

Study on Regional Water Resaources Optimal Allocation

【作者】 杜守建

【导师】 李怀恩;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 水资源优化配置是水资源开发利用的研究热点,我国在水资源优化配置方面做了大量工作,取得了丰硕的成果。跨流域调水是解决水资源空间分布不均匀问题的一种有效途径。南水北调东线工程是我国南水北调总体布局中的重要组成部分,对其水资源进行优化配置将缓解受水区的水资源短缺问题,促进该区域的社会经济发展。论文在研究跨流域调水受水区水资源系统特点的基础上,对南水北调东线山东段的水资源优化配置进行了研究,建立了水资源优化配置实时调度系统。主要研究内容及成果如下:(1)南水北调山东受水区水源包括当地水源、引黄河水和引长江水,是一个多水源多目标多工况的调度问题。在水资源系统概化的基础上,建立了多水源系统水资源多目标优化配置模型。把大系统分解协调理论和遗传算法相结合,较好地解决了复杂水资源系统中多水源多用户多目标配置模型的求解问题。(2)从生态需水基本内涵出发,探讨了河道临界生态需水量计算方法,对最小非生物需水量计算的水文与河床形态分析法、最小生态需水计算的生物空间最小需求法以及适宜生态需水的估算方法进行分析,根据河道实际和规划标准综合确定了河流临界生态需水量。(3)针对南水北调东线东平湖至济南段输水工程,采用Preissmann四点隐格式差分求解动力波法,进行渠道水流计算及内边界条件处理,建立了远距离输水水流模拟的水动力学模型。在对输水渠道及众多水工建筑物概化的基础上,着重探讨了上、下游边界及初始条件、进洪闸及分水闸的入出流过程、渠道沿线渗漏量动态化处理等问题。最后,在不同工况条件下进行模拟计算,结果表明沿线各断面计算水位、流量与设计水位、流量拟合较好。(4)根据水资源优化配置的基本原理,结合南水北调工程东线(山东段)的实际情况,实时调度模型采用动态规划法和线性规划法相互嵌套求解,开发了基于GIS的水资源实时调度系统,对今后南水北调工程(山东段)水资源的优化调度及管理具有一定的理论价值和实际意义。(5)把建立的水资源优化配置和实时调度模型应用于南水北调东线工程济平干渠供水区,计算得到水资源年内最优分配方案、东平湖及济平干渠的优化调度方案,验证了模型及其求解方法的可行性,为区域水资源配置方案决策提供了依据。研究成果对促进区域水资源优化配置,实现区域社会、经济、生态环境的可持续发展有着极其重要的理论意义和实践价值。

【Abstract】 Water resources optimum allocation is a significant research field in water resources development and utilization. Lots of achievements on this field have been made in China. Inter-basin water diversion project is an effective way to settle the uneven regional distribution of water resources. The east-route project is a very important part of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project in our country. To allocate the water resources optimally can alleviate the water shortage of the water receiving areas and accelerate the local economic development. Based on the study of its characteristics, this thesis focuses on the research of the water resources optimal allocation of Shandong Province in the east-route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, and a real-time operation system of water resources optimal allocation have also been found in this thesis. The main contents and conclusions are as follows:(1) The water sources of the receiving areas of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project in Shandong Province include the local water, the conducting Yellow River water and the conducting Yangtze River water, which is a regulation problem of multi-source, multi-purpose and multi-condition. With the generalization of water resources system, this thesis puts forward a multiple objective optimal allocation of water resources model. With the corporation of large-scale system decomposition and coordination theory and genetic algorithm, the solution of complex systematic water resources in multi-source, multi-user and multi-purpose optimal disposition model can be solved better.(2) Based on the basic meaning of ecological water demand, the minimum ecological water requirements in river was researched. Then the hydrology and river topography analysis method for minimum abiotic water demand, minimum biological space requirements method for minimum ecological water demand and the appropriate ecological flow estimate method was analyzed too. According to the real conditions of river reaches and planning standards, the critical ecological water requirements had assessed integratedly.(3) Using the four-point implicit scheme method proposed by Preissmann, the concentration flow of river system and inner boundary conditions had solved. A hydrodynamic model for current simulation of long-distance water transfer has been established too, which aimed at the water transfer project from Dongping Lake to Jinan City. Based on the generalization of water transfer channels and hydraulic structures, the critical problems are discussed:simulation of the upper and lower boundaries and initial condition; simulation of flood-intake gate and flood diversion gate; dynamic simulation of leakage of the newly-built channel and so on. The numerical calculation under the operation conditions shows that the calculated results of water level and discharge fit well with the design values.(4) Based on the basic principle of the optimal allocation of water resources, and according to the actual engineering situation, the real-time scheduling models have solved using the theories of dynamic programming and linear programming. Then the real-time operation system based on GIS was built by these optimization algorithms. It has some theoretical value and practical significance for the future optimal scheduling and management of the water resources of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project in Shandong Province.(5) The water resources optimal allocation and real-time scheduling models are applied to water supply area of Ji-ping channel in the east-route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. The project of the optimization allocation of water receiving area and the optimization of Dongping Lake and Ji-ping channel had acquired too. Thus the results confirmed the feasibility of the model and its solution method. The study provides science basis for the optimal utilization on regional water resources and the results are important to the sustainable development on social, economic and ecological environment.


