

【作者】 曹瑞明

【导师】 余金成;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “各尽所能,按需分配”是马克思对理想社会的经典概括。完整地理解这一原则,须看到大机器生产方式所发挥的关键作用:一方面,它简化了劳动,使人们之间的能力差别不再具有决定意义;另一方面,它提高了效率,使物质财富得以充分涌流。因此,在马克思语境中,“各尽所能,按需分配”是在高效率基础上的大公平。然而在当代,科学技术发展的载体已实现了从生产资料向劳动者的历史性转移,劳动者能否“各尽所能”成为决定生产力的第一要素;而发达国家的社会保障制度在一定程度上达到了马克思“按需分配”的起点,人们的消费需要正在向个性化方向发展。在新的历史条件下,重新解读马克思的“各尽所能,按需分配”原则,就成为现代社会主义面临的新课题。“各尽所能,按需分配”为空想社会主义者首倡,马克思发现了唯物史观,赋予其以新的内涵:其一,需要以生产力为基础,生产力发展推动需要扩大,按需分配是无限发展目标;其二,在当时生产力条件下,按需分配首先是满足人们生存消费的需要。当代资本主义在消除经济危机和缓和阶级斗争的过程中,建立了比较完善的社会保障体系,基本满足了人们的生存需要。而在社会主义初级阶段,还不具备马克思所设想的按需分配的主客观条件,只能选择市场经济,通过利益差别所形成的激励机制实现各尽所能,逐步实现共同富裕目标。按需分配的当代指向是对个性化需要的肯定,一方面需要社会财富的更大增加,另一方面需要个人能力的逐步趋近。社会主义市场经济在充分调动劳动者积极性的同时,需要在一定范围和一定程度上强化政府的调节职能,加强精神文明建设,通过逐步建立平等的教育体系,使每个人能力都得到发展。在当前,一方面,要建立覆盖全体人民的社会保障体系,完善社会主义市场经济基础制度建设;另一方面,要有效遏制资本和权力对资源占有的不公现象,创设体现社会主义性质的市场经济运行机制。

【Abstract】 "from each according to ones ability; to each according to ones work "is the basic concept,is put forward by Marx about the ideal society, also it should be realized about the key of production mode by big machinery so that full understanding can be comprehended. For on thing, it simplified work and diminishes the difference of capability of individuals as well as result in determine meanings can not be judged by work capability. One the other hand, social resources can be transferred thoroughly results from efficiency enhancement. Therefore, the concept of "from each according to his ability; to each according to his work" is pretty fair on the base of efficiency enhancement according to Marx’s demonstration. Nevertheless, intermedium of technology processes social recourses historically and have achieved already, the premium of "from each according to his ability" is judged by determinative productivity of workman. As of developed country, social elf are system have achieved the starting point of "from each according to ones ability" in certain aspect, and consumption is ought to be developed personally. The concept of "from each according to ones ability; to each according to his work" should be explained further under current situation so that it becomes new subject of modern socialist consequently."from each according to ones ability; to each according to ones work" is advocated by utopian socialist firstly, theory of materialistic conception of history is demonstrated by Marx with his new explanation:First, it bases on the human productivity and it will multiply as well as results in distribute based on demand for final goal. Second, distribute based on demand will satisfy the initial demand-surviving condition. During the conflict period between eliminate financial crisis and ease class struggle, establish relative perfect welfare system. As a result, it satisfies the surviving condition of human being. However, at the initial stage of socialism, factual condition can not satisfy those requirement mentioned above, and market economy is the only option can be selected so that stimulate all kinds of requirement by interest and achieve common prosperity finally.Distribute based on demand is the modern direction and has confirmed individually, for one aspect, it requires more social resources accumulation. On another side, it asks for the equality of individuals. While activates workman capacity under socialistic market economy, it demands more intensity of government adjustment and control ability, intensify ideological and ethical progress through certain scope, let each develop well by the equal education system establishment. Currently, social welfare system need to spread over the country in order to perfect the foundation construction of market economy, restrict all kinds of unfair circumstance of abuse and occupation of social resources, create the perfect socialistic system of market economy consequently.


