

【作者】 李娜

【导师】 刘炳香;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说与党的建设, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 信访制度是中国共产党独具特色的政治制度设计,是中国特色社会主义民主政治制度的重要组成部分。信访制度在执政党密切联系人民群众,有效进行民主协商对话和直接了解民意方面发挥着其他政治制度所无法取代的作用,在妥善地疏通、化解、处理和解决人民内部矛盾、有效维护群众合法权益方面发挥着对其他政治制度及时有效的补充作用,是新时期党和政府加强与人民群众之间联系的重要渠道。本文运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的研究方法,从提高党的执政能力、巩固和扩大党的执政基础的高度,从党群关系的视角对我国信访制度的产生、发展进行了纵向的历史考察,特别是在对改革开放以来信访制度的现状、成因及其对党群关系的影响进行分析的基础上,提出了完善信访制度,改善和密切党群关系的对策建议。序言部分,简要概述论文的选题意义,梳理和总结了既有的研究成果,并介绍了论文结构、研究方法及论文的创新点和难点。第一章,主要搭建了论文的理论分析框架:阐释了信访及信访制度的含义,分析了执政党密切与群众关系的基本要求是了解民意、表达民意并实现民意,实现这一要求的途径有很多,信访制度在众多途径中发挥着特殊重要的作用。信访制度作为具有中国特色的政治制度,其最基本的功能就是保证群众的“输入”即表达民意和保证党委政府的“输出”即实现民意,由此也可以看出,信访制度实质上就是执政党密切与人民群众之间联系的重要制度设计。第二章,主要对信访制度进行系统的历史分析:从党群关系的视角系统考察了信访制度的发展过程。在革命战争年代,中国共产党已经具备“信访”工作的雏形,通过接收群众来信、接待群众来访,增进了与群众之间的感情。新中国成立后一直到“文革”发生前,信访制度逐步形成并初步发展,在动员群众、了解群众情绪和愿望以及维护群众权益方面发挥了重要的作用。“文革”时期的信访制度发生了扭曲和停滞,在密切党群关系方面的作用微乎其微。拨乱反正时期,信访制度迅速恢复与发展,在平反冤假错案、解决历史遗留问题方面发挥了重要的不可替代的作用,成为密切党群关系的主要渠道。第三章,重点对信访制度的现状进行分析:从党群关系角度分析了改革开放以来信访制度的现状,尤其是阐释了信访制度面临的大量问题与严峻挑战。改革开放以来,随着我国经济体制的深刻变革,社会结构的深刻变动,利益格局的深刻调整以及思想观念的深刻变化,特别是由于我国政治体制改革的相对滞后,长期积累的人民内部矛盾大量地通过信访渠道反映出来,一度引发“信访洪峰”。面对这些前所未有的新情况、新问题和新挑战,曾经非常有效的信访制度表现捉襟见肘。一方面,信访制度仍作为“社会安全阀”、“矛盾调解器”在维护群众权益密切党群关系方面发挥着一定作用;但是另一方面,信访制度却遭遇了制度危机,各种弊端不断显现,甚至成为引发党群、干群矛盾的导火索。第四章,从宏观、微观两个层面对信访制度陷入危机的原因进行分析:第一,社会转型期往往是社会矛盾的多发期和集中爆发期,民情民意表达和实现、社会矛盾的疏通和化解成为执政党必须面对的现实问题,由于我国目前民情民意表达渠道狭窄和信访制度的定位不够准确,使得大量矛盾通过信访渠道反映出来,信访制度承载了过多的社会责任。第二,信访制度自身存在诸多不足与缺陷,使得它在化解和处理转型期社会矛盾的过程中陷入困境。第三,信访制度缺乏有效的制度支撑。第五章,根据对信访制度面临新情况、新问题与新挑战的原因分析,提出了改革完善信访制度的对策:第一,明确信访制度改革的目的,即维护群众合法权益,密切党和政府同人民群众的联系,进一步巩固和扩大党的执政基础。第二,明确信访制度改革的方向,即法制化与规范化。第三,设计信访制度改革的步骤与方案,主要包括:从源头上减少矛盾,减少信访事项的发生;信访制度自身的改革与完善;信访制度与相关制度的有效衔接,等等。结束语部分,简要阐述了中国法治化进程中信访制度在改善党群关系中的发展前景。依法治国是中国民主政治制度的必然发展趋势,可以预测,随着中国法治化进程的不断推进,信访制度的政治功能和法律功能都将会有不同程度的弱化。但是,可以肯定地说,信访制度在密切党群关系方面仍有生存的空间,当然,必须对其加以规范,明确其地位、功能、作用的范围和方式。

