

【作者】 张志强

【导师】 徐祥临;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 一是研究背景。我国实行土地用途管制。由于制度性阻隔,土地要素不能实现城乡统筹优化配置。一方面,经济社会飞速发展,工业化、城镇化迅猛推进,城市、工业所需建设用地吃紧,“地荒”现象日益普遍;另一方面,农村剩余劳动力加快转移,农村经济社会结构不断调整,农村集体建设用地大量闲置。构建城乡统一的建设用地市场,促进要素资源合理、高效配置,乃是大势所趋,亦是大局所需。二是研究意义。以现实问题为导向,展开农村集体建设用地“入市”研究,在理论上探索问题及其成因的普遍规律,并藉此再指导实践,提出具有普遍性、可行性的对策措施,兼具理论意义和现实意义。三是研究方法。综合运用了马克思主义政治经济学、新古典经济学、新制度经济学、计量经济学等学科的相关知识,采用了文献分析、实证分析、规范分析、案例分析、计量分析、模型分析等研究方法研究农村集体建设用地“入市”问题。四是主要内容。共分八章围绕农村集体建设用地“入市”这一现实问题进行了探讨:第一章,导言。界定了农村集体建设用地和农村集体建设用地“入市”的基本概念,交待了写作背景、写作意义、写作思路框架、研究方法以及基础性理论工作和可能的理论创新,总起全文。第二章,文献研究。主要进行了三个方面综述:一是关于国外及我国台湾省土地管制制度的文献;二是海外华人学者对我国农村土地制度研究观点的综述;三是国内关于农村集体建设用地“入市”(流转)的研究动态。基于三类文献研究,归纳总结出农村集体建设用地“入市”研究尚待深化的问题,为理论创新找准了“坐标方位”。第三章,研究的理论基础。主要在四个方面进行了理论创新:一是构建了土地用途管制强化二元结构背景下的城乡土地要素流动模型,作为分析农村集体建设用地“入市”意义的理论支撑;二是对我国农村土地产权残缺进行了比较深入的辨析,为分析农村集体建设用地“入市”制度障碍的深层原因奠定了理论基础;三是基于产权“公共领域”分类理论基础之上的农地发展权演化分析,为分析农村集体建设用地“入市”可能的演化路径提供了理论基础,同时也为化解农村集体建设用地“入市”制度障碍的对策提供了一个总的理论框架;四是分析了农村集体组织的治理问题,剖析了农村集体组织及其成员权与农村社区组织及其成员权的混同现象,以及这种现象对农地产权制度的影响,为分析农村集体建设用地“入市”制度障碍的深层原因,以及为提出合理利益分配机制的对策措施提供了理论依据。第四章,农村集体建设用地“入市”的意义。农村集体建设用地“入市”是公平与效率的双重改进,能够较好地保障城市化、工业化的土地资源要素需求,保障农村的土地财产权益,同时还有利于加强土地管理。第五章,农村集体建设用地“入市”的实践。在分析了全国农村集体建设用地“入市”实践所经历三阶段总体情况基础上,总结了重庆、浙江、广东、成都等省市农村集体建设用地“入市”实践。第六章,案例分析。重点分析了各地实践的经验以及存在的问题,并分析了三个方面的深层次原因:一是经济原因;二是社会原因;三是体制机制原因。第七章,提出对策措施。针对问题,依据对阻碍原因的深层次分析,提出了兼具必要性、可行性的对策措施:一是助推“两化”,加快社会主义新农村建设,动态消除因经济社会原因生成的障碍;二是以重庆实践经验为范本,进行制度创新,建立健全农村集体建设用地“入市”的体制机制。第八章,总结内容,得出结论,并提出了尚须深入研究的系列问题。五是基础性理论工作和研究可能的理论创新。基于对上述五个主要方面内容的研究探讨,做了一些基础性理论工作:一是较全面、系统综述了与农村建设用地相关的理论研究;二是辨析了农村集体建设用地“入市”的概念、本质和类别;三是从实证、规范两方面论证农村集体建设用地“入市”的意义;四是辨析了产权残缺概念内涵及我国农地产权残缺的本质;五是比较分析了典型的制度创新案例;六是提供了体系化的对策措施。初步做了一些理论创新性工作,提炼出了一些相对较新的理论观点和范畴:一是构建了“二元结构”背景下的土地要素流动模型;二是分析了农村集体组织治理结构问题,探究了农村集体社区组织及其成员权与农村集体经济组织及其成员混同的现象及其本质;三是探讨了产权公共领域的类型,并在产权公共领域分类创新的基础上对农地发展权进行了演化分析。六是基本结论。农村集体建设用地“入市”是统筹城乡发展的重要举措,是优化城乡资源要素配置的重要渠道。应该而且必须解决针对实践所反映出来的问题,通过制度创新消除体制机制障碍,推进农村集体建设用地“入市”,从而助推经济社会又好又快发展。

