

【作者】 徐宝义

【导师】 李民;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说与党的建设, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 以信息技术和网络技术为基础的信息技术革命已经对人类社会的经济、政治、文化、军事和科技等领域产生了重大而深远的影响,人类社会逐步进入信息时代。当前,以信息技术为支撑的新媒体迅猛发展,新媒体以互联网、手机等数字媒介为代表,不仅强烈冲击着社会经济形态,而且也在不断改变着人们的工作方式和生活方式,它使受众可以成为过去可望而不可即的媒介所有者,新媒体时代实现了媒体工具的大众化。随着新媒体技术的迅速发展,新媒体正在成为广大党员干部特别是一些中高级干部了解社情民意的重要渠道之一,也日益成为普通民众接收信息与利益表达的重要渠道。但是,仍有部分党员的思想观念尚未完全转变,对新媒体给党群工作和党群关系带来的挑战认识不足,重视不够,对如何利用新媒体开展群众工作还存在不容忽视的问题,这种状况如果持续存在,则对在新媒体迅速发展的当今时代的党群关系的和谐是十分不利的。因此,在新媒体条件下,充分把握新媒体的特点规律,利用新媒体做好新时期党群工作,进一步密切党群关系,已成为我们面临的重要时代课题。论文从分析新媒体的一般理论入手,依托当前新媒体时代下所表现出来的具体实例,一一对新媒体的迅速发展给当前的党群关系的带来的时代机遇和挑战进行阐述,探讨了新时期中国共产党运用新媒体密切党群关系的现状,提出了新时期中国共产党运用新媒体密切党群关系的路径思考。全文包括导论、正文三章和结束语,主要内容如下:导论部分主要阐明了本论文选题的依据和意义,重点阐述了当前国内外学者对此课题的研究现状,介绍了本论文的研究方法和拟创新之处。第一章概述新媒体的一般理论、以及新媒体的迅速发展对党群关系带来的时代机遇和考验。首先,从新媒体“新”在哪里和强大的技术支撑这两个维度探求新媒体的概念,分析新媒体具有交互性、即时便捷性、广泛性、开放性、多媒体性等特征,以及具有网络媒体、手机媒体等主要形式。通过大量实例和数字,重点阐述,梳理了新媒体对政党的影响。其次,从新媒体所具有的特性出发,一一阐述了其对当前构建良好党群关系所带来的时代机遇,即:新媒体为党群沟通开掘了新渠道,新媒体为党教育引导群众开辟了新途径,新媒体为党占领思想文化阵地提供了新手段,新媒体为党接受群众监督打造了新利器。最后,从四个方面探讨了新媒体的迅速发展给党群关系带来的考验和挑战,即:新媒体的迅速发展给意识形态工作带来“管理”挑战,新媒体的迅速发展给新闻宣传工作带来“引导”挑战,新媒体的迅速发展给社会控制工作带来“安全”挑战,新媒体的迅速发展给党员干部带来“能力”挑战。第二章主要分析了中国共产党运用新媒体密切党群关系的现状。一方面,详细阐述了中国共产党运用新媒体密切党群关系的积极探索。虽然中国共产党在如何运用新媒体密切党群关系问题上尚处于探索阶段,但是经过近几年的不断摸索和广大党员干部的积极实践,在实践中探索出许多运用新媒体密切党群关系的行之有效的方式方法。如:积极建设党建网站,打造新媒体平台;拓展新媒体功能,丰富信息化内涵;重视新媒体的运用,加强与群众交流互动;利用新媒体平台,加强对群众宣传引导;提高领导干部信息素养,增强新媒体工作能力。另一方面,由于新媒体作为一种新生事物,某些党员干部对它的快速发展还未能完全适应,对它的发展规律和传播特点还未能完全掌握,据此从以下四个方面:即党员干部对运用新媒体做群众工作的重要性认识不足,党员干部的应对能力与新媒体的快速发展不适应,当前运用新媒体密切党群关系的相关机制不健全,党政工作的某些滞后与新媒体监督的广泛透明不相适应,进行深入剖析中国共产党在运用新媒体密切党群关系中所存在的问题。第三章通过前面从理论和实践上对新媒体与密切党群关系的影响分析的基础上,重点阐述了中国共产党运用新媒体密切党群关系的路径思考:第一,高度重视新媒体作用,提高运用新媒体意识;第二,善于利用新媒体,提高运用新媒体能力;第三,管理建设新媒体,完善体制机制;第四,坚持从严治党,规范网络监督;第五,要充分利用世界的开放性、网络的开放性,洋为中用,本着“取其精华,去其糟粕”的原则,积极借鉴西方主要政党运用新媒体密切党群关系的经验。结束语展望了运用新媒体密切党群关系的未来,并再次从新媒体实现了党与群众的直接沟通,新媒体满足了群众的资讯需求,新媒体有利于扩大政党的宣传和影响,新媒体有利于政党加强基层组织建设等四个方面强调新媒体对党群关系的重要意义。

