

【作者】 张志勇

【导师】 杨信礼;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 人与制度的关系问题是近年来学术界持续关注的重大问题。从哲学的视野审视、研究人与制度的关系,既是哲学的使命所在,也是社会发展的需要。人是处于一定生产关系和交往关系中的社会人,人的生存发展不仅受到生产力水平的限制,而且受到自身条件和社会环境特别是社会制度的制约,人的价值、尊严、权利的保障与实现离不开制度。制度是人按照自己的本性和事物的客观规律而建立起来的属人的存在,是人在谋求生存和发展的实践活动中所形成的生产关系和交往关系等社会关系规范化的产物,是调整人与社会关系的中介手段。马克思主义哲学的创新关系到马克思主义的生命,这种创新是哲学对实践的自觉理论反思与超越,对制度进行哲学研究是马克思主义哲学创新的结果。理论与实践的需要,迫切要求加强人与制度关系的研究。处于转型时期的中国,是在一个压缩了时空的背景下进行的,市场经济体制代替计划经济体制所实现的社会变革不仅是经济制度的变迁,也是农业社会向工业社会和信息社会、传统社会向现代社会的转型。社会结构的调整必然带来社会深层次矛盾的凸显,社会矛盾与社会问题的解决靠的是化解这些矛盾和问题的制度机制,制度对于解决社会问题与社会矛盾具有优先性。因此,加强制度建设与创新意义重大。每一种制度都蕴涵着一定的价值取向与目标追求,制度价值观是制度的核心与灵魂,制度价值观要求中国当前的制度建设必须坚持以人为本。作为时代精神的精华的哲学,面对实践的要求,理应做出理论的回应,遗憾的是充斥学界的是西方学者特别是制度经济学派的理论牢牢掌握着话语权,马克思主义在这一领域处于尴尬与失语状态,还未能建立马克思主义制度分析理论。因此,这就构成了本文写作的目的与动机:一是利用马克思主义理论,从哲学的视角研究制度,以人的生存发展为逻辑起点,建立马克思主义制度分析理论的框架;二是运用马克思主义制度分析理论,审视、反思、求解当代中国经济社会发展过程中的矛盾和问题。当代中国无论是社会问题与社会矛盾的解决,还是社会的现代转型、民族的伟大复兴,归根到底在于坚持制度创新,制度的创新与安排必须坚持以人为本,把人的生存与发展作为制度建构的根本出发点,把人的自由全面发展作为制度建构的终极价值目标。本文以辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义为指导,运用历史分析方法、制度比较分析方法、逻辑与历史相统一的方法去安排论文的行文结构。第一部分是引言,第二部分到第七部分为六章是论文的主体部分,最后一部分是结论。本文首先确定论文的逻辑起点,即从人的生存发展的视角来审视和反思制度,从制度起源、本质、变迁机理、影响因素、价值原则、建构目标与评价尺度等方面来探讨制度与人的生存发展之间的关系,将人的自由全面发展作为制度建构的终极目标与最高价值。第一章,从人的生存发展角度讨论制度的起源与本质,把制度作为人的交往实践、社会关系的产物,把实践作为人与制度统一的基础。第二章,依据马克思主义制度分析理论,把制度的变迁看作是以生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑矛盾运动为中心的综合动力系统。第三章,从人的利益、社会心理、社会意识形态与文化的角度探讨了制度变革的影响因素。第四章,从创新角度讨论了制度创新的重要意义,以及推进制度创新的路径。第五章,从价值论的角度讨论制度建构的原则,并重点分析了发展、公正、自由、和谐等价值导向。第六章,提出制度评价的一般标准与最高标准,即生产力标准与人的自由全面发展标准。在深入研究人与制度关系的过程中,本文力图在以下方面有所突破:第一,在人与制度的关系上,提出实践是人与制度关系相统一的基础,无论是人与制度的产生还是人与制度本质的确证,都是在实践的基础完成的,制度与人的异化与复归也离不开实践。第二,提出马克思主义制度分析理论中关于制度变迁动力既不是一元论,也不是多元论,而是综合动力论。第三,提出高素质创新型人才这个概念,认为未来国际竞争的重点是制度创新与高素质创新型人才的培养。第四,提出制度的建构与创新应该以发展、公正、自由、和谐为价值原则,以促进和实现人的自由全面发展为最终价值追求。

