

【作者】 赵早

【导师】 赵振华;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 转型期中国的劳资关系发生了重大变化,由转型前相对静止状态发展为“建立、变更、终止”的不断运动状态;由单一公有制劳动关系模式发展为多样化、复杂化的劳资关系体系;由固定工用工制度发展为以劳动力市场为基础的雇佣劳动关系。在劳资关系转型过程中,双方的权利格局越来越明显地呈现出“强资弱劳”特征,劳资冲突逐渐趋向明显化与激烈化,突出表现在劳资冲突数量明显增多、冲突规模不断扩大、双方的暴力对抗程度明显增强等方面。劳资冲突已成为转型期我国最突出的社会问题之一,研究劳资冲突协调机制具有现实的紧迫性与必要性。基于此,本文在前人已有相关研究的基础上,以马克思劳资关系理论为基础,探讨了转型经济背景下中国劳资冲突的根源与性质,以及劳资冲突的演化机理,并就有中国特色的劳资冲突调节机制的建立提出了自己的建议。第1章:绪论。阐明本文的研究意义,在对劳资关系及劳资冲突国内外研究进行回顾和评析的基础上,确定本文的研究框架、研究方法以及研究难点和重点。第2章:劳资关系相关理论。研究劳资冲突首先要界定劳资关系的含义及其本质特征以作为分析的起点,本文所研究的劳资关系是指劳动者个人或组织与雇主或雇主组织在劳动过程中所发生的权利义务关系,其本质是一种经济利益关系。这种关系天然存在着对立和矛盾:一方追求工资福利最大化,另一方追求利润最大化、成本最小化;同时又存在一致性,双方的利益均取决于社会财富的增长及其效率,社会财富的创造又源于劳动与资本这两大基本生产要素的结合。现代劳资关系无一例外都具有利益对立性与利益一致性两个方面,不同的只是两方所占的比重,若利益一致性占主导则形成合作型劳资关系,若利益对立性占主导则形成冲突型劳资关系。第3章:劳资冲突产生的根源。首先界定劳资冲突的含义及表现形式,冲突往往是指双方利益、目标与期望的分歧甚至背道而驰,其产生根源可以从马克思主义的私有制造成了劳动与资本的分裂、西方主流经济学“经济人假设”以及社会学中的冲突论等不同视角进行分析。在此基础上,结合转型期特征,文章具体分析了中国劳资关系主体以及劳资冲突的形成。经济转型的本质是生产关系为适应并促进生产力的发展所做的再调整,其核心是实现市场经济的两大基点——劳动者及劳动力产权与物质资本及其产权的有机结合。在经济转型特别是国企改革的推动下,客观上造成了我国政府、企业与劳动者之间经济关系的重大变化,伴随非公有性质的经济体如外资企业、私营企业以及乡镇企业的出现,打破了原国有企业行政式、一体化的劳动关系格局,转变为承认多元利益的存在。劳动者和资本所有者在经济、政治、社会地位上逐渐出现等级分化,产生了不同的利益诉求,劳资矛盾与冲突逐渐浮出水面。第4章:中国经济转型期劳资冲突的演化机理。我国转型期最初经历了一个短暂的平等化发展阶段,之后进入利益结构调整期,劳资冲突也相应改变了原先个别化、简单化、隐性化特征,渐渐呈现出集体化、复杂化、显性化等特点,甚至出现了尖锐化与扩大化的趋势。由此可以看出,我国劳资冲突的产生与演化恰恰发生在经济转型过程中,几乎与后者同步,因此有必要从制度变迁视角探寻劳资冲突的演化机制。中国经济转型模式基本上属于“先易后难”式的渐进式改革方式。该方式尽可能地减少了改革对社会经济政治环境的冲击,但却导致转型过程中一些问题与矛盾的不断积累,这些矛盾和问题从不同方面影响与制约了转型过程中劳资利益关系的调整,成为我国劳资冲突演化过程的助推器。从总体上来看,这些问题可以归结为“非协调性”与“非匀速性”的制度变迁所带来的“滞后效应”,即在转型初期,旧体制中的硬核部分虽有调整,但并未进行实质性重组,再加之相关配套政策与措施匮乏,致使之后的改革难度与改革成本逐步加大,各利益主体间的矛盾与冲突也随之发展。第5章:国外劳资冲突调节机制的演进及启示。首先介绍劳资冲突理论从对抗到合作的演进,为把握市场经济国家劳资冲突的演化规律奠定理论基础。之后对西方发达国家、新兴市场经济国家劳资冲突的调节政策进行比较分析,总结出了一些经验与启示。第6章:中国经济转型期劳资冲突的调节目标、调节机制及政策建议。首先分析了我国劳资关系的改革目标——和谐劳资关系及其特征,并结合当前我国构建和谐劳资关系的背景:社会主义的优势以及转型期带来的挑战,提出对应转型期多元化、复杂化的劳资关系模式,劳资关系调节机制也应是一个多层次、多角度的调节体系。这一调节体系包括宏观、中观与微观三个层次:宏观调节机制主要是指在政府层面上保障必要的劳动制度供给,通过制定劳动相关法律法规以及劳动政策,组建劳资关系协调机构与组织,干预、调整、规范劳资关系运行;中观调节机制主要是为了解决职业培训、劳动力跨区自由流动以及行业与地区集体谈判等在一定的区域和行业范围内才能解决的相关问题;微观调节机制则主要从企业视角提出通过改革企业的经营管理体制、树立新利润价值观以及改革企业工会组织结构等方式,构建劳资关系平等的博弈主体,实现劳资均衡的内在化机制。在此基础上,文章提出了构建转型期和谐劳资关系的政策建议:健全劳资关系法律体系;完善劳资冲突行政调解手段;构建劳资冲突宏观预警系统与政府规制监督体系;增强企业的社会责任;改革企业的经营管理机制;改革工会制度,提高劳动者的谈判地位;完善促进就业相关政策;建立、健全社会保障体系等。

【Abstract】 China’s labor-capital relations in the period of transition have changed greatly, from a relatively quiescent state before the transition to a continuously moving state of“establishment, change and termination”; from labor relations mode of single public ownership to diverse, complex system of labor-capital relations; from the fixed working system to the employment system based on labor market. In the transformation process of labor-capital relations, both parties’ rights structure is showing more and more clearly a characteristic of“strong capital and weak labor”. The labor-capital conflicts gradually tend to become more and more evident and intensified, the outstanding performance of which is the number of conflicts is increasing significantly, the scale of conflicts is expanding continuously, the extent of both parties’ violence resistance is enhancing significantly, and so on. The labor-capital conflicts have become one of the most prominent social issues in the period of transition, so study of the labor-capital conflicts coordination mechanism is of realistic urgency and necessity. According to this, this paper, based on related previous research and Marx’s theory of labor-capital relations, investigates the root and nature of China’s labor-capital conflicts on the context of the transition economy, the formation mechanism and evolution trend of labor-capital conflicts, and puts forward my own proposals on the establishment of labor-capital conflicts regulation mode with Chinese characteristics.Chapter 1 is the introduction. It clarifies the significance