

【作者】 姜卫平

【导师】 姜跃;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说与党的建设, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 社会整合能力问题越来越受到人们的普遍关注。社会整合是政党的重要功能之一,也是执政党必须履行的基本职责。作为中国唯一的执政党,中国共产党担负起这一职责,责无旁贷。因为,这直接关系到党的执政基础的巩固和扩大,是对党的执政能力和领导水平的重大考验。因此,本文尝试对党在社会转型期的社会整合能力加以研究,主要问题涉及到与社会整合能力相关的基本理论以及与提高社会整合能力,发挥社会整合功能密不可分的利益整合、意识形态整合和构建和谐社会等方面。全文由导论和正文(五章)、结语等几部分组成。导论部分主要说明了论文的研究意义,介绍了本选题的研究现状,阐明了论文的研究思路、研究方法和创新之处。第一章集中梳理社会整合能力的一般理论。首先对社会整合的概念、构成,特别是对社会整合理论进行全面介绍,为更好地研究社会整合能力提供理论依据。其次,着重阐述社会整合能力的基本概念,重点分析了影响社会整合能力的政治文化、选举制度、政党体制、法律制度、社会因素等相关因素。最后,总结了社会整合能力与执政能力的辩证关系,分析社会整合能力在社会转型中的价值,提出构建科学有效的社会整合能力评估体系。第二章对中国的社会转型加以全面分析。首先介绍了社会转型理论。其次,对中国社会转型进行了历史考察,重点分析了中国社会转型的新背景和转型期面临的主要社会问题,即劳资对立、干群对立、党群对立、贫富对立和仇富仇官心理。最后,指出社会分层复杂化、价值观念多样化、全球化和信息化、公民社会对党的社会整合能力提出新挑战,要求执政党以新思维来应对。第三章从利益整合的角度来分析如何提高社会整合能力。从理论上说,社会整合的本质是利益整合,执政党是利益整合的工具。确立“执政党思维”是中国共产党实现利益整合的前提,国外执政党利益整合的成功实践对中国共产党具有借鉴意义。改革开放30多年来,我们党的利益整合理念发生巨大变迁。面对转型社会带来的巨大挑战,我们党要建立有效的利益表达机制、合理的利益分配机制和规范的利益均衡机制。第四章从意识形态的角度来分析如何提高社会整合能力。意识形态是执政党社会整合的重要工具。在转型社会中,我国意识形态面临着十分复杂的局面,市场经济、社会结构分化、信息化都给执政党带来严峻挑战。根据构建社会主义核心价值体系的原则,推进马克思主义中国化、由社会主义核心价值体系引领社会?思潮、创新意识形态就成为执政党提高社会整合能力的路径选择。第五章从构建和谐社会的角度来分析如何提高社会整合能力。无论是利益整合还是意识形态整合,最终目标都是积极主动地正视矛盾、化解矛盾,最大限度地增加和谐因素,最大限度地减少不和谐因素,不断促进社会和谐。因此,提高党的社会整合能力,必须围绕着增进社会和谐来加强,最终落脚到构建和谐社会上。社会和谐是中国共产党不懈的奋斗目标。在转型社会中,要通过完善社会保障体系、保护弱势群体利益和构建良性社会阶层结构来切实维护和实现社会公平正义。要发展社会民主,拓宽民意表达的制度、民间、媒体、民调等渠道,保持民意表达渠道的畅通。要构建和谐的政党关系,完善多党合作制度的社会整合功能。要巩固和发展平等团结互助和谐的社会主义民族关系,着重处理好发展问题、人才问题、稳定问题等难点问题,坚持和完善民族区域自治制度。结语从逻辑上对全文进行了回顾和梳理,指出把社会转型与执政党社会整合能力问题结合起来,是一个新课题,还有进一步展开的研究空间。除了本文重点论述的问题,中国共产党如何调整组织形态、推进党的建设的科学化和现代化以提高社会整合能力,也是一项重要内容,有待于在今后的研究中加以重点关注。