【Abstract】 According to land use regulation, land can be divided to four types: land for urban construction, land for rural construction, land for agriculture and unused land. Also, land market is divided to some closed parts. Only after achieving quota which is allocated by government according to cities or towns’legal master plan of land use ,can land for agriculture be transformed to land for urban construction. However, many cities’quota almost is consumed because of fast urbanization and industrialization while there are vast surpluses of land for rural construction, especially much spare curtilage, owing to fast transfer of surplus rural labor. On the background, it is important and necessary to research how to create an open market of land for construction, and how can land for rural construction enter the market of land for urban construction legally.It is composed of eight chapters.Chapter One is introduction. Section One mainly introduces two basic concepts: land for rural construction and land for rural construction entering the market of land for urban construction. Section Two mainly introduces background and intention of the PHD thesis. Section Three introduces methods and train of thought of the PHD thesis. Section Four mainly introduces innovation of the PHD thesis.Chapter Two is literature review. Section One reviews literature on foreign and TaiWan’s land use regulation. Section Two reviews some oversea Chinese scholars’viewpoint on Chinese rural land tenure. Section Three is the lately researching situation on land for rural construction entering the market of land for urban construction. Section Four concludes some aspects that need deeper research.Chapter Three is the theoretical basement. Section One builds the model land resource transferring from rural to city on the background of“dual economy”. Section Two is an analysis on incomplete property right of rural land. Section Three explains evolution of rural land development right ,based on the creative theory of“property right’public domain”. Section Four discusses the governing structure of cooperative organization of rural collective, analyses an incorrect phenomenon that rural community organization substitutes cooperative organization of rural collective, and deprives of the latter’s property right.Chapter Four is the sense of land for rural construction entering the market of land for urban construction. Section One introduces the sense of fairness as well as efficiency. Section Two discusses the sense that a mass of land for rural construction can efficiently supply urbanization and industrialization for land resource in urgent need. Section Three discusses the sense of protecting peasant’s land property right. Section Four discusses the sense of enhancing the administrative management of land.Chapter Five is the case. Section One introduces the total situation of land for rural construction entering market of land for urban construction in whole China. Section Two, Section Three, Section Four ,Section Five introduces Chongqing’s case, Zhejiang’s case, Guangdong’s case and Chengdu’s case respectively.Chapter Six is case analysis. Section One concludes common experience of Chongqing, Zhejiang ,Guangdong and Chengdu. Section Two poses some common problem. Section Three analyses factors of economy and society that produces problem above. Section Four analyses institutional factor that is obstacle of land for rural construction entering market of land for urban construction.Chapter Seven is measures. Section One is the directing thoughts and principles. Section Two is measures of economy and society. Section Three provides measures how to perfect rural land tenure, and how to innovate institution that model Chongqing, to prompt land for rural construction entering market of land for urban construction.Chapter Eight is conclusion and problem that need deeper research. Section One is the conclusion in all. Section Two poses some problem that need deeper research in the future work.


