

Earth Architectures

【作者】 蔡良瑞

【导师】 张宝玮;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 此论文的研究,在于对现今环境品质日渐恶化、及全球暖化所造成环境危机的情形之下,试图在各种生态建筑中,找到一种可以降低污染、低碳减排、节能环保,并且可持续发展的建筑形式。在诸多建筑的方法中选择了“生土建筑”的原因之一,是生土建筑在中国的历史中已有长远的发展过程,累积了深厚的经验和成果。并且在进化的过程中,由于技术和难度不断的突破,以致近年生土建筑已可达到既往所不能及的成就。(然古法无法今用的原因,在于存在一些效率性、市场性、法规性等问题没有得到解决。在论文中提到的“袋装土建筑”就是针对此现存的不足提出一些解决的方法)。原因之二是,对于传统的建筑形式,所产生的高排碳和高污染所造成地球及生态的破坏等问题,生土建筑是目前可找到最低排碳的、最节能的、最可回复自然的建筑形式之一。论文的理论研究方法,在史籍方面,列举了从殷商到明清各个时期的生土建筑演进,并最终比较了不同时期的成果和突破点,并以春秋时期的“考工记”、宋朝的“营造法式”、“筑城法式”等代表性的著作,所订定的建筑尺度原则和明清时期福建土楼,所达到的规制相加比较,说明了生土建筑在中国的建筑发展史所达到的成就(和不足)。同时,搜集了其它世界各地生土建筑的形式和成果,并在可能的范围做了分析和比较。论文的实践方面,于非洲乌干达进行的实验工程,所完成的袋装土建筑生态村(ECO-VILLAGE)、及北京昌平区生态建筑计划等等,说明了此工法的可行性。在生土建筑的结构强度方面,论文提出了穹顶高度的极限值、扶壁的使用原则等两个论点支持生土建筑的强固性和抗震性。同时在相同条件之下,以同等面积的不同类型建筑所排放的二氧化碳排放量比较,说明袋装土建筑的低碳性及可行性。此研究最终目的希望生土建筑的改进和创新可以达到:一,是低成本高效能节能建筑。二,是老百姓可以自力自建的简约建筑。三,是改善传统方法的冗长繁琐,并能极短时间可以完成的经济建筑。四,是建材可以就地取材,甚至是不需成本的永续发展建筑。五,是和当地环境结为一体的,而不是只为了解决低成本需求而牺牲建筑基本价值的自然建筑。六,是具有高度自然美和具有各别独特性的艺术建筑。七,是一种可解决部分城市周围和农村,过度发展高污染建材、和欠缺地方特色等问题的生态建筑。

【Abstract】 It is apparent that energy conservation, chemical-free materials, natural light and ventilation and CO2 Reduction are now on the A-list of architecture design guidelines. This dissertation investigates the environment responsible solutions to the sustainable architectures possibilities.Earth buildings have sheltered most people through worldwide. Rammed raw earth adobe is elaborated in this dissertation that throughout history of China, outstanding Tulou has illustrates its achievements. However, in recent generations earth buildings have been abandoned for other materials. Labor and time-consuming is the primary obstacle to build from earth. People tend to choose fast and easy build material especially involving cement and steel. In this aspect, ’earthbag building’ provides some solutions to the needs of the labor-saving building industry. Raw earth building has its important criteria of sustainability and environment responsibility that corresponds to the recent realization, which global warming is not a myth.While juxtaposing the rammed earth techniques in dynasties along with the Chinese architecture history, and the earth shelters throughout the world, the dissertation reviews the achievements of solid examples. In the process of research, the author’s hands-on experiments on building earthbag adobes in Uganda and environmental-safe urban planning in Beijing suburbs solidities the practicality of the this alternative building materials.In many parts of the world building must be extra strong for earthquakes. Research shows that architectural methods of calculated domes and flying buttress could be practiced in rammed earthbag building, which reinforced its earthquake-proof quality. The process of converting raw earth into finished walls presents low CO2 production comparing to other building industry.The final approach of this dissertation is to convert raw earth into human habitat possesses simplicity. It’s an alchemy that gives solutions to the sustainable and environment responsible architecture, which is now the primary concern of all the earth habitants.

  • 【分类号】TU-0
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1558

