

【作者】 徐化影

【导师】 阮青;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 政治文明是人类文明中不可或缺的重要维度,它不仅推动着人与社会的发展和进步,而且是判断一个国家和社会的文明程度与发展水平的重要标准,更为重要的是,在全球化的今天,政治文明作为软实力是综合国力的重要组成部分,它直接影响着一个国家的国际地位和政治影响力。因此,要实现中华民族的崛起就必须推进中国政治文明的现代演进。当前,中国特色社会主义建设正在如火如荼地开展,各项事业都取得了不同程度的发展,其中经济建设取得了举世瞩目的成就,经济的飞跃发展对中国特色社会主义政治文明建设提出了新的要求,并日益凸显、愈益紧迫。因此,如何推进中国特色社会主义政治文明在现代的演进就成为关系着我国经济的进一步发展,关系着改革开放事业的成败,进而关系着中国特色社会主义事业全局的根本性问题和重大课题。在任何一个社会,政治文明都是一个多维复杂的立体结构,本文是以对政治文明在哲学层面上的历史考察为前提和基础,试图在政治文明历史发展的动态演进中实现对政治文明的静态的理解和把握,即普遍的本质性和必然性的理解和把握,进而,在这种静态的理解和把握的基础上实现对中国政治文明现代演进的动态思考。论文由引言、正文以及结语三部分组成。引言部分阐述了选题的意义、研究现状以及论文的可能创新之处、研究难点和主要的研究方法。正文共六章。第一章是对政治文明的一般概述。包括政治文明的基本内涵、政治文明的生成和政治文明的属性三个方面。这是对中国政治文明现代演进进行思考的理论前提。第二章是对中西方政治文明的历史审视。是从中西方政治文明的发展进程和历史沿革中实现对中西方政治文明的历史审视的。由于中西方政治文明的历史发展是一个及其复杂且庞大的系统,因而,要将其全貌进行一览无余的呈现是无法做到的,故仅撮其要、萃而取之、概而括之。这是对中国政治文明进行思考的历史前提和思想基础。第三章是对马克思主义政治文明的价值目标及其实现的认知。马克思主义政治文明是中国现代政治文明的理论基础和思想指导,因而,对马克思主义政治文明的认知就成为对中国政治文明现代演进进行思考的必不可少的理论前提和基础。政治文明的重要性主要在于它所确立的价值目标对实践的导向和引领作用,所以,对马克思主义政治文明的理解和把握是归结在它的价值目标及其实现上的,这也正是马克思主义政治文明是其所是的根本依据。第四章是从政治文明的理想与现实的层面展开对中国政治文明现代演进的基本思考的。人类文明的进步和发展是在理想与现实的统一及其螺旋式的攀升中实现的,政治文明也是如此。对政治文明的理想之善的追求是人类社会永恒的主题,而政治文明的现实之恶则是人类社会恒久的常态,政治文明的演进就是在政治文明的理想之善与现实之恶的矛盾运动中渐致实现的。中国政治文明的现代演进亦是在理想与现实的统一中展开的。第五章是从传统与现代的层面展开对中国政治文明现代演进的思考的。对于一个国家和民族而言,传统是文明之根脉。中国是文明古国,在人类社会的演变和发展史中存续了数千年,这其中传统德治文明绵延了两千余年并牢牢占据了主导地位,也曾数度创造了政治辉煌。因此,中国政治文明的现代演进就需要在对中国传统德治文明中的继承、扬弃和发展中展开,需要处理好政治文明领域中的传统和现代的关系。第六章是从中国和西方的层面展开对中国政治文明现代演进的思考的。近代以来,西方创造了辉煌的物质文明,并在很大程度上主导着世界的发展趋势,而这又是在它所创造的灿烂的思想文明的引领下实现的,反过来,辉煌的物质文明又激发和推动着思想文明的进一步提升。在全球化的当今时代,西方依然走在世界的前列,其民主政治在全球范围内强势推进,也对中国尤其是改革开放以来的中国的政治文明的发展产生了强烈的影响。在这种宏大的历史背景下,中国政治文明的现代演进就需要处理好政治文明领域中民族史和世界史的关系,才能更好地实现自身的进步和发展。结语是对整篇文章思想主题的概括和总结。

