

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 冯秋婷;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说与党的建设, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 科学发展是我国在新世纪新阶段别无选择的发展模式,领导科学发展是我们全党在当前和今后的重要执政使命,是加强党的执政能力建设的核心内容。各级党政领导干部是贯彻落实科学发展观、领导科学发展的中坚力量,提高他们的整体素质和能力,特别是着重增强他们领导科学发展的能力,意义重大。党的十六大特别是十七大之后,对科学发展和领导科学发展能力的研究已经成为理论界和学术界讨论、研究的热点,各界从不同角度对科学发展和领导科学发展能力进行了一定的研究。但同时又要看到,这些研究还处于亟待深化的阶段,特别是关于党政领导干部领导科学发展能力这个方面的研究仍处于起步阶段,目前成果不多,还不成系统,研究有待进一步深入。论文以现实背景与理论分析为论述铺垫,以能力构建、现状评估、原因分析及措施途径为研究模式,核心在于论述新形势下党政领导干部领导科学发展能力这一课题。第一章为背景分析,即党领导科学发展的新使命与干部队伍建设的新要求。阐述了科学发展是当代中国的必然要求,是党在新阶段必然的执政使命,以及这样的时代背景和执政使命对党的干部队伍建设的新要求。本章包括三方面的内容:一是新的历史起点与党领导科学发展的新使命,重在阐明新阶段党的执政面临的新情况、新问题,着重指出了新的执政环境对党的领导与执政能力的挑战,在这样的压力下,我们党应该及时更新执政理念,积极领导和推动科学发展;二是加强干部队伍建设是实现党的领导的历史经验,从历史的角度阐述干部队伍建设对实现党的领导的重要意义,主要指出了党历来重视干部队伍建设特别是能力建设这一历史事实,进一步论述了党不断加强干部队伍能力建设的重大意义以及党在加强干部队伍能力建设方面的基本经验;三是提高领导科学发展能力是干部队伍建设的新要求,论述了提高领导科学发展能力体现了党的干部队伍建设的与时俱进,是当前党的执政能力建设的主要内容,并强调提高领导科学发展能力是党政领导干部贯彻科学发展观的根本要求,也是党政领导干部能力提升的重点方向。第二章为理论分析,主要分析了党政领导干部在领导科学发展方面所需的能力构成,并构建了领导科学发展能力的基本框架。该能力框架主要包括三个方面:一是为民、靠民和惠民能力,这三个能力,实质上是体现科学发展观“以人为本”的核心;二是谋划发展、优化发展和推动发展的能力,这三个能力前后相承接,反映党政领导干部按照科学发展观要求完成“发展第一要务”的能力;三是统筹发展的能力,主要是党政领导干部运用科学发展观中统筹兼顾这一根本方法的能力,在实践中则是统筹经济发展的能力和统筹经济与其它领域发展的能力。这三大方面的能力共同体现了科学发展观关于实现全面协调可持续发展的基本要求。第三章为现状评估,分析介绍了当前我国党政领导干部领导科学发展能力的总体现状。首先阐述了对党政领导干部领导科学发展能力进行现状评估的主要依据,然后在对现有材料进行分析基础上对党政领导干部领导科学发展能力的基本状况进行了分析评估,指出能力取得的主要进展和存在的明显主要不足,进而对党政领导干部领导科学发展能力亟需加强的重点方面提出建议。第四章为原因分析,主要从三个方面进行论述:一是分析了制约领导科学发展能力的素质和作风因素,主要分析了理论素质、科学文化素质和作风因素的制约;二是分析了制约领导科学发展能力的政绩观因素,指出了错误政绩观的种种表现与危害以及对党政领导干部领导科学发展能力的制约;三是分析了制约领导科学发展能力的体制因素,主要是考核评价机制、选拔任用机制、教育培训机制和监督机制不健全对领导科学发展能力的制约。第五章为路径分析,即探析了党政领导干部提升领导科学发展能力的基本途径。在具体途径上,主要探索了三个方面的内容:一是强化以提高领导科学发展能力为重点的干部教育培训体系建设,通过加强和改进教育与培训来提高党政领导干部领导科学发展的能力;二是完善促进科学发展的干部考核考评机制,加强考核评价机制的导向作用;三是注重在实践中锻炼提高领导科学发展能力,主要是通过岗位锻炼和干部换岗交流等渠道培养锻炼各级干部,特别是年轻干部、后备干部,注重从党政领导干部成长的全过程培养他们驾驭科学发展的能力。

