

【作者】 刘颖

【导师】 罗世平;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 论文分为上、下两编。上编分析了敦煌莫高窟吐蕃窟的窟龛形制、壁画构成形式和题材特征,从其演变、发展的情况以及壁画的细部特征进行了考证,划分出821年以后兴建的吐蕃后期洞窟22个。821和822年唐蕃政权在长安城外和拉萨举行会盟,此次会盟事件给吐蕃统治下的敦煌带来了影响,蕃汉民族关系进入到相对融洽的阶段。吐蕃窟中因此而出现了画有吐蕃赞普和侍从像的维摩变,以及穿着吐蕃服饰的供养人,壁画中画五台山和峨嵋山道场的文殊变和普贤变、经变画中的胁侍菩萨新形象、包裹装饰纹样的建筑柱身等等因素都与蕃汉之间的文化交流往来的有密切关系,致使以汉传佛教艺术为主导的吐蕃后期洞窟壁画中,出现了新的绘画因素。论文下编专注于研究吐蕃后期具有突出时代特征的经变画,分章讨论了密教菩萨经变、金刚经变、报恩经变、维摩诘经变等经变题材,探讨了密教菩萨经变图像样式、金刚经变胁侍菩萨新样式的来源,吐蕃时期的密教菩萨信仰特点,经变中的故事画及其体现的信仰思想。密教菩萨、经变中的胁侍菩萨都有新的样式混杂在汉地传统的佛教造像样式之中,这些新因素都和吐蕃本土的艺术、吐蕃人的喜好有关。从净土经变的数量和其他经变题材的配置关系看,净土类经变始终是首先被选择进入洞窟的题材。从洞窟的设计原则和佛教信仰的层面看,吐蕃后期洞窟首先营造的还是一个佛国净土的世界,其次是将为唐蕃双方祈福,祈盼唐蕃通好,以及对唐朝的向往与思念等世俗的现实愿望隐含在壁画中,超越了佛教信仰这个简单的层面。

【Abstract】 The thesis has two sections. The first section analyses the forms of grottoes and niches, the composition form of fresco, and the features of subject matter of the grottoes which were erected when Dunhuang was ruled by Tibet in ancient China. The thesis researches the evolvement of them and the detail features of fresco, finds out 22 grottoes erected after 821. Tang and Tibet held the meetings of sovereigns in Chang’an and Lasa in 821 and 822. This event influenced Dunhuang occupied by Tibet. So there appeared Tibet King and attendants in the Vimalakirti sutra Bian and donators dressing clothings of Tibetan style. The new painting factors, such as Manjushri Bian and Samantabhadra Bian with Wutai Mountain and Emei Mountain, the new style of Bodhisattva, pillars of architecture decorated with pattern, were brought into the grottoes, and were connected with culture exchange between the Han nationality and Tibetan. The second section focuses on the Jingbian Paingtings with obvious fetaures of the time. In each chapter, the thesis discusses Tantrism Bodhisattva Sutra Bian, Diamond sutra Bian, Benevolence sutra Bian and Vimalakirti Sutra Bian. The thesis discusses the sources of the new style of Tantrism Bodhisattva Jingbian and Bodhisattva of Diamond sutra Bian, the features of Tantrism Bodhisattva belief, the story paintings of Jingbian and the belif. From the quantity and the relation with other Jingbian, we can got that the Pure Land Jingbians were first chosen. The cave firstly was a pure land of Buddhist land. At the same time, people leaved the mundane hope with the grotto fresco.

  • 【分类号】J218.6;K879.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】965

