

【作者】 陈桓辉

【导师】 严书翰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义发展史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当今时代,文化软实力已经成为一个国家或地区综合力的重要组成部分,在国家或地区发展中占据着极其重要的战略地位。2000年以来,文化发展战略日渐成为既是牵动我国未来发展的重大战略,又是学术界研究的前沿性课题。为贯彻国家文化发展战略,2003年以来,陕西、河南、山东等省先后提出建设“文化强省”的战略目标,相继出台文化发展规划纲要、文化发展意见等文件,促进了省级层面的文化发展战略的实施。但是,如何在研究国外和我国文化发展战略已经取得的成果的基础上,从国家、区域和省级这三个层面的有机结合上,深入探析这一重大课题,目前还比较薄弱。因此,深入、系统地研究文化发展战略,尤其是从国家、区域和省级结合层面上研究文化发展战略,对于更好地促进文化发展战略的制定和实施具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。有鉴于此,笔者选择了以文化强省战略作为博士论文的研究对象。本论文采用了文献研究法、系统论和多学科的研究方法和实证研究法。运用文献研究法,对有关文化发展战略和文化强省战略的文献进行检索,系统收集了美国、法国、韩国文化发展战略和我国建国以来文化发展战略资料,在占有大量资料的基础上,对材料进行综合分析和比较研究,使论文建立在最新成果的研究的基础上。本文运用系统论观点,按照国家与地域、省级进行研究,选取陕西、河南和山东为样本,注意研究它们之间的相互作用和相互联系,从整体的联系中把握对象的规律性。同时还运用文化学、战略学、哲学以及政策学等方法进行分析和研究,进一步拓宽研究的视野,从而总结出各具特色的经验,得出合乎规律的结论。本论文以战略学理论和文化软实力理论为立论依据,对文化强省的战略定位、战略组织资源分析、战略构成要素、战略效果等进行研究和分析,从而增强了文化强省战略研究的学理性。本论文对国内外文化发展战略进行了梳理总结,并选取了我国西部、中部和东部的代表省份即对陕西、河南和山东文化强省战略进行了系统分析,对文化强省战略实施的对策建议进行了深入的探讨,在对文化强省战略的理论和实践研究的基础上,提出了主要供省级层面参考的对策。本论文研究了软实力的内涵及构成要素、软实力与硬实力的关系和我国软实力提升的途径。在此基础上,对文化软实力的内涵进行了概括,对其构成要素和作用进行分析,阐述了文化发展战略与文化软实力提升的相互关系。本论文选取美国、法国、韩国为研究对象,对这些国家的文化发展战略模式进行了初步的研究。这些国家在文化发展方面有比较明确的战略,有比较完善的文化法律和文化政策,包括适合文化发展的长远规划、公开透明非歧视的文化市场准入机制和公平公正自由竞争的文化产业生态环境、行之有效的资金支持机制和多元化投入机制等。这些经验对我国文化强省战略的制定和实施具有一定的借鉴意义。本论文还回顾了建国以来中国共产党文化发展战略思想的演进历程,并在此基础上总结出文化发展战略演进的几点启示。新中国成立后至改革开放前的这段时间,是社会主义文化建设的初步探索时期。改革开放30多年来,我国文化发展战略的演变以党的十五大为界可划分为两个发展阶段:第一阶段从1978年到1996年;第二阶段从1997年党的十五大召开至今。新中国60年文化发展战略思想的演进,为文化强省战略的制定和实施提供了很多深刻的启示。近年来,陕西省出台了一系列支持、鼓励文化事业和文化产业发展的重要政策和措施,为实现西部省份经济社会跨越式发展奠定了基础。在对陕西省文化发展战略定位、战略组织资源分析、战略构成要素、战略实施成果进行分析的基础上,得出了文化强省的重要启示。河南省在文化建设上有着明确的总体要求、切实的具体措施和坚强的组织保障。这些方面有力推动了河南文化强省建设。在分析河南省文化发展战略定位、战略组织资源分析、战略构成要素的基础上,对河南文化强省战略的实施成果和启示进行了归纳和分析。山东省在社会主义核心价值体系建设、优秀传统文化弘扬、文化体制创新、文化事业与文化产业共同发展上都有很多亮点。在对这些亮点分析的基础上,得出了文化强省的重要启示。本论文在最后从战略的高度分析了文化强省战略的重要意义:一方面有利于提升综合国力,另一方面,有利于促进地方经济社会发展。从文化强省战略的基本原则、战略目标、战略重点、战略措施、战略评价等五个方面提出了文化强省战略制定和实施的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Culture, as part of soft power, has been recognized as strategically important to the development of a country or region. Therefore, cultural development strategies have become a significant part of China’s national development strategy and a forefront topic in academic studies since year 2000. From 2003 on, provinces like Shanxi, Henan and Shandong have successively promulgated official documents to promote cultural development to build“culturally powerful provinces”and have put some strategic measures into practice. However, little study has been directed to the coordination of national, regional, and provincial cultural development strategies. Systematic study of cultural development strategies, especially comprehensive strategies integrating national, regional and provincial developments, will theoretically and practically contribute to decision-making and policy-making. Hence the present dissertation is directed at provincial cultural development strategies.Analyses and comparisons are conducted on the basis of relevant literature on cultural development strategies in the U.S.A., France, Korea as well as in our country. Instructed by system theory and using Shanxi, Henan and Shandong as samples, investigations are carried out about strategies on national, regional and provincial levels and about interrelations and interactions between such strategies. The research also absorbs methodologies from cultural studies, strategy