

A Study on the Interests Harmony in Contemporary China

【作者】 郑青

【导师】 范明英;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国社会发展面临的现实问题是,刚刚经历三十年改革开放,积累了大量利益矛盾;正在进行社会转型,社会失范容易导致利益关系分化;积极参与国际事务,承受巨大利益发展风险。崛起的中国,呈现出前所未有的大剧变、大发展,其实质就是诸多利益关系的大调整。这一社会变迁的深刻性、广泛性、复杂性,直接影响新时期中国共产党获取执政的合法性、突破改革发展瓶颈的动力支撑及推进社会主义和谐社会的构建等。所以,协调好社会利益关系,既是社会利益和谐的体现,又是当代中国重大的理论和现实问题。研究当代中国利益关系的和谐,要解答三个基本问题:一要明确当代中国利益和谐的基本内涵;二要探索当代中国利益和谐的发展理念;三要寻求当代中国利益和谐的实践路径。探究这些问题具有多视角、宽领域的特点,目前多学科都在研究。经济学着力论证经济利益分配过程的合理性、社会学侧重探究社会利益关系发展结果的效应性,政治学倾向认知社会利益关系实现动态均衡的发展性。其中广义政治学对政治关系进行了社会化分析,其理论实质“就是研究整个人类社会历史发展中关于人的社会利益全局关系的协调与控制的科学”。这一研究视角契合本文立足利益和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会核心的理论基点。因此,在马克思主义理论指导下,本文主要运用了广义政治学的研究方法,包括政治的利益关系分析、政治的历史整体分析、政治的社会生活整合分析、政治的功能结构体系分析,同时还运用了比较分析的研究方法及制度分析的研究方法。论文主体部分的研究思路:第二、三章是提出问题部分,列举了影响利益和谐的主要社会矛盾,探讨了当代中国诉求利益和谐的实践成因,提出实现利益和谐是当代中国社会实践的核心问题;第四、五章是分析问题部分,解析了当代中国推进利益和谐的思想依据,明确了利益和谐的发展理念,获得实现利益和谐的理论支撑;第六、七章是解决问题部分,构建了解决国内突出利益矛盾问题的具体机制,对现代国际社会主要利益和谐的实践模式进行了考察,取得一定启示,并结合中国社会发展实际,提出形成中国利益和谐实践模式的发展举措。通过研究得出的基本结论:其一,当代中国利益和谐的基本内涵主要包括三个方面,即促进社会利益矛盾可控;保持社会利益格局动态均衡;实现社会最大利益目标;其二,以人为本、全面、协调、可持续是今后中国利益和谐的发展理念;其三,推进当代中国实践利益和谐,除了进行具体的机制安排,还应着力四个方面的实践举措:以发展经济奠定利益和谐的物质基础;以维护公正引导利益和谐的社会认同;以体制改革形成利益和谐的发展动力;以政府廉治营造利益和谐的实践环境。总之,论文研究的主要目的,就是立足当代中国利益和谐的发展理念,寻求可行的实践路径,以此推进中国化马克思主义利益政治理论的发展,并认知构建社会主义和谐社会的发展规律。

【Abstract】 China has the following social development issues, a large amount of social interests conflicts have been accumulated after it has experienced three decades of reform and opening up, interests differentiation is easily leaded to by social anomie when it is ongoing social transformation, great interests developing risk is being withstood when it actively participates in international affairs. A rising China is showing great upheaval and great development,whose essence is a lot of interests adjustment. In new era,the nature, scope, complexity of social changes have a direct impact on the ruling legality for the Communist Party of China,the power foothold for breaking through the bottleneck of reform and development, the construction of a socialist harmonious society and so on.Therefore, successfully coordinating interests relations is the embodiment of social interests harmony, but also a major theoretical and practical problem in contemporary China.when study the topic of interests harmony in contemporary China, it is necessary to answer three basic questions, First, should define the basic content of interests harmony in contemporary China;Second, should explore the development ideas of interests harmony in contemporary China.Third,should seek the practice paths of interests harmony in contemporary China. Researching these issues has multi-angle and wide-ranging features, now multi-disciplinary are studying the topic.Economics has the Efforts to demonstrate the rationality of interests distribution process, sociology focuses on exploring the social effects of interests relationship development results, politics tends to acknowledge interest relationship realizing dynamic equilibrium development. Among these discipline, general political science studys the political relationship from the view of social analysis, the essence of the theory "is a science to study the coordination and the control of overall social interests relations in the historical development of human society ".Such study view fits the theoretical basic point of the article that the interests harmony is the core of constructing socialist harmonious society.Therefore, under the guidance of Marxism, the study mainly uses the research methods of broard politics,including the interests analysis of politics,the history overall analysis of politics, the social life integration analysis of politics, the structure and system functional analysis of politics,but also uses the research methods of comparative analysis and system analysis.The body parts of the paper follow the layout:ChapterⅡandⅢbelong to the part of issues-raising, cites the major social conflicts which affect interests harmony, and probes the practice causes which demand realizing interests harmony, raises that achieving interests harmony is the core issue of social practice in contemporary China.Chapter IV and V belong to the part of issue-analysing, analyses the ideological basis of pushing contemporary China to achieve interests harmony, and defines the developent ideas for the concept of interests harmony,comes to the theoretical support for realizing interests harmony.Chapter VI and VII belong to the part of issues-solving, makes an arrangements of specific institutions for solving the main interests problems in domestic,and explores the practice plight of interests harmony in the international community, arrives at some reference enlightenment for achieving interests harmony, meanwhile combining with the actual development of Chinese society,puts forward the development measures for forming Chinese interests harmony practical model.The basic conclusion obtained by studying is the following:First, the basic content of interests harmonious in contemporary China mainly includes three aspects, namely controlling the social interest conflicts;maintaining the dynamic equilibrium of social interests pattern; achieving the best interests development goal of the community; Second, people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable developments requirements are chinese interests harmonious development ideas in the future; Third,in order to promote the interests harmony practice of contemporary Chinese, in addition to carry out specific institutional arrangements, should also focus on four practical measures:lying the material foundation for propelling interests harmony through developing economy, guiding the whole society to agree the ideas of interests harmony through protecting fairness and justice; forming the development power for interests harmony through reforming systems; creating practice environment for interests harmony through good governance.In short, the main research purpose of this thesis is to explore the practice paths of interests harmony development ideas in contemporary China, so as to promote the interests politics theory of Chinese Marxism to develop, and acknowledge the development law of constructing socialist harmonious society.


