

【作者】 周浩集

【导师】 李君如;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义中国化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国共产党作为一个马克思主义执政党,其执政实践必须要有科学的执政理论来指导。在执政六十余年的实践中,特别是改革开放以来,党在执政理论方面取得了许多创造性的成果。随着改革开放的深入,市场经济和民主政治将进一步发展,党在执政实践中会遇到一些新的情况与问题,党需要进一步丰富和发展执政理论。所以,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央提出了加强党的执政理论建设的重大战略任务。党的执政理论建设作为一项系统工程,要求党在执政实践中要处理好与国家权力系统、参政党、社会及党的内部等方面的关系。党与社会组织的关系作为党与社会的基本关系之一,是中国共产党执政理论的重要组成部分,是中国共产党执政实践中要处理的重要问题。因此,对改革开放以来党与社会组织的关系进行研究,探索党与社会组织和谐互动关系的构建,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本论文由绪论、正文和结束语三部分组成。绪论部分主要介绍论文选题的缘起和意义、社会组织概念界定、研究现状与评述、研究思路及创新、研究方法等。正文部分在对政党与社会组织关系进行理论阐释的基础上,分别对改革开放以来社会组织的发展、党与社会组织的关系进行总体考察,来认识和把握改革开放以来社会组织的发展概况和党与社会组织关系的特征,进而提出构建党与社会组织和谐互动的关系。正文共分四章,基本思路是:第一章对政党与社会组织的关系进行理论阐释。本章通过对政党、社会组织及其关系的原理进行分析,揭示了政党与社会组织的联系和区别,说明了处理好政党与社会组织关系的必要性与重要性,总结了政党与社会组织关系的四种实践模式。最后,根据中国共产党与社会组织关系的特殊性,提出并论述了中国共产党与社会组织关系的本质和根本要求。第二章对改革开放以来社会组织的发展进行总体考察。本章首先回顾了改革开放以前社会组织的基本状况及其与党的关系的特点。然后,对改革开放以来社会组织迅速发展的动因、发展阶段的划分、发展历程与发展特征进行深入分析,揭示了改革开放以来社会组织的发展轨迹。最后,总结了社会组织的发展对党的执政基础、领导方式和执政方式、执政功能等方面的影响,为下一章的论述做铺垫。第三章对改革开放以来党与社会组织的关系进行总体考察。社会组织的发展对党的执政在很多方面产生了影响,其中最直接、最突出的表现是在其与党的执政基础、领导方式和执政方式、执政功能的关系上。所以,本章分别从执政基础、领导方式和执政方式、执政功能这三个方面考察了党与社会组织发展的关系。最后总结得出,需要通过培育社会组织发展,巩固和扩大党的执政基础;需要通过引导社会组织发展,改进和完善党的领导方式和执政方式;需要以构建和谐社会为目标,实现社会组织的发展对党的执政功能的优化。第四章对党与社会组织的关系进行理性构建。本章认为理性构建党与社会组织的关系必须遵循三个基本原则,即党对社会组织政治上的领导原则、党组织与社会组织法律上的平等原则、党与社会组织关系定位上的适度原则。有了这些基本原则作为依据,通过党自身建设的改进和加强、社会组织的自我完善与发展、加强和改善党对社会组织的领导等路径,才能实现构建党与社会组织和谐互动关系的总体目标。结束语部分对改革开放以来党与社会组织的关系进行了总结与展望。

【Abstract】 The Communist Party of China is one of Marxist parties in power, whose practice must be guided by a scientific ruling theory. In the ruling period of over 60 years, particularly since the reform and opening up, the Party has made many creative results in the governing theory. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the market economy and democracy will be further developed, the Party in power will meet some of new things and problems, and the Party will further enrich and develop its ruling theory. For this reason, Comrade Hu Jintao as a general secretary of the CPC Central Committee puts forward a major strategic task of strengthening the construction of the Party’s governing theory. Since the Party’s theory of governance is a systematic, the Party needs to get well with the governance and state power system, the participating parties, the society and other aspects of the party’s internal. The relationship between the Party and social organizations as the basic relationship between the Party and the society is one of the important parts of the ruling theory, and is one of the important issues in the ruling practice of the Chinese Communist Party to deal with. Therefore, it has theoretical and practical significance to study the relationship and explore the harmonious interaction between the Party and social organizations since the reform and opening up. The paper consists of preface, body and conclusion.The preface introduces the origin and meaning of the topic, the core definition, the study review, research ideas and innovative, research methods.In the body, on the basis of theoretical interpretation of the relationship between political parties and social organizations, the author introduces the development of the social organizations and the relationships between the Party and social organizations since the reform and opening up, to conduct general inspection, and grasp the characteristics of the relationship between the Party and social organizations. Then the author gives the proposal of building a harmonious interaction between the party and the social organizations. The body is divided into four chapters.In Chapter I, the author focuses on the theoretical explanation of the relationship between political parties and social organizations. Firstly, the author analyses political parties, social organizations and their relations, and then reveals the difference between the political parties and social organizations. Secondly, the author illustrates the need and importance of the relations between political parties and social organizations, and then summarizes the four practical patterns of the relationship. Finally, according to the special relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese social organizations, the author puts forward and discusses the nature and the fundamental requirements of the relationship.In Chapter II, the author inspects the development of social organization since the reform and opening up in China. Firstly, the author reviews the social organizations before the reform and opening up and the characteristics of the relationship between them and the Party. Then, the author analyses the reasons of the rapid development of social organizations, the division stage of development, development process and development features since the reform and opening up to reveal the development path of social organizations. Finally, the author summarizes the impact on the ruling party, leadership and governance, governance functions, laying the groundwork for the discussion of the next chapter.In Chapter III, the author inspects the relationship between the Party and social organizations since the reform and opening up. The development of social organizations had an impact on the ruling party in many ways, the most direct and most prominent manifestation in the Party’s base, leadership and governance, and governing the relationship between functions. Therefore, the author investigates the relationship between development and social organization from the ruling foundation, leadership and governance, the ruling feature of these three aspects.In Chapter IV, the author focuses on the rational construction of the relationship between the Party and social organizations. There are some basic principles to follow to build the relationship between the Party and social organizations, such as social organization and political party’s leadership, the party and the legal equality of social organizations, social organizations and the relationship between the party’s moderate positioning, etc. With these basic principles as the basis, through the Party building and strengthening community organizations, self-improvement and development, strengthening and improving Party leadership of social organizations we can achieve the overall objectives to build a harmonious interaction between the Party and social organizations.In the conclusion, the author has been summarized and prospected the relationship between the Party and social organizations since the reform and opening up.

  • 【分类号】D632
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1891