【Abstract】 The issues of social integration have been paid attention to increasingly.Because social integrationt is the main function of party as well as the duty which the ruling pary must perform. As the unique ruling party, The CPC has to fulfill the obligation, which has something to do with governing basis, ruling capacity and leadership. Therefore, this doctoral dissertation is trying to study the social integration ability of the CPC in the social transition period, and the main issues relate to the basic theory associated with social integration ability as well as interests integration, ideology integration and building a harmonious society which contribute to enchance the social integration ability and fulfill function of social integration.This doctoral dissertation consists of Introduction, Main parts and Conclusion.The Introduction explains the significance of the research,current research situation,and clarifys this dissertation ’s mentality, methods.The first chapter focuses on the general theory of social integration ability issues. First, the concept and composition of social integration, particularly the comprehensive theory of social integration are introduced thoroughly, which lays theoretical basis for better study on social integration ability. Second, the basic concepts of social integration ability, relevant elements which have an effect on social integration ability such as political culture, electoral system, party system, legal system, social elements, are explained with great emphasis. Finally, the dialectical relationship between social integration ability and ruling ability, the value of social integration ability in social transformation period, and proposal of building a scientific and effective evaluation system of social integration ability are elaborated.The second chapter makes a full analysis on social transition in China. First, it introduces the theory of social transition. Secondly, it reviews China’s social transition history, analyses the new background of China’s social transition and new major social issues, namely the opposition between labour and capital, cadres and masses, Party and masses, the rich and the poor. Finally, it points out that the Party’s social integration ability faces new challenges from complex social stratification, values diversity, globalization and information technology, civil society, which requires new thinking.The third chapter analyses how to improve social integration ability from the ?standpoint of interests integration. Theoretically, interests integration is the essence of social integration, and the ruling party is a tool of interests integration. The establishment of the "ruling party thinking" is the prerequisite for achieving the interests of integration. Successful interests integration practice of foreign ruling parties has lessons for the CPC.During the past 30 years, the CPC has witnessed tremendous changes in the theory of interests integration. Facing the enormous challenges from social transformation, the CPC should establish an effective mechanism for interests articulation, a reasonable mechanism for interests distribution and a normal mechanism for interests balancing.The fourth chapter analyzes how to improve social integration ability from the ideological point of view. Ideology is an important tool for social integration. In social transition, our ideology is facing a very complex situation because of market economy, social structure, division, and informatization. According to the principles of construction of the socialist core value system, sinicization of marxism, social thoughts being led by the socialist core value system, innovation of ideology has become the ruling path of social integration.The fifth chapter analyzes how to improve social integration ability from the stand point of building harmonious society. Whether interests integration or ideology integration, the ultimate goal is to build harmonious society. Therefore, improving the party’s social integration ability must promote social harmony and eventually build a harmonious society. Social harmony is the goal of the CPC. In the transformation of society, to effectively safeguard and realize social fairness and justice, the CPC should improve social security system, protect the interests of vulnerable groups and build a healthy social class structure. The CPC should develop social democracy, expand expression channel, including system channels, nongovernmental channels, media, polls channels, and so on, to keep channels of expressing public opinions open. The CPC should build a harmonious relationship between parties, improve the social integration of the multi-party cooperation system. The CPC also should consolidate and develop socialist ethnic relations full of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony, settle the issues of development, personnel and stability, uphold and improve the system of ethnic regional autonomy.The conclusion part reviews this dissertation logically, and draws a conclusion that the the combination of social transformation and social integration ability issues is a new topic, as a result, there is room for further study. In addition to the main problems this paper focuses on, how to adjust the morphology of the CPC and promote the construction and modernization of the CPC scientifically in order to enhance social integration, is also an important part of the study and should be focused on in the future study.

  • 【分类号】D251
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1307