studies, philosophy and policy studies to abstract useful principles.Guided by strategic theory and cultural soft power theory, this dissertation examines and analyzes the strategic orientation, resource organizing, strategic constituents, strategic effects in the construction of culturally powerful provinces.Based on analytic summaries of cultural development strategies at home and abroad, the dissertation analyzes provincial cultural development strategies, explores tactics in the application of relevant strategies, and tentatively advises some measures.Constituents and functions of soft power are then analyzed and the relationship between cultural development strategies and the promotion of soft power is explored. Foreign strategic models of cultural development are analyzed with the U.S.A., France and Korea as samples. It is revealed that these countries have clearly defined strategies and have systematic laws and policies about cultural development, including long-term plans, transparent and equal market access mechanisms, multi-channel investments, and systematic policies. Practice in these countries should be worth learning from for China.Evolution of new China’s cultural development strategies is reviewed and some noteworthy points are drawn. A preliminary exploratory period spans from the founding of People’s Republic to the birth of the opening up policy and the 30 odd years since opening up could be considered two stages: the first from 1978 to 1996 and the second from the Party’s 15th Congress in 1997 on to now. The evolution of strategic thoughts about cultural development has many inspirations to strategic plan-making and strategy implementation on the provincial level.In recent years, Shanxi Province implemented various policies that support and encourage development of cultural causes and cultural enterprises and laid a solid foundation for social and economic leap-forward. Insights for culturally powerful province construction are drawn from analyses of strategic orientation of cultural development, resource organizing and strategic constituents, and achievements brought about by the policies.Henan Province set up well defined strategic goals, clearly formulated measures and powerful institutional support, which has effectively enhanced its construction of a culturally powerful province. The province’s strategic orientation, resource organizing and strategic constituents are analyzed, and then on the basis of such analysis inspirations are abstracted from practical achievements.Shandong Province has been remarkably successful in consolidating the socialist value system, carrying forward traditional culture, cultural administrative mechanism innovating, and enhancing cultural causes and cultural enterprises. Enlightenments about culturally powerful province construction are crystallized from analyses of Shandong’s successes.The research concludes that strategies on constructing culturally powerful provinces are of strategic significance. Cultural development will promote our country’s comprehensive national strength and local socio-economic development. The dissertation puts forward suggestions on the making of cultural development strategies and on implementing measures, taking into consideration the general principles, the goals, the central tasks, the implementing measures, and the assessments.

  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2148

