

Study on Eco-hydrological Effect and Reservoir Ecological Regulation on the Main Yellow River

【作者】 张洪波

【导师】 黄强;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 为了满足经济社会发展对水资源的需求,人类对河流进行过度的攫取,导致河流生态水文系统的健康状况不断恶化。但限于科学技术发展和生态检测手段,人们尚无法实现大面积的直接观测河流生态系统的变化与演变过程。因此,如何运用科学的方法,识别引起河流健康状况恶化的主要生态水文因素,并采用有针对性的措施,逐步恢复河流的健康,是一个亟待研究的课题。本论文以黄河这一典型河流为研究对象,从生态水文学角度入手,采用定量分析与系统建模相结合的方法,对黄河生态水文特征变化规律、水库对河流的影响机制、黄河生态水文指标体系、黄河干流的生态需水以及水库生态调度的基本理论与模型等方面进行研究。取得的主要成果如下:(1)通过对生态学与水文学相关关系的论述与分析,提出了河流生态水文系统的概念与内涵,初步建立了河流生态水文系统基本理论体系,对其系统内涉及的水文学与生态学的研究内容和范畴进行界定,给出健康河流生态水文系统的定义,描述了生态水文系统的基本功能、健康标志以及表征该系统状态的生态水文要素,为生态调度的研究提供了理论支撑。(2)采用Mann-Kendall等多种方法对黄河干流不同断面的径流要素、洪水要素、河流泥沙要素以及河道形态要素进行统计分析,揭示了不同生态水文指标的长期演变规律、突变特性和生态系统响应过程机制,比选了造成河流生态水文系统健康恶化的关键因素,为生态水文指标体系的构建提供了科学依据。(3)从人类活动对河流生态水文系统的影响及作用机制入手,重点论证了水库运用在河流系统受损过程中的关键性作用。应用变异范围法(RVA)定量分析了不同水库运用方式对河流生态水文系统的影响及响应关系,弥补了以往定性研究的不足。通过对单一水库与梯级水库调度方式以及不同水库功能之间的对比,得出了造成河流受损的水库最不利运行方式,为实施水库生态调度提供了理论依据。(4)结合黄河实际,在充分考虑调控需求洪水因素、径流丰枯差异以及指标的代表性、可操作性和获取性的基础上,构建了黄河生态水文指标体系,分7个大类,50个生态水文指标。该指标体系在结构上更完善,表征能力和针对性更强。(5)基于不同河段关键物种与流量组分、水力空间要素之间的响应关系,提出了计算河流生态需水的水位流速法。该方法可考虑关键物种在不同生命周期所需的生态功能流量与水力学指标,能确定不同断面相应物种生存所需的流量区间。将水位流速法与Tennant方法的计算结果相结合,得出了黄河干流不同断面的最小生态流量过程和适宜生态流量过程,为黄河生态需水研究提供了新的思路。(6)构建了河流生态调度的基本理论体系和研究框架,包括水库生态调度的概念、内涵、基本原则和调度的类型与方式等。针对目前存在的时间尺度粗、空间尺度小以及目标耦合困难等问题,提出了解决时间和空间耦合问题的思路,建立了以天为尺度的基于流量目标和结构目标的水库多目标调度模型,并结合问题特征提出了相应的求解方法,丰富了水库生态调度研究的思路。同时,建立面向生态的梯级水库多目标中长期调度模型,采用模拟仿真技术求解,在黄河实际案例中,取得了较为合理的结果。

【Abstract】 For meeting the economic and social development demand of water resource, human carried out excessive exploit on many rivers, leading to river eco-hydrological system health situation worsening unceasingly. However, limited scientific and technological development and eco-detection means, people still has no way to take directly a large area of observation to river ecosystem change and evolution process. Therefore, how to use scientific methods to identify the main eco-hydrological factors causing the health status deterioration of the river, and to use targeted measures to gradually restore the river health is a key problem needing to study. In this paper, the Yellow River as the typical river was studied from the. perspective of eco-hydrology approach by combining quantitative analysis and system modeling method. The study focused on the eco-hydrological characteristics changes of the Yellow River, the impact mechanism of reservoirs operation to the river, the eco-hydrological index system and ecological water demand of the Yellow River, and the basic theory and model of reservoir ecological regulation and so on. Main results in the paper are as follows:(1) By discussion and analysis the relationship between ecology and hydrology, it was brought forward that concept of river eco-hydrological system. And based on defining the study content and scope of hydrology and ecology involved in the system, its basic theoretical system was initially built and the definition of its health was given. Then the paper described the eco-hydrological system basic functions, health signs as well as the key eco-hydrological factors to state the eco-hydrological system. All provides a theoretical support to reservoir ecological regulation research.(2) Long series statistic analysis was carried out on run-off, floods, river sediment and fluvial geomorphology on different sections of the main stream of the Yellow River by the different methods such as Mann-Kendall. Furthermore, it were revealed that the long-term evolution rule, mutation characteristics of different ecological indexes and ecological system response mechanism. On the basis of all above research, the key eco-hydrological factors leading to river eco-hydrological system health deterioration were obtained by contrasting different reservoir operation results, which have provided the scientific basis for constructing river eco-hydrological index system.(3) After human activities on the river eco-hydrological system’s influence and the function mechanism, the demonstration focus on reservoir damage to river systems. By RVA calculating, quantitative analysis was taken on different reservoirs operations acting on river eco-hydrological system and their inner respond relationship, which made up for past deficiencies with overmuch qualitative research on the thing. Through contrasting the effect to river from single reservoir operation with one from cascade reservoir operation, and comparing between results caused by different functions, the most adverse operating manner damaging river health was given, which would provides a theoretical basis for reservoir ecological regulation.(4) Combined with the actual demand of the Yellow River, the Yellow River eco-hydrological indexes system has been constructed, fully considering regulation demand, flood factor, the abundant or low runoff difference as well as the representation, feasibility and accessibility of the indexes. It divided 7 big kinds,50 eco-hydrology factors. Comparing with other indexes systems, it has more perfect structure, characterization and target.(5) Based on response relationship between keystone species, flow component and hydraulic space on the different river section, ecological flow depth and velocity method was put forward for calculating ecological water demand. The method could consider the required water flow and hydraulic target of keystone species at different life-cycle, then determine the flow range required to maintain the corresponding specie survival on different sections. Combining with Tennant method, the minimum and the suitable ecological flow processes on different sections may be given, which is a new approach to research river ecological water demand.(6) An elementary theory system and research frame about reservoir ecological regulation was constructed, including the concept, connotation, basic principle, regulation type and ways of reservoir ecological regulation and so on. In light of the present existence of rough time scale, spatial scale over-small and difficult issues such as coupling goal, the paper put forward suggestions to solve the coupling problem on time and space scale, and set up a day-scale reservoir multi-objective scheduling model including based on the flow objectives and structure goals. It enriched reservoir ecological regulation research ideas. At the same time, a long-term multi-objective reservoir operation model was built and solved by simulation technology. In real cases to the Yellow River the paper has made the results more reasonable.

  • 【分类号】TV697.11
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1212
  • 攻读期成果