【Abstract】 Political Civilization is an indispensable dimension in the human civilization, because it not only promotes the development and progress of man and society, but also serves as an important criterion for measuring the degree of civilization and level of development of a country or society. More importantly, in such a globalized world, political civilization, which is a significant component of the overall national strength as the soft power, has a direct impact on a country’s international status and political influence. Therefore, the rise of the Chinese nation calls for our efforts to promote the modern evolution of the political civilization.Currently, the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics is in full swing all over the country and each cause has reached its growth to certain extent. Among them, economic construction has made remarkable achievements, which brings forward new requirements for the construction of Socialist Political Civilization with Chinese characteristics. And these requirements become increasingly prominent and urgent. Therefore, how to boost the evolution of the socialist political civilization with Chinese characteristics in modern times become the fundamental issue and important topic concerning further development of our national economy, the cause of the reform and opening up and even the overall socialist cause with Chinese characteristics.Based on the historical investigation of political civilization from the viewpoint of philosophy, this dissertation tries to help us understand and grasp the static political civilization through analyzing the dynamic evolution of the historical political civilization. Namely, it helps us understand and grasp the universal nature and the inevitability so as to reflect dynamically on the modern evolution of Chinese political civilization on the basis of the understanding of the static one.This dissertation is composed of three parts including introduction, body and conclusion.In the introduction part, it expounds the significance of the topic, the research status quo, the potential innovations, some research difficulties and main research methods.The body consists of six chapters. The first chapter is a general understanding of the political civilization, including three aspects---the basic connotation, the formation and the properties of political civilization, which provides the theoretical premise for reflecting on the modern evolution of Chinese political civilization.The second chapter is about the historical survey of both Chinese and Western political civilization, which is realized through analyzing the process of their development and historical evolution. Due to the complexity of the historical development of Chinese and Western political civilization, it is impossible to make a panoramic elaboration. So it only selects those of great importance and makes a generalization, which is the historical premise and ideological basis for the Chinese political civilization.The third chapter focuses on the value objective and realization of Marxism-oriented political civilization, which is the theoretical basis and guiding principle for modern political civilization of China. In other words, before discussion about modern evolution of Chinese political civilization, it is better to make deep comprehension about Marxism-oriented political civilization. The importance of political civilization lies in that the value objective established plays a role of guidance to practice. Therefore, the correct understanding and grasping of Marxism-oriented political civilization boils down to its value objective and realization,which is also the fundamental basis for the existence of Marxism-oriented civilization.Chapter four elaborates the reflection on the modern evolution of Chinese political civilization from the perspective of both the ideal and reality of political civilization. The progress and development of human civilization is realized through the unity and spiral advancement of the ideal and the reality, so does that of political civilization. Pursuing the ideal good of political civilization is the eternal theme of human society, while the reality of evil is the permanent being in our society. And the evolution of political civilization is gradually realized through the contradictory development between the ideal of good and the reality of evil. Thus the modern evolution of the Chinese political civilization is also achieved through the unity of the ideal and reality.The fifth chapter elucidates the modern evolution of Chinese political civilization from both the traditional and modern point of view. As far as a country and its people are concerned, tradition is the root of civilization. As an ancient civilized country, China underwent thousands of years of evolution and development. In this long historical process, traditional virtue-oriented civilization survived and even took a dominant position for more than two thousand years. And there appeared many splendid political achievements, too. Therefore, the modern evolution of Chinese political civilization needs to inherit and develop the positive and discard the negative sides of traditional virtue-oriented civilization. Meanwhile, the relationship between the history of tradition and that of modern times in the field of political civilization should be well handled.Chapter six describes the modern evolution of Chinese political civilization from the angle of Chinese and Western civilization. In modern times, western countries created brilliant material civilization, dominating the world’s development trend to a large extent, which was realized under the guidance of the splendid spiritual civilization. And this brilliant material civilization in turn forced the spiritual civilization to a further advancement. In the current era of globalization, the west still walks in the forefront of the world with its democracy strongly boosting in the global context, which exerts great influence on the Chinese political civilization particularly since the reform and opening up. Under the grand historical circumstances, the modern evolution of Chinese political civilization calls for proper handling of the relationship between the national and world history so as to better realize China’s progress and development.The last part is the conclusion, which summaries the theme of the whole paper.

  • 【分类号】D60
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】836