【Abstract】 In the new century and stage, China has no alternative but scientific development pattern, and then it is an important historic mission for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to guide scientific development. At present, the capability to guide scientific development is a core content for the CPC’s governance capability construction. All the leading cadres of the Party and governments are the hard core to thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development and to guide scientific development. Therefore, it is of signification to enhance their abilities and qualities, especially abilities to guide scientific development.Since the Party’s the Sixteenth Congress, especially the Seventeenth Congress, it has been a hotspot in the theoretical and academic circles to discuss and research on scientific development and capabilities to guide scientific development, on which all circles have deeply analyzed and researched. However, the above-mentioned researches have been even on a stage to be deepened, especially the research on the capability of the Party and governments’leading cadres to guide scientific development being on a starting stage. Moreover, such research achievements have not been abundant and systematic, remaining to be deepened.In this thesis, practical background and theoretical analysis are regarded as statement matting while capability frame construction, status investigation, reason analysis and measures as research stance. Core of the thesis lies on dissertating the question of how to enhance the capability of the Party and governments’leading cadres in all levels to guide scientific development.Chapter One, the Party’s New Mission to Guide Scientific Development and New Requirements on Building the Ranks of Cadres, is a background analysis. It expatiates that scientific development is inexorable in contemporary China and it is also the Party’s certain mission, in addition, it indicates era background and governance mission’s requirements on the ranks of leading cadres. This chapter includes three aspects. The first aspect on the Party’s new mission to guide scientific development on a new starting-point emphasizes the new conditions and problems confronting the Party, which have challenged the Party on her leadership and governance. Under such pressure, the Party has to renovate on time her governance conception. So we have to thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development and positively guide scientific development in governance practice. The second aspect tells that it is a historical experience for the Party to build the rank of leading cadres so as to realize her leadership on the historical perspective, and expatiates that it is a basic experience of building cadres rank to realize the Party’s leadership. The thesis further discusses the huge significance for the Party to strengthen capability building of the cadres rank, and points out the Party’s basic experiences on strengthening capability building of the cadres rank. The third aspect tells it is a new requirement for the Party to build her cadres rank for enhancing the capability of guiding scientific development. It emphasizes that to enhance the capability of guiding scientific development embodies the rank of cadres’building keeping up with the times, and is also the main content of strengthening the governance capability of the Party. In this part, the thesis emphasizes that to enhance the capability of guiding scientific development is a fundamental requirement for the Party and governments’leading cadres to thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development and it is a key orientation for building rank of cadres to enhance their capability.Chapter Two, Constitution of Capability of the Party and Governments’Leading Cadres to Guide Scientific Development, is a theoretical analysis, mainly analyzing what’s the constitution of capability of the Party and governments’leading cadres to guide scientific development and provides a framework for such capability. In the thesis the framework includes three aspects. The first aspect tells the capability of development for people, the capability of development relying on people, and the capability of using development achievements benefiting people. The three capabilities mainly embody the core thought of“putting people first”of the Scientific Outlook on Development. The second aspect also includes three, the capability of designing development, the capability of optimizing development and the capability of guiding development, which embody the capabilities of the Party and governments’leading cadres to accomplishing the mission of“regard development as the top priority”. The third aspect tells the capability of development in overall consideration. The capability reflects how the Party and governments’leading cadres can exercise overall consideration as the Scientific Outlook on Development’s fundamental approach, and in practice it is the capability of handling economic development and handling development in other fields in overall consideration. These three aspects as a whole reflect the Scientific Outlook on Development’s basic requirement: to achieve comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development.Chapter Three, the Actuality Investigation of Current Capabilities of the Party and Governments’Leading Cadres to Guide Scientific Development, analyzes and introduces the comprehensive actuality of their capabilities. In this chapter, the thesis firstly tells the main data basis on which the evaluation is made. The main content of the chapter analyzes and evaluates the comprehensive actuality of the capabilities of the Party and governments’leading cadres to guide scientific development, about the advancements and deficiencies. Finally, the thesis advances some suggestions on some key fields needed to improve.Chapter Four, Main Factors Restricting Capabilities of the Party and Governments’Leading Cadres to Guide Scientific Development, analyzes three important factors. The first one is caliber and style factors, including restrictions of deficiency of theoretical caliber, caliber of scientific and culture and style factors. The second factor is about leading cadres’achievement outlook. The thesis mainly points out embodiments and harmfulness of some wrong achievement outlooks and their restriction on capabilities of the Party and governments’leading cadres to guide scientific development. The third factor is about mechanisms which restrict capabilities of the Party and governments’leading cadres to guide scientific development. Such mechanisms mainly include the leading cadres’assessment system, selection and nomination system, training system, and supervision system.Chapter Five, Ways and Means to Enhance Capabilities of the Party and Governments’Leading Cadres to Guide Scientific Development, is a path analysis. The thesis suggests three concrete ways to enhance the capabilities. Firstly, it is necessary to enhance capabilities and qualities of the Party and governments’leading cadres to guide scientific development through the way of education and training, and to perfect leading cadres’education and training system with an emphasis on capabilities and qualities for scientific development. Secondly, it is necessary to perfect the leading cadres’assessment system in accordance with the requirements of the Scientific Outlook on Development, and to stress the function and guidance of such system. Thirdly, it is necessary to perfect leading cadres’practice system, encouraging them to work and temper themselves at the primary level and in areas with tough conditions, so as to enhance their capabilities of guiding scientific development. The suggested ways include practice on their own posts and transferring them between different posts. By means of these measures, leading cadres at all levels especially young cadres and reserve cadres will enhance their capabilities and qualities to guide scientific development.

  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2176

