

【作者】 姜洁晶

【导师】 严书翰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义发展史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 党的十七大提出,要“推动当代中国马克思主义大众化”,这是在党的全会上第一次明确提出这一任务。近年来,理论界对马克思主义基本原理和马克思主义中国化的研究不断深入,已取得重大进展,但是相比之下马克思主义大众化的专题研究较少。研究当代中国马克思主义大众化有着深刻的理论意义和深远的现实意义。在理论方面,它不但是深化和拓展马克思主义理论研究的需要,而且有利于促进相关学科领域研究的进一步深化。在实践方面,它是巩固和加强马克思主义指导地位的迫切要求,也是推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业的根本要求。马克思主义大众化就是马克思主义理论由抽象到具体、由深奥到通俗、由少数人理解掌握到被广大群众理解掌握的过程。在马克思主义创立发展早期,马克思恩格斯和列宁就十分重视马克思主义大众化并积极践行,切实推动马克思主义大众化。当代中国马克思主义大众化具有特指和泛指两个层面的含义,特指即中国特色社会主义理论体系的大众化,泛指则为既包括马克思主义基本原理又包括马克思主义中国化理论成果的大众化。在当代中国马克思主义大众化的过程中,传导者、信息、媒介、受众四个要素相互作用,成为马克思主义大众化得以运行的基础。马克思主义大众化与马克思主义中国化是在中国坚持和发展马克思主义的两个根本点,二者有着密切的联系,应当相互促进、相互推动。马克思主义大众化在中国推进的历程可以分为新民主主义革命时期、新中国成立至改革开放之前的时期、改革开放以来三个时期,毛泽东和艾思奇是最为突出的代表。这几个时期的马克思主义大众化为继续推进当代中国马克思主义大众化提供了重要的经验借鉴。当代中国马克思主义大众化有着深刻的时代背景和重大意义。世情、国情、党情、民情广泛而深刻的变化为马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位带来了严峻挑战,使推进当代中国马克思主义大众化的要求更为迫切。推进当代中国马克思主义大众化是马克思主义的本质要求和发展马克思主义的要求,是巩固马克思主义在我国意识形态领域指导地位的必由之路,是不断推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业的现实需要。推进当代中国马克思主义大众化工作的进展情况与成效不仅仅取决于这项工作本身,还受其他条件和因素的影响。辩证地分析这些有利条件和制约因素,有助于我们在实际工作中有效地分析问题和解决问题。马克思主义的内在吸引力、马克思主义在中国具有深厚的社会心理基础、新中国成立60年来我国经济社会的发展和意识形态工作取得的成就、党在马克思大众化进程中积累的丰富经验是推进当代中国马克思主义大众化的有利条件。价值多元化的冲击、信息化带来的挑战、宣传普及工作中存在的问题、经济社会发展中的矛盾与党风方面的问题、不良学风的干扰是其制约因素。推进当代中国马克思主义大众化,应当充分利用有利条件,针对制约因素制定有效对策,有的放矢地解决问题。时代性、实践性、长期性、艰巨性和复杂性是当代中国马克思主义大众化的主要特证,决定了这项工作需要付出长期的努力和不懈的探索。在实际工作中,应当以合力论、灌输论、受众理论和群众路线理论为理论指导和理论借鉴。具体而言,推进当代中国马克思主义大众化需要从以下几方面着手:第一,要以科学的态度对待马克思主义,并在推进马克思主义大众化的工作中突出马克思主义的实践特色、民族特色和时代特色。第二,要正确理解“灌输”,坚持“灌输”的理念,改进灌输的方法。改进灌输的方法一是要研究受众,既要扩大受众范围又要突出重点人群,尊重受众地位和差异性;二是要创新手段,注重理论表述的通俗化,实现宣传教育形式的创新和多样化,实现传播手段的现代化并综合运用多种传播媒介;三是要拓展平台,加强家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育、社区教育平台建设。第三,从路线、机制、人才方面为推进当代中国马克思主义大众化提供有力的保障,要坚持群众路线,建立健全责任机制、长效宣传教育机制、激励机制、督评机制和反馈机制,培养一支相对稳定的专业队伍。第四,关注现实问题,坚持解决思想问题与解决实际问题相结合。通过改善民生、维护社会公平正义、加强党风廉政建设来增强马克思主义理论的说服力。推进当代中国马克思主义大众化是一个动态的过程,也是一个长期的过程,在取得已有成就的基础上,我们应继续探索行之有效的方法手段,使马克思主义理论真正为广大人民群众所理解掌握。

