

Research on Pattern of New Vernacular Dwellings in Guanzhong Rural Region of Shaanxi Province

【作者】 虞志淳

【导师】 刘加平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 陕西关中地区历史文化悠久,其民居渊源深厚、特色鲜明。然而随着时代的变迁,现代关中民居的地域风貌业已模糊,发生了深层次的变化与演进,表现在用地布局、功能空间、建构技术、材料更新、生态节能、文化更替等诸方面。由于缺乏理论研究与技术支持,农村民居在自发转型背景下,出现脱离生态优势、丢弃历史传统、迷失地域文化、盲目跟风等现象,形成发展契机与现实问题并存的现状格局,新民居的命题由此产生。本文运用多学科交叉的研究方法对传统关中民居进行了深入的调研分析,挖掘和梳理其核心要素。质朴硬朗、对称端正、求实务本是其典型特征;窄长院落、单坡屋顶、厚重墙体构成地域技术范式;生土利用、自然通风、水窖涝池顺应气候与水土,是先民朴素自然生态观的智慧结晶;门楣题字、座山影壁、砖石木雕、槐院邻里都受历史浸染,渗透着深厚的文化底蕴。传统关中民居的内在基因和思想精髓仍然是现代民居建设应秉承和发扬的重要因素。围绕民居现代化、生态化和地域性三大主题,首次提出关中新民居的创作方法与途径。以融合与整合、继承与创新为总体目标,通过建筑类型学的研究方法,从用地与空间、适宜性技术及文化脉络的多元角度,以建筑空间及其围合手法的改进探讨新民居的空间现代化;以现代建筑技术的支撑探讨新民居的使用生态化;以现代生活方式的需求探讨新民居的文化地域性。最终实现建筑空间、技术构建与文化传承的提升。进而从建筑空间、技术指标和地域语言三个方面首次提出关中新民居模式:空间模式在系统分析农民现状生活与居住方式发生变化的基础上,综合考虑用地规模与长宽比的配置关系,提出二分、二分半、三分地用地空间模式;再从内部空间构成入手,区分居住、生活辅助和生产服务空间,提出卧室、餐厨房、工作间、储藏室等功能空间的需求与设计要点;由此延伸到形式多样的院落组合与邻里交往空间。技术指标中提出屋顶、墙体的材料构造、门窗设计等相关定量指标,并推广生土、秸秆等可再生资源的利用。地域语言模式主要界定建筑形式语言、材料肌理、适宜尺度等内容,结合关中地方材料特性,运用建筑组合、材料肌理等手段,实现传统民居更新演进及新民居创新。最后列举了近年来部分新民居设计实践,探讨新民居多元创新的可能性与可行性,积极而又大量的实践探索才是关中新民居健康有序发展的必由之路。

【Abstract】 Traditional vernacular dwelling in Guanzhong Region, Shaanxi Province has many distinctive characteristics, as a result of profound regional historical and cultural accumulation. Due to the dramatic changes of society, the uniqueness of vernacular dwelling has become blurred in many aspects—from master layout plan, function spaces, construction technology, materials renew, energy saving, to cultural evolution and so on. Because of insufficient theoretical research and technology supports, while the local rural dwelling is transforming spantaneously, there are certain problems emerging. The vernacular dwelling tends to give up its ecological advantages, discard its cultrual tranditions, and aimlessly follow "fashion", the regional culture is lost in this process and the current situation is that the opportunities of further development co-exist with all these practical problems.This thesis use research method of cultural anthropology and multi-disciplinary overlapping to carry out a thorough investigation on traditional dwelling in Guanzhong region and tries to find its core elements. A typical Guanzhong dwelling is natural and gentle, regular and symmetrical, massive and sturdy. The narrow courtyard, the sloping roofs, the rammed earth wall, the heated Kang and earth stove, the natural ventilation, and the water cellar all complies with local climate, water and soil conditions, which is a crystallization of ancient ecological wisdoms. The lintel inscription, the screen wall, the bricks, stones and woodcarving, the Chinese scholar landscape are shaped eventually during thousands of years of Guanzhong history and are subtle expressions of regional culture. The traditional Guanzhong dwelling inherent genes and essences are still one of the most important aspects in local residential development in a modern age.Focusing on three major themes - modernization, ecology, and regionalization, the general goal of the thesis are integration, inheritance and innovation. The design and design methods of new vernacular dwelling are discussed from different perspectives such as landuse and spatial planning, suitable technology, regional culture. Through conversations on modernization of new vernacular dwelling space based on study of traditional enclosed architectural space, ecological utilization of it supported by modern architectural and construction technology, cultural and social continuity of it based on exploration of local life pattern and its modern changes, this thesis targets at achieving promotion of traditinal architectural space, renovated construction technology and cultural legacy, and an unification of form and meaning.The new vernacular dwelling pattern promoted in this thesis is basically discussed from three aspects, architectural space pattern, technical specification and regional language pattern. Talking about architectural spatial model, based on a systematical anlysis on the modern rural life pattern and its recent changes, firstly, space models of two-Fen, two-and-half-Fen, and three-Fen are categorized after comprehensive consideration of landuse. Second, of the internal spacial configuration, the differentiation of living space, auxilliary spaces, service and production-supporting spaces is emphasised and the relevant architectural design requests are formulated. Meanwhile, various courtyards combinations and neighbourhood social spaces are also discussed here.Concerning about technology aspect, the thesis proposes some building materials and construction details, promotes the use of rammed earth, straw and other renewable resources.The reginal architectural language mainly refers to architecture form, material and its texture, human scale, which are all connected to Guanzhong regional conditions and resources. It is expected that with the application of traditional spatial enclosure and local architectural details in architectural design, the new vernacular dwelling building will become an evolution and renovation from traditional architecture.At the end of the thesis, several recent new vernacular dwelling projects are listed to discuss the possibility and feasibility of multi-dimensions innovation of new vernacular architecture design. To conclude, the research here might be not thorough and comprehensive enough, and waitting for further discussion and examination. However, the positive and massive practice study and exploration is the only way for the healthy and sturdy development of new vernacular dwelling in Guanzhong Region.


