

The Research on Harmonious Ecological Comprehensive Treatment Model of Saline Land in Lubotan, Shaanxi Province

【作者】 韩霁昌

【导师】 解建仓;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 土壤盐碱化不但是涉及农业、土地、水资源的综合问题,也是典型的生态环境问题。盐碱地作为一种重要的土地资源,对发展综合性农业和产业化农业有较大的潜力,其治理和改良意义重大,并已经成为一个世界性的难题。当前,国内外盐碱地综合治理基本沿用了“淡水压盐、排水洗盐”的模式。但在水资源短缺、生态环境脆弱、社会经济发展滞后的地区,这一传统模式遇到了挑战。本研究在继承前人研究的基础上,以生态环境改善为目标,提出的综合治理模式经过了近十年的实践,取得了“经济—社会—生态”综合效益,并保证了该区域“水土—生物—环境”生态系统和谐发展。主要研究成果表现在如下方面:(1)提出了盐碱地综合治理“改排为蓄、水地共处、和谐生态”的“卤泊滩模式”。将盐碱地治理以“排”为核心改为以“蓄”为核心,建立了基于“工程—生物—农业”的盐碱农业发展综合措施体系,采用“人工—自然”二元措施,逐步恢复区域生态,减少人为干预,系统自我调节,水地资源动态平衡。(2)在卤泊滩试验区开展长期不定期观测试验和田间水盐观测试验,观测并分析不同地块、不同深度、在不同时期土壤水分、盐分、pH值以及离子含量等主要指标的变化情况。结果表明,和谐生态模式实施后试区各项指标均达到并保持了良好的农田耕地标准。(3)开展了蓄水条件下水体与相邻土壤的盐分运移规律试验研究,揭示了以蓄为主的盐碱地治理方式的循环压盐机理。通过蓄水沟水位高低和浓度大小的动态变化,实现对土壤中盐分的扩散运移,循环加速压盐,改变土壤盐分在垂直方向上的分布,实现改良耕作层土壤的目的。(4)开展了蒸发条件下土壤过渡层中水盐运移试验,发现在地下水位基本稳定情况下,土壤非饱和层和饱和层之间存在一个10-20cm的过渡层。由于过渡层的存在,蒸发条件下,土壤水分的毛管蒸发作用的最低范围就在过渡层内,过渡层有隔离下层盐分作用,饱和层盐分含量相对稳定。(5)对卤泊滩试验区改排为蓄后进行了水盐平衡计算,分析了地下水位和盐分的年际动态变化规律。1999-2007年近10间年均引入盐量0.0144×104t<年均带出盐量0.0497×104t,近10年累计脱盐3178t,土壤平均含盐量从治理前的0.45%左右降低到2008年的0.2%左右,区域整体处于脱盐压盐的良性趋势。(6)在分析传统农田排水设计基础上,按照以蓄为主思想,研究了蓄水沟的深度、间距、断面以及治理区的水地比例优化等工程设计问题。结合卤泊滩试验工程设计实证分析,得出试区蓄水沟深度2m,间距120m,水地比例约为8.5%时达到满意,既保证盐碱地治理效果,又最大程度地节省土地资源。(7)建立了盐碱地生态恢复综合评价指标体系,包括一级指标5个、二级指标22个,应用AHP-MATLAB方法,进行测算和综合评价。卤泊滩试验区计算结果S=86.709,表明区域生态系统属于健康,土壤经过改排为蓄模式治理后,适宜于农作物生长。区域物种增加、水土质量较高、生态系统可持续。(8)应用现代信息技术、通讯技术,建立盐碱地水盐动态监测信息服务平台,对盐碱化土壤分布、演变规律以及土壤质量进行长期跟踪监测和模拟研究,保证系统稳定,寻求最佳的宏观生态调控模式和环境保护策略。

【Abstract】 Not only soil salinization is the synthesis problem involveing Agriculture, land, water resources,but also the Eeo-environmental problems, soil salinization As an important land resources, on integrated development of agriculture and agri-industrial have a greater potential, its governance of great significance. At present, both at home and abroad follows the model of "freshwaer pressure salt,drainage washing salt",However, shortage of water resources, a fragile ecological environment, socio-economic development of backward areas, the traditional model had challenge.In this study, the succession at the basis of previous studies to improve the ecological environment as the goal. Comprehensive management model put forward by nearly a decade after the practice. the great benefits of "economy—society—ecology" have been achieved. To ensure that the region "of -water and soil-biological-the environment," the harmonious development of the ecosystem. Study on the main results achieved are as follows:(1) The comprehensive treatment model of "change drainage to impoundment, water and land get along, harmonious ecological" was put forward. Base on the "economy—society—ecology" of an integrated system of agricultural measures was established.(2) In Lubotan, occasional long-term observation and field observations of water and salt test, observation and analysis of different fields and in different depth at different times the salinity、pH value and ion content of the key factors has been summarized. The results showed that the effects of the treatment of saline land in LuBoTan under harmonious ecological treatment model.(3) The research on salt movement of adjacent part between water and soil under the storage condition was developing, has revealed to the mechanism of the cycle of pressure salt.By the high-water level and small concentration of salt and high concentration of salt case, relized the salt in the water diffusion to the soil,the salt into down-part was researched,Improved implementation of the purpose of the arable layer of soil.(4) The experiment on the salt movement in the special layer of soil under storage water condition, There will be a transition layer(10-20cm) from the results. This layer is the lowest range of capillary evaporation transition, and it can isolate the salt of lower layer, Saturated layer of salt content is relatively stable.(5) For the water and salt balance calculation on the Lubotan, Analysis of the groundwater level and salt interannual dynamics.1999~2007 Into the salt 0.0144×104t more little out salt 0.0497×104t, Cumulative desalination 3178t, The average salt content of soil from around 0.45 before treatment decreased to 0.2 around 2008, the overall regional trend in desalination pressure salt(6) Traditional farmland in the analysis based on the drainage design, In accordance with the water storage, Studied the groove depth of water, spacing, cross-section, as well as water management districts in the proportion of engineering design optimization problem. Combination of the Lubotan Analysis of the pilot project design, Test area to draw water groove depth of 2m, spaced 120m, the water ratio is about 8.5%to reach the optimal, ensure the effectiveness of saline-alkali soil, but also to maximize the savings in land resources.(7) The comprehensive evaluation index system has been built for the ecological harmony of farmland, including 5 the first level indicators,22 the second Level indicators, The AHP and MATLAB methods were used to determine the weight indicator, The calculation results S=86.709, the evaluation system was applied on the Lubotan saline land. After the model of governance waiting for the soil has changed, suitable for crop growth, regional air quality of the higher body of water, ecosystems sustainable.(8) Application of modern information technology, communications technology, set up dynamic monitoring of saline water and salt information service platform, Salinization of soil on the distribution, evolution and soil quality monitoring and modeling of long-term follow-up research, find the best mode of macro-ecological regulation and environmental protection strategies.


