

【作者】 魏衍华

【导师】 杨朝明;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 原始儒学是由孔子创立的,此后又为孔子弟子、子思、孟子、荀卿等孔门后学继承与发展的儒学早期形态。孔子学说是原始儒学的创立者,他的思想与学说决定着此后儒学发展的范式与高度。孔子成为中国历代儒家共同尊奉的“宗师”,他所整理的“六经”也成为儒者们共同尊奉、研读的经典以及了解孔子学说乃至中国上古文明的最重要途径。在“天下无道”、“礼坏乐崩”的春秋战国社会,虽然诸子学皆是“务为治”的,但与其他诸子批判、否定中国礼乐传统的态度不同,孔子将其学说植根于中国漫长而厚重的文明积淀之中,积极地汲取上古圣王、三代“明王”以及春秋诸贤的智慧。在宣传、实践其学说的过程中,随着人生经历的丰富和思想的逐渐成熟,孔子亦不断地深刻反思、认真总结其学说与社会间的关系问题,将反思的结果不断凝聚甚至调整他的思想学说,使其更加完善、臻熟。正因如此,他成为后世儒者以及传统社会士大夫共同推崇的“圣之时者”,并促使原始儒学成为早期中国社会的“大成”智慧。中国先秦社会不仅孕育、滋养了孔子学说,在其学说创立之后,先秦社会对其也进行了初步地检验与认证。无论是为中都宰、司空还是大司寇,孔子治理社会的能力都引起鲁国乃至当时各诸侯国君的注意,甚至出现了“四方诸侯皆则之”的局面。这无疑说明孔子儒学对于治理天下国家是行之有效的。孔子去世之后,孔门弟子虽然出现了“弘道”、“传经”、“践履”的分化,但弟子们对师说的“尊崇”与“阐扬”却是一致的。正因如此,尽管儒学有着“难于进取”的特点,但在“争于气力”的战国时期,孔子儒学的影响却不断扩大,并成为当时最重要的“显学”。在与时代的对话中,孔门后学整理孔子“遗说”,使孔子学说得到丰富与发展。在早期儒家的共同努力,儒学已成为战国时期最具影响力的学派。本文以早期儒家拯救“天下无道”的社会秩序为基点,从“前孔子时代”社会孔子学说的孕育、“孔子时代”孔子学说初创与社会的检验以及“后孔子时代”孔子学说的发展与传播等三方面,深入探讨孔子学说与先秦社会间的“互动”关系问题。在此基础上,得出孔子学说并非不被“社会”采用,而是不被“时代”采用的新认识。春秋晚期社会的“礼坏乐崩”,是孔子思想学说诞生的缘起。周王室的衰微、诸侯争霸以及私家的兴起,共同组成了一个“失范”的社会状态。而天子衰微与诸侯争霸,是孔子学说诞生的政治背景;王官失守与文化下移,是孔子及先秦诸子共享的文化资源;春秋贤哲及鲁国丰厚的礼乐文化遗产,为孔子研习礼乐、构建学说提供了现实的机缘。以孔子为代表的早期儒家,为拯救“天下无道”的局面,积极从上古“先王”、三代“明王”那里汲取智慧,用以重建春秋时期被“礼坏乐崩”所打乱的社会秩序。新出土文献展现的上古文明发展的状况,逐渐改变着人们对上古盲昧无稽的“成见”,表明在夏商甚至尧舜时期中国社会就已经走出“蒙昧”、“野蛮”,跨入了“文明”的门槛。而此时礼制发展程度为孔子站在历史的高度思考社会问题提供了参照,并为孔子三代礼制的“损益”观提供了历史依据。与先秦诸子更注重现实社会的得失相比,“祖述尧舜,宪章文武”成为早期儒学最明显的特征。孔子在鲁国为政,使孔子学说得到先秦社会初步的检验与认证。当然,在孔子有生之年,除在鲁国短暂的为政外,“干七十余君,莫能用”的结局,说明其学说并未真正被时代所采用。然而,因“好学”而“博学”,孔子似乎已经成为后世心目中无所不知、无所不晓的“圣人”,这也应决定了儒学的深度。孔子经历鲁国为政、十四年的列国游说之后,虽然已经意识到自己“世不用我”、“穷达以时”的命运,但他仍以“明知不可为而为之”的精神,将自己的“王道”理想灌注于他所整理的“六经”之中。其中,孔子关注天道、人情,以及“性命”、“天命”等问题的探讨,则奠定了早期儒学能汇聚天、地、人三才之道的哲学高度。与先秦其他诸子功利地思考社会问题不同,孔子儒家继承了西周以来人文思潮,更加关注社会秩序、关注民生疾苦,高扬“以人为本”的治学理念。与当时通行的刑政相参治国模式不同,孔子更看重德礼治国,培养百姓“有耻且格”的社会风气。孔子去世后,孔门弟子以“为王者师”、“友教士大夫”等形式“尊崇”师说,进而在各个诸侯国游说中进行“弘扬”。与后世学者诠释孔子学说相比,“得其门而入”的孔门弟子对师说的把握可能更为深刻。孔门弟子以及战国儒家对孔子学说膺服的态度,从侧面折射出孔子儒学的博大与精深。在孔子之后,孔门弟子效仿孔子,开坛授学、招收弟子,在引起孔子学说“分化”的同时,也使孔子学说在更大范围内传播开来。战国之世,子思、孟子、荀卿等战国儒家,通过整理孔子遗说、著书立说等方式,不仅弘扬与传播了孔子学说,促使孔子学说成为战国时期与“墨学”并称的“显学”。新出土文献的面世,既为研究原始儒学带来新的资料,也证明在“争于气力”的战国之世,孔子学说在南方楚地、北方中山以及西方秦地都曾产生了深刻影响。特别是从当时南方士人兼习孔子、老子学说的情形来看,儒家观念已成为当时社会中所不可忽视的重要内容。