【Abstract】 The relation between human beings and system draws great concern and attention of scholars in the latest years. It belongs to the mission of philosophy and meets the requirement of social development to review and study this relation from the perspective of philosophy. Human beings are socialized and live in given relations of production and communication, and their existence and development are restricted by the level of productive forces, body condition, social environments, especially the social system, without which human value, dignity, rights can not be carried out. System is established the existence of a dependent person in accordance with their nature and objective law, the product of production relations and other contacts which to survive and develop in practical activities, and the intermediate means to adjust between human and society. Marxist philosophy of innovation related to the life of Marxism, this innovation is a reflection and beyond which the philosophical theory of reality and consciously practice, the study of system philosophy is the philosophy of innovation needs for Marxist philosophy. The need of theory and practice has an urgent need to strengthen the research between people and systems. China’s social transformation in a compressed time and space against the backdrop is not only a market economy instead of the planned economic system changes, but an agricultural society to industrial society and information society, traditional society to modern society. The restructuring of society will inevitably lead to social highlight the deep-seated contradictions and social conflicts, social conflicts and social problems are resolved by the institutional mechanisms and systems, the systems have priority to solve social problems and social conflicts. Therefore, to strengthen the system construction and innovation has a great significance. Each system contains certain values and goals, the system values are the heart and soul of the system, the system values demand to adhere to people-oriented that China’s current system constructions. As the essence of the spirit of the philosophy of the times should make the response on the face of the demands of practice and theory, unfortunately, Chinese scholars is full of the academic system of the Western scholars especially the economic schools of thought, which firmly holding the right to speak of but Marxism in an awkward and mute state in this a field, we have failed to establish the system of Marxist theory. Therefore, it constitutes the purpose and motive of this writing: First, the use of Marxist theory establish the Marxist theoretical framework of institutional analysis which people’s survival and development as the logical starting point from a philosophical perspective of the system. Second, to use the Marxist theory of institutional analysis solve the contradictions and problems in the process of economic and social development of contemporary China. In the final analysis is to uphold the system of innovation whether a social problem and social conflicts to resolve, or the community of the modern transformation of the nation and the great revival for Contemporary China, system innovation and arrangements must adhere to people-centered to human survival and development as the construction fundamental objective, and the comprehensive development of human freedom as the ultimate value target.This dissertation, whose content structure is arranged by using the analytical method of history, the analytical method of system comparison, and the unitary method of logic and history, sticks to the principles of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to arrange structure of the paper reads. The first part is the introduction, from the second part to the seventh part of the six chapters is the main part of the paper, the last part is the conclusion. The first determine this paper is to determine the logical starting point, which to review and study the origin, essence, changing mechanism, effecting factors, construction principles and rating scale of system from the perspective of human existence and development, and makes human freedom and full development the final object and highest value of system construction. Chapter one discusses the origin and essence of system from the perspective of human existence and development, stating that system is a product of communication practice of human beings, and that practice is the basis on which human beings and system are unified. Chapter two, based on Marxist system analysis theory, regards changes of system as an integrated power system driven by the contradiction of productive forces and productive relations, economic base and superstructure. Chapter three introduces the diversity of factors that effect system changes from the perspective of human interest, social psychology, and social ideology. Chapter four expounds the significance of system innovation and the approaches to advancing system innovation by using innovative thinking. Chapter five tells the principles of system construction, and stresses on analyzing value orientation of development, justice, freedom, harmony, and so on. Chapter six proposes normal criterion and top criterion of system evaluation, namely, the criterions of productive forces and human freedom and full development.This dissertation, further studying the relation of human beings and system, strives to have breakthrough in the following aspects: first, it brings forward that practice is the basis to unify human beings and system, and that both generation of human beings and system and the justification of the essence of them were completed on the basis of practice; secondly, it points out that the power theory of Marxist system changes belongs to comprehensive motion and can not be regarded as monism and pluralism; in the third place, it, by introducing the concepts of productive forces of system and creative talents of high quality, holds that future international competition will focus on system innovation and training of creative talents of high quality; finally, it persists that construction, innovation and development of system should be guided by the values of development, justice, freedom and harmony so as to promote and carry out the final value pursuit of human freedom and full development.

  • 【分类号】B038
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1302