【Abstract】 The 17th national congress of the cpc put forward that we should propel the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China. It’s the first time to put forward this task clearly on the party’s national congress. In recent years, theorists study the basic principles of Marxism and the Sinofication of Marxism deepeningly, which has made significant progress. But the topics about the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China are less comparatively. Studying the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China has profound theoretical significance and far-reaching practical significance. In theory, it can not only deepen and expand the research of Marxist theory, but also conduce to the deepness of research of the related disciplines. In practice, it is not only the urgent requirement to consolidate and strengthen the guiding position of Marxism, but also the fundamental requirement to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The popularization of Marxism of contemporary China is the process that the Marxism which is abstract, esoteric and can be understood by a small number of people becomes concrete, popular, and can be understood by the masses. At the early stage of the Marxism’s development, Marx, Engels and Lenin attached great importance to and actively practiced the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China. They effectively promoted the popularization of Marxism. The popularization of Marxism of contemporary China refers to two levels of meanings: the specific reference and generalized reference. The specific reference is the popularization of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The generalized reference is the popularization for both the basic principles of Marxism and the theoretical fruits of Marxism’s Sinofication. In the process of the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China, transmitter, information, media and audience interact, which is the foundation of the popularization of Marxism. The popularization of Marxism and the Sinofication of Marxism are two fundamental points to adhere to and develop Marxism in China. They are closely linked and should be mutually reinforced.The course of the popularization of Marxism in China can be divided into three periods: the period of New Democratic Revolution, the period from the founding of new China to the reform and opening up, the Reform Era. Mao Zedong and Ai Siqi are the most prominent representatives. The popularization of Marxism of the several periods provides important experience for the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China.The popularization of Marxism of contemporary China has deep historical background and great significance. The extensive and profound changes of the World situation,Chinese situation,the CPC’s situation and the people’s situation have posed a serious challenge to the Marxism’s guided position in the ideological field., which makes the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China be more urgent. The popularization of Marxism of contemporary China is the essential requirement of Marxism and the requirement to develop Marxism. It’s also the way to consolidate the Marxism’s guided position in the ideological field and the practical need to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics continuouslyThe progress and effectiveness of the popularization of Marxism not only depend on the work itself, but also depend on other conditions and factors. Analyzing these favorable conditions and constraints dialectically will help us analyze and solve problems effectively in practical work. The favorable conditions include: the inherent appeal of Marxism, the strong psychological basis of Marxism in China, the development of economy and social and the achievements of ideological work after the People’s Republic of China founded,the experience of the popularization of Marxism which the CPC have gained. The constraints include: the impact of the diversifying value, the challenge which the informatization brings, the problems in the work of publicity and dissemination, the contradictions in the economic and social development, the issues of the CPC’s style, the interference of the bad style of study. In order to promote the popularization of Marxism more effectively, we should make full use of favorable conditions and develop countermeasures against the constraints.The popularization of Marxism of contemporary China is a practical, long-term, arduous and complex task with the feature of times, which needs us work hard and explore tireless. In practical work, we should refer to the joint forces Theory, instillation theory, audience theory and the mass line theory. In particular, we should promote the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China from the following aspects:First, we must treat Marxism with scientific attitude and make the practical characteristics, national characteristics and times characteristics of Marxism be prominent.Second, we should understand the“instillation”correctly, adhere to the“instillation”concept and improve the methods of instillation. In order to improve the methods, firstly we should study the audience, i.e. widen the scope of the audience and highlight the focus groups, respect the status and diversity of the audience. Secondly, we should innovate means, which include: pay attention to the popularization of theory statement, realize innovation and diverse of the forms of publicity and education, realize the modernization of means of communication and use various media comprehensively. Thirdly, we should expand the platform, i.e. strengthen the platform of family education, school education, social education and community education.Third, we should provide guarantee for the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China from the route, mechanism and talents. We must uphold the mass line, establish and improve accountability mechanisms, long-term publicity and education mechanism, incentive mechanism, assessment mechanisms and feedback mechanisms. At the same time, fostering a relative stable professional team is necessary.Fourth, we should focus on the real problems and solve ideological problems with solving practical problems. In particular, we’d better enhance the persuasiveness of Marxism by improving the livelihood of people, maintaining social fairness and justice and keeping the CPC’s organizations clean.Advancing the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China is a dynamic and long-term process. On the base of achievements which have been made, we should explore effective methods and means continuously so that Marxism can be really understood and grasped by the masses.

【关键词】 当代中国马克思主义大众化
【Key words】 Contemporary ChinaMarxismpopularization
  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】48
  • 【下载频次】4761