【Abstract】 Original Confucianism is the early form of Confucianism, which was founded by Confucius, then was inherited and developed by late Confucian school. Confucianism is a logical starting point of the original Confucianism, and then determined the subsequent height and scale of development of Confucianism.After the sage, confucius has become the confuciuse’s common server "Zongshi", and the scholar "Liujing" which has become the common confucianism servered and pored over classic which the most important ways to understand chinese palaeoid civilization.When the "Worship Music collapse", other thinkers of different school is critical tradition, but Confucius rooted his doctrine in the development of a long accumulation of Chinese civilization. He positive lessons wisdom from the ancient deities, three generations of "Wisdom King" and the Spring and Autumn Wisdom Men. Since then, the theory of system maturity in the process of practiced his doctrine. Confucius deep reflected and careful summed up of traditional society, his doctrine is very profound. So it not only to become him a "holy time of those", but also made the original Confucian to "Dacheng" wisdom of early Chinese society.Pre-Qin society not only conceives and nourishes Confucianism, but also carried out inspection and certification. Whether to have the ruler of Zhongdu or Sze-kung and Secretary-Cohen,finally, the ability to govern the community attracted lu and then the vassal states, even then there is the situation to "quartet". It clearly shows that the confucianism, confucius to rule the world is effective. When confucius died, the theory has polarized to "Hongdao", "Jianlv" and "Chuanjing", but the disciple is agreement to say "honor" and "Hongyang" the Confucius.In the world of "Warring States Period", Because Confucian followers revered and extolled Confucianism, so the influence of Confucius is widening. During the dialogue with Confucianism and the times, Confucian followers enriched and developed the doctrine of Confucius. To work together in the early Confucian, Confucius has become the most influential period of the Warring States figures. The paper focuses on learning interaction between Confucian and the pre-Qin society, which the era of "pre-Confusion", doctrine of Confucius’s birth community; the era of "Confucius", Confucius and the social doctrine of the birth of the preliminary examination; and after the time of "Confucius", Confusion followers studies on the development and dissemination of Confucius.In late time of Spring and Autumn, the origin of the birth of Confucius doctrine is "Worship Music collapse". The political background of the birth of Confucianism is the emperor nobility declining and Feudalism hegemony. As Wang Guan falling down and culture scattering, it had been shared cultural resources by Confucius and philosophers; Confucius study for the ritual and construct theory provides real opportunity is Autumn Sages and thick cultural heritage of Lu Guo. Confucius want to save the Situation of "Tianxia Wudao",that learn the wisdom of rebuilding the social order from ancient times, three generations’ book. The new literature is gradually changing "stereotypes" of the ancient blind ignorant and how highly thought of Confucius standing social problems provided a reference.Gradually, peapole have been changing the perceptions of palaeoid "blind and nonsensical"which the period in Xia and Shang or "Yaoshun".Chinese society has been out of the "savage" and "barbaric" and turning to "civilization". The development of "the System of rites" in the history gains a historical basis on confucius concept of "profit and loss ".Compared with the philosophers, Confucianism has a clear feature of "Zushu YaoShun, Xianzhang wen wu".Confucius made official in Lu, should be the inspection and certification to Confucian by pre-Qin society. His doctrine has not been used until Confucius’s final stage times. Confucius is "good" and "learned", which laid the height of Confucianism. Confucius experience for the government in Lu, and lobbying the nations, he recognized that "the world without me" and "qiong da yi shi". Confucius pay attention to Heaven and human concern, approach "life" and" destiny", so early Confucianism also brought together to Heaven, Earth, human and so on. Other pre-Qin philosophers thinking about social issues utilitarian, but Confucius is more concerned about social order, concerned about the plight of the people, and firmly establish "people-oriented" concept. He advocated governing a country with Deli, and training the people "have shame and Georgia".After he died, disciples of Confucius, "respect" the photographer, and go to the vassal state to "promote." Compared with later interpret the Confucian scholar, "able to gain" the disciples of the teacher’s understanding and grasp that should be more profound. The later performance of Confucian also reflects the profound doctrine of Confucius. Zisi, Mencius, Xun Qing and others left behind by order of Confucius, said, wrote books, etc., has enriched and developed the doctrine of Confucius. Newly published literature, both for the study of Confucianism in new information, also proved in the "war on strength" of the Warring States Period of the world, the Confucian doctrine of Chu in the south, the north western state of Qin, Zhongshan, and have widely implications. Confucian ideas had already become an important part which can not be ignored in society.


