

Study on the Foundation and Development of Modern Magnetism in China (1900-1985)

【作者】 孙洪庆

【导师】 胡化凯;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 磁学是物理学的一个重要分支,我国现代磁学研究是从20世纪初开始的。本文对现代磁学在中国的建立与初步发展的过程进行梳理,对我国的现代磁学与国际磁学发展、国内科技政策等的关系进行了讨论。本文的研究内容主要有以下几个方面:(1)对20世纪上半叶我国磁学领域留学人员的研究工作进行了探讨,分析了他们的工作特点及其在国际磁学发展中的地位;总结了国内主要磁学研究者的工作,并对国内磁学研究的特点进行分析;对叶企孙、施汝为等人在我国磁学研究初步奠基中的作用进行了探讨。(2)论述了建国初期磁学学科在我国的建立与初步发展情况,分析了磁学研究机构的设立、磁学专业在高校中的设置以及磁学领域的学术交流等。(3)总结了建国初期(1956-1966)、“文革”时期和改革开放初期(1978-1985)我国磁学研究取得的主要成就,分析了其发展的特点及影响其发展的因素。(4)探讨了《1956-1967年科学技术发展远景规划》和《1978-1985年全国科学技术发展规划》对磁学发展的影响,重点分析了《1956-1967年基础科学学科规划》和《1978-1985年全国基础科学发展规划》中的磁学规划在我国磁学发展中的作用,对国家科技政策与磁学发展的关系进行了初步探讨。关于现代磁学在中国建立和发展的历史,是中国物理学史研究的一个薄弱部分,本文的工作可以在一定程度上弥补这方面的不足。

【Abstract】 Magnetism is an important branch of physics, but the study on modern magnetism began in the early 20th century in China. This thesis tries to provide a systematic study in the establishment and initial development of Chinese modern magnetism, and a more particular analysis about the relationship between the modern magnetic research, the international magnetic development and the S&T policy of China.This thesis tries to discuss some questions about the modern magnetism in China, including the following aspects:(1) By describing the magnetic studies of overseas students, this thesis tries to make a summary of their personal researches and generalize the features about their research works. And then, this thesis also discusses the domestic works of the main researchers, and analyzes their statuses in the international development, including the important role of the pioneers in the magnetic field, such as Chi-Sun Yeh and J.W. Shih in the process of the initial foundation of Chinese Magnetism.(2) By reviewing the history of the development of magnetic subjects in the early days of the People’s Republic of China, this thesis discusses the establishment of research institutions, the settings of magnetic specialty in universities and academic exchanges in magnetic field.(3) The magnetic researchers made some important achievements in the early days of PRC. In the period of "Cultural Revolution", most of the scientific studies were at a standstill in China, but there were some achievements in the magnetic field. In the early days of Reform and Opening-up, some researches reached the international advanced level. This thesis sums up the characteristics of magnetic development and analyzes its causes.(4) By discussing the "1956-1967 Long-term Plan of the Development of Science and Technology" and "1978-1985 Nationwide Plan of the Development of Science and Technology", this thesis analyzes the impact of Chinese S&T policy in the development of science. This thesis focuses on "1956-1967 Subjects Plan of Basic Sciences" and "1978-1985 Nationwide Plan of the Development of Basic Sciences", and generalizes the fatal impact of the plans on the development of magnetism.Studies on the foundation and development of modern magnetism in China provide some ideas for the healthy development of Chinese physics. Therefore we can gain some profitable lessons on the mapping-out of S&T policy.