of this study, and then on the foundation of review and critique of domestic and abroad study of labor-capital relations and conflicts, determines the framework of this study, research methods and research priorities.Chapter 2 is on the related theory of labor-capital relations. Before study of labor-capital conflicts we must first define the meaning and nature of labor-capital relations as the starting point for analysis. The labor-capital relations studied in this paper are the relations of rights and obligations that occur in the working process between labor and employers each individual or organized, whose essence is a kind of economic interests relations. A natural confrontation and contradiction exists in this kind of relations: one party is pursuing wages and welfare to maximum, the other is pursuing profits maximization and cost minimization; at the same time, consistency exists between them because both interests are dependent on the growth of social wealth and efficiency, and social wealth comes from the combination of labor and capital, the two basic factors of production. Modern labor-capital relations, without exception, have interests of confrontation and consistency, different only in each share, if the interests of consistency dominate, cooperative labor-capital relations can be formed, and if the interests of confrontation dominate, conflict labor-capital relations can be formed.Chapter 3 analyzes the source of labor-capital conflicts. Firstly,defining the meaning and forms of labor-capital conflicts: conflicts often refer to the differences or contradiction of both parties’interests, goals and expectations, the underlying causes of which can be analyzed from different perspectives such as Marxist division of labor and capital based on private ownership, the Western mainstream economics’“economic man assumption”and sociology’s conflict theory, etc. On this basis, combined with transitional characteristics, the article concretely analyses the labor-capital relations and the source of labor-capital conflicts in China. The essence of economic transformation is the readjustment of the relations of production to adapt to and promote the development of productive forces, the core of which is organic combination of two basic points of market economy: labor or labor property rights and material capital or its property rights. Driven by the economic transformation, especially reform of the state-owned enterprises, the economic relations between the Government, enterprises and labor changed significantly. Accompanying with the emergence of the privately owned economy such as the foreign-funded enterprises, private enterprises and township enterprises, the pattern of the administrative style of the original state-owned enterprises and the integrated labor-capital relations has broken into the recognition of the existence of multiple interests. Class partition emerged gradually between labor and capital owners on the economic, political and social status, resulting in different interest demands, and labor-capital contradiction and conflicts have been revealed.Chapter 4 analyses the evolution mechanism of labor-capital conflicts in the period of economic transition. After our country experienced a brief stage of equalization at the beginning of the transformation, we come into an adjustment time of interest structure, followed by a corresponding change in labor-capital conflicts from the originally separate, simplistic and recessive characteristic to a gradually collective, complex and dominant nature, even appearing the more acute and enlarging trend. We can see that the emergence and evolution of China’s labor-capital conflicts occurred precisely in the process of economic transformation, almost simultaneously with the latter, so it is necessary to explore