚕期间随生长的变化趋势。(3)根据几何学原理,对试验选用ASD公司的便携式可见-近红外光谱仪进行了参数分析。根据仪器高度、保存次数和扫描次数三因素下蚕种吸光度值的统计分析,发现不同的仪器高度下蚕种的吸光度有极显著差异,而保存次数和扫描次数则差异不显著,根据试验要求,选用了扫描30次,保存3次的参数,对不同蚕品种进行了鉴别,通过偏最小二乘法模型参数比较,发现该光谱仪对蚕种鉴别的高度以8cm为佳,为今后试验的开展选取最佳测试高度奠定了基础。(4)对采集过近红外光谱数据的蚕种样本进行孵化率分析。经过统计分析发现,经过光谱扫描后的样本孵化率与未扫描过的样本孵化率无显著差异。初步证明了近红外光对蚕种的生命力无显著性破坏,为利用该技术在蚕业生产和检验上的实际应用奠定了基础。(5)采用可见-近红外光谱仪对冷藏浸酸种和越年种进行了产地和品种的鉴别。从偏最小二乘法的建模参数来看,对产地的鉴别,冷藏浸酸种的校正模型相关系数在0.946以上,预测模型相关系数在0.872以上,越年种校正模型相关系数都在0.949以上,预测模型的相关系数在0.941以上,说明采用光谱技术可以鉴别蚕种的产地。同样地,对品种鉴别,冷藏浸酸种的校正模型相关系数在0.964以上,预测模型相关系数在0.938以上,而越年种的校正模型相关系数在0.966以上,预测样本模型相关系数在0.968以上,说明采用光谱技术可以鉴别家蚕蚕种的品种。这项研究结果为今后正确、无损、快速地鉴别蚕种的真伪以及是否产自优质生产基地做了基础工作。(6)跟踪调查了主要蚕品种在出库前不同发育阶段的近红外光谱反射特性。通过数学模型可以较准确地鉴别蚕卵的不同胚胎发育阶段,将蚕卵肉眼观察无法得到的胚胎发育状况做了数字化信息转化。对催青后的蚕卵发育情况进行日光谱跟踪测量,发现在不同的胚胎发育期,其光谱的特性也不同,可以通过数学建模加以判断,为日后检测催青胚胎是否正常发育提供了一种新方法。(7)初步建立了蚕、桑相关特性近红外光谱管理系统。系统分网络版和单机版,方便了科研和生产单位、个人的查询和使用,有利于推动近红外光谱技术在蚕桑行业的应用。

【Abstract】 Digital Agriculture has become one of the supporting technologies of agricultural information development strategy in the 21st century. From the realities of agricultural production, farm management and agricultural scientific study, it quantifies and digital all aspects of agriculture accurately. It can provide a basic working platform for over all agricultural scientific management and rational decision.Sericulture is one of the traditional advantage industries in China.With the development of the society,economy and scientific technology, sericulture faces with scientific,information technology, efficient challenges.Spectroscopy technology is an importantl tool for digital agriculture research. Recently abundant successful experience has been obtained by spectroscopy technology in some crops with their relevant characteristics,but the reports about silkworm egg or mulberry have not yet. Series of studies and explor in have been done about the application of spectroscopy technology in silkwowm eggs and mulberry leaves in this thesis,and laid a foundation for the arrival of digital sericulture.The main conclusions were as follows:(1)Based on the statistical analysis in the SPAD502 chlorophyll meter measurement results of different position and varieties of mulberry leaves,those two factors on the SPAD value demonstrated significant differences.(2) Relationship about the SPAD value and chlorophyll content for 9 varieties of mulberry leaves was established, while the regression models were given.The result showed that the correlation coefflation had great difference in the 9 varieties. SPAD 502chlorophyll meter was used in this research to analyze the variability of chlorophyll content during the growth stage of mulberry leaves.SPAD502 were studied using the same leaves,different branches of the same plant. Arc View 3.2 was used to show SPAD value of the distribution in leaves of 6 varieties image.The results indicated that in a same leaf measuring different position had different SPAD value.SPAD value of one mulberry leaf from Heyebai was tracked the in spring and autumn, while the same time for silkworm werw fed with mulberry leaves.The vaule had growth trend as time went by. For practical use, the SPAD value in different varieties of mulberry leaves should have some significance to correct the real value.(3) According to the geometry principle, ASD Vis/NIR spectroscope equipment was analysised for its parameter.The effects of the hight, the save number and the scanning number of the equipment to silkworm eggs calibration models were investigated.With the same area of measurement size situation, three different condition had carried on the statistical analysis by ABS.Different hight had the extremely remarkable difference,but the save number and the scan number then the difference was not remarkable.According to experimented request,30 scan numbers,save 3 times of parameters were selected and carried on to get the workable height.2 varieties of silkworm eggs were carried on the comparison to the establishment model.The result showed the height taken 8cm was the fittest parameter.(4) Analysis Near infrared spectra of the acquisition over the silkworm eggs for hatching ration. Statisccal analysis showed that Near infrared spectra of silkworm eggs hatchability had no significant difference with the one without reflacted.It proved that the Near infrared spectra of silkworm eggs vitality no significant damage.It laid the groundwork for the use of the technology in sericulture production and testing of practical application.(5)Using Vis/NIR spectrometer for refrigerated silkworm eggs and Hibernated silkworm eggs to identify the place and varieties.Both of the two type of silkworm eggs had a high correlation coefficient by PLS calibration model of NIR spectra t(R=0.946,R=0.949),and the correlation coefficient of the prediction was also high(R=0.872,R=0.941).The Vis/NIR spectroscopy could identify the location of silkworm. Similarly, the identification of varieties,refrigerated types of correlation coefficientswas more than 0.964 and the predict coefficient was above 0.938.The spring-produced silkworm eggs for next spring rearing correction coefficient was over 0.966 and the forecast sample correlation coefficients was more than 0.968.It proved that Vis/NIR spectroscopy can be used to identify the species of silkworm.The result could correctly identify the authenticity of the silkworm eggs.It also could work on during the quality production for the production of silkworm nondestructive rapid identifications.(6) The NIRS reflectance property of the different development stages for the eggs of main hybrids before taken out the refrigerator was followed and investigated. The different embryonic development of the eggs could accurately be identified by means of the mathematical models.The embryonic development, which the naked eye could not be found, was made into the digital information transformation.The egg development after the incubation was determined with the daily tracking spectrum, from which it was found different spectral characteristics in different embryonic development stages,which could be determined by setting up the mathematical model,that gave a new technique for the inspection of the embryonic development during the incubation in the future.(7)The management system of silkworm eggs and mulberry correlation NIR was established. Network version and the PC version of the system could fit for the research and production units,personal inquiries.It will promote the Near Infrared Spectroscopy technology in the development of sericulture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】S88-3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】117