【Abstract】 The system of Letters and Visits is a unique political system designed by CPC. It is an important component of the democratic system with Chinese characteristics. It plays an irreplaceable role for the ruling Party to strengthen the Party-people tie, make democratic consultation and dialogue with the masses more effectively, and helping understanding the public opinions more directly. At the same time, it plays an effectively and timely complementary role for other political istitutions to relieve, manage and resolve the contradictions among the people properly, and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses effectively. It is an important channel for the Party and government to strengthen the links between the masses. In this paper, the author uses the methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to give a longitudinal study of history on the emergence and development of the system of Letters and Visits, from the perspective of enhancing governance capability of the Party, consolidating and extending the Party’s ruling base and Party-people tie. Especially the author gives the countermeasures to perfect the system of Letters and Visits to improve the Party-people relationship, based on the analysis of current situation of this system, previous development, as well as its impact on Party-people relationship.In preface, the author expounds the significance of this thesis, and summarizes the existing research achievements, then presents the structure, method, innovations and difficulties of this paper.In the first chapter, the theoretical framework is formed: the author explains the meaning of Letters and Visits and its system, then concludes that understanding, expressing and realizing the public opinion are the basic requirement of enhancing the affinity between the ruling Party and the masses. There are many ways to meet this requirement, in which the system of Letters and Visits plays a significant part. As a political system with Chinese characteristics, the essential function of the system of Letters and Visits is to guarantee the input of people and output of the Party and the government, which is delivery and realization of the public opinion. All in all, the system of Letters and Visits at heart is an important systematic design for forging closer tie between the Party and the people.In the second chapter, the author gives an analysis on the history of the system of Letters and Visits: making a systematic study on the development of the system of Letters and Visits from the perspective of party-people relationship. During the revolutionary war, there was the embryonic form of this system. By receiving letters and visiting, the relation between the Party and the people was enhanced. From the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the“Cultural Revolution”, the system of Letters and Visits gradually formed and developed, and played an important role in mobilizing the people and safeguarding their rights and interests. Then in the days of“Cultural Revolution”, the system was distorted and came to a standstill, as a result, it made little contribution to the party-people relationship then. After the“Cultural Revolution”, the system of Letters and Visits got renewed and developed, and played an inreplaceable role in redressing individual injustices, settling historical problems, being a main channel to a closer party-people relationship.In the third chapter, the author gives analysis on the current situation: from the perspective of tie between the Party and the people, the paper describes the status quo of the system of Letters and Visits since reform and opening-up, especially the problems and challenges in this area. Since reform and opening-up, following the profound changes in our economic system, there have been great changes and adjustments in social structure, the pattern of interests and people’s ideas. Contradictions formed before mostly emerged through the channel of Letters and Visits. Under such circumstances, the system of Letters and Visits, once being effective, ran short of ways in dealing with the situation. On the one hand, the system of Letters and Visits still acts as a“safety valve in society”or“contradictions mediation device”which makes some contributions to ensure the rights and interests of the people and maintain a closer party-people relationship. On the other hand, the system of Letters and Visits suffers an institutional crisis, undergoes various defects, and even becomes a cause of contradictions in party-people and cadre-people relations.In the fourth chapter, the author analyzes the causation why the system of Letters and Visits falls into crisis from both the macro and the micro level: first, in the period of social transformation, the contradictions among the people break out in greater density and intensity. The expressing and realizing of the people’s opinion and the solving of the social contradictions become major questions which the ruling Party has to face. Because of the lack of effective means to resolve contradictions and the inappropriate understanding of the system of Letters and Visits, lots of conflicts goes into this channel, so the system of Letters and Visits carries just too much social responsibility. Second, the system itself has deficiencies and shortcomings. Third, the system lacks effective institutional underpinnings.In the fifth chapter, the author gives countermeasures in this part, according to problems and challenges faced by the system of Letters and Visits and its causations. Three aspects included: first, to make clear the purpose of the reform of the system of Letters and Visits is to safeguard legal rights and interests of the people, thus further intensifying the Party-people relationship in order to further consolidate the ruling bases of the Party. Second, to make clear the direction of the reform of the system of Letters and Visits is rule of law and standardization. Third, to design the approaches and scheme of the reform of the system of Letters and Visits, things must be done to reduce contradictions at root, minimize the occurrence of letter-writing and visiting, reform the system itself, and integrate Letters and Visits with other related institutions, etc.In the conclusion part, the author sets forth the prospects for improving the party-people relationship based on rule of law. The function of civil relief of the system of Letters and Visits may be weakened under the continuous process of rule of law in China. However, it is sure that there is still room to form a closer party-people tie by improving and reforming the system of Letters and Visits with a focus on making clear the regulations and restrictions of its status, functions, operational scope and approach.

  • 【分类号】D632.8
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】2568