the evolution mechanisms of labor-capital conflicts from a perspective of system transformation. The mode of China’s economy transformation basically belongs to a type of asymptotic reform of“first easy and difficult behind”. This mode reduced the impact on the socio-economic and political environment as much as possible, but led to the accumulation of some problems and contradictions in the transition process, which influenced and constrained the interest adjustment of labor-capital relations and became a booster to the evolution of labor-capital conflicts. From the general point of view, these problems can be summed up as“lagging effect”of system transition with“incompatible and non-uniform nature”, that is, in the initial stage, although the hard nuclear component is adjusted, it is not substantively reorganized, coupled with the lack of supporting policies and measures, resulting in gradually increasing reform difficulty and cost and developing contradictions and conflicts between the various stakeholders.Chapter 5 is about the evolution and enlightenment of foreign regulation mechanism of labor-capital conflicts. I first introduce the evolution of the labor-capital conflicts theory from confrontation to cooperation, which lays the theoretical foundation to grasp the evolution law of labor-capital conflicts in the market economy. Then I make some comparative analysis of regulation policies about labor-capital conflicts in Western developed countries and emerging market economies, and sum up some experience and enlightenment.Chapter 6 is about regulation goals mode,regulation mechanisms and concrete policy suggestions of labor-capital conflicts in the period of China’s economic transformation. I first analyze the reform target of China’s labor-capital relations: that is harmonious labor-capital relations and its characteristics. Then, combining the background that our country sets up harmonious labor-capital relations: the advantages of socialism and the challenges of transformation period, and corresponding to the diverse, complex labor-capital relations mode, I proposed that labor-capital relations adjustment mechanism should also be a multi-layered, multi-angle adjustment system. This regulating system includes three levels: macro, micro and medium. Macro regulating mechanism mainly means that the government guarantees the necessary labor institutional supply, through the formulation of related labor laws, regulations and policies, and establishment of coordinating bodies and organizations, intervenes, adjusts and regulates labor relations operation; micro regulating mechanism comes mainly from the perspective of enterprises to construct equal game player body through the reform of management system, establishment of a new profit values and reform of trade union organization structure, etc., and finally achieves an internalization mechanism of balanced labor-capital relations; medium regulating mechanism is mainly to resolve such problems as can be resolved only within certain regions and industries, for example, vocational training, labor’s free cross-regional flow and regional or industrial collective bargaining. On this basis, the article gives some suggestions on how to build harmonious labor-capital relations in transition time: a sound legal system of labor-capital relations; perfect administrative mediation means of labor-capital conflicts; building of macro early warning system of labor-capital conflicts and supervision system of government regulation; change of enterprise’s management philosophy and structure; reform of trade union system to strengthen the bargaining position of labor; improving related employment-promoting policies; establishment of a sound social security system and so on.

  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1880