【Abstract】 The revolution of information technology based on the technologies of information and networking, has already made a greatly significant impact on the economy, politics, and culture, military in the human society. We are coming into the age of information gradually. Presently, the new media which is supported by information technology has developed rapidly. The internet, digital and mobile phones are the representatives. It is affecting on the socio-economic formation intensely, and changing people’s working and the life style constantly. It enables the audiences to be the media’s possible owners which were not possible in the past. And the new media time has realized the media tool’s popularity. With the rapid development of the new media technology, the new media is becoming one of the major channels for the some intermediate and senior cadre to learn about the society. Moreover, it is also becoming an important way in which the common people receive the information and express their own interest day by day. But, there are some members of the communists whose ideological concepts have not changed completely. They do not take the challenges seriously which the new media have brought for the party and the masses work and the single round-robin system. The problems how to use the new media to do the mass work should not be neglected. If this kind of condition exists continually, it is harmful to the harmonious Party-masses Relationship.Therefore, under the new media condition, how to grasp the new media’s characteristic rules, how to do well about the Party-masses work using the new media and how to improve Party-masses Relationship have become the important topics of the time.The thesis starts from analyzing the new media’s general theories, depending on the concrete examples which new media displays under the current time; it illustrates the challenges and opportunities which the new media has brought for the current relationship between the party and the people. It also studies the present situation of this relationship which Communist Party of China make closer by utilizing the new media. It provides the ways how the Communist Party of China improves the Party-masses Relationship. The whole thesis includes three parts, --introductory remark, the main text with three chapters and the concluding remark. Its main body is just as follow.In the introductory remark, it mainly illustrates the significance and foundation of the thesis. It includes the current studying situation about the topic home and abroad. In addition, it also introduces the research technique and the innovation in the thesis.In the first chapter, it introduces the new media, this theory and the challenges and opportunities it has brought for the relationship between the party and masses. Firstly, it studies the conception of the new media from the newness and strong technical support. And then it analyzes the characteristics of the new media interactiveness, convenience, openness and multi-techniques and so on. It also introduces its main forms—internet and mobile phones and so on. Through the abundant examples and the data, it emphasizes the effects of the new media on the party. Secondly, from the features of the new media, it illustrates the opportunities it has brought for building the good party--masses relationship. That is, the new media provides new channels for the communication between the party and masses; it brings new ways for our party to educate and guide masses; it offers the new ways which the party seized position of thoughts and culture; and it provides a new edge tool for the party to accept masses’supervision; Finally, the thesis studies that with the development of the new media, it brings the challenges for the Party-masses Relationship. Namely, the fast development of new media brings“management challenges”to ideological work; the fast development of new media brings“guiding challenges”to journalism and propaganda; the fast development of new media brings“security challenges”to social control work; and the fast development of new media brings“capability challenges”to party members and cadres.In the second chapter, it mainly analyzes the present situation. This situation is the result that the Communist Party of China gets through utilizing the new media in order to improve the Party-masses Relationship. On the one hand, it carefully illustrates the positive exploration of the Communist Party of China for how to improve the Party-masses Relationship. Although, as for this question, the Communist Party of China are in the exploration stage, through recent years’efforts, they have already explored the effective and practical ways in improving this relationship by using the new media in the practice. Such as, building the Party Building Websites actively, creating new media platforms, expanding new media functions, enriching the intension of informatization, valuing the appliance of new media, strengthening interactive communication between the party and masses, strengthening the propaganda and guiding to masses with help of new media, improving the qualities on information of leading cadres and strengthening the work capacity of new media. On the other hand, because the new media is a newly—born thing, some party members and cadres have not been able to adapt completely to its fast development and have not been able to grasp completely its law of development and the dissemination characteristic. Accordingly, here areaspects :ie, the fact that some party members and cadres haven’t fully realized the importance of using new media to do mass work, the fact that some party members and cadres’coping capacity doesn’t adapt to the fast development of new media, the fact that correlation mechanism in which our party improves the relations between the party and the masses is distempered, and the fact that some lagging of party and government work doesn’t adapt to the width and transparence of the new media supervision, just from the four aspects above, this thesis is going to analyze the problems CCP encountered in using new media to improve the relationship between the party and masses.In the third chapter, basing on the practical and theoretical analyses of the effect the new media have brought for the communist party, it studies the means in which the Communist Party of China utilizes the new media to improve the Party-masses Relationship. Firstly, to attach great importance to the effects of new media and strengthen the awareness of using applying new media; Secondly, to make the most of new media and improve the ability of using it; to manage the build new media and perfect the systems and mechanisms; to stick to tightening Party discipline; to regularize network supervision; to make full use of the openness of the world and network and make foreign thing serve China and actively use the experience with which the major western political parties enhance the tie between the party and the masses, according to the principle of“take the essence and discard the dregs”.In the concluding remark, it forecasts the future of utilizing the new media to improve Party-masses Relationship. Through the new media, the direct communications between the communist party and the masses are realized. Through the new media, the informational demands of the common people are met. The new media enlarge and expand political party’s propaganda and the influence. The new media are advantageous in the political party’s strengthening the Basic-level organization construction. From these four aspects, the thesis emphasizes the important role the new media plays in dealing with the Party-masses Relationship.

  • 【分类号】D252
  • 【被引频次】37
  • 【下载频次】4542

