

The Establishment and Initial Development of Science and Technology System in New China (1949-1966)

【作者】 钱斌

【导师】 胡化凯;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 科技体制是一段时期内科技活动的组织方式、组织体系、管理形式和运行机制等的总称,是表现科技管理系统内各构成要素相互关系的动态模式。从1985年以来,体制问题一直是学术界关注的热点。但是,当前的研究者们比较注意探讨运行机制方面的问题或对策,而对于新中国科技体制是如何形成的,国家在构建新型科技体制过程中取得了哪些重要成果,建国初期的科技体制有怎样的特点等问题则探讨不够。从总体上看,目前学术界在科技体制方面的研究成果还显得相当零散,研究也缺乏整体性、系统性和历史性。论文基于资料调研的基础上,对建国初期的科技体制进行了较为系统的梳理。并在此基础上总结了这一体制的特点。具体内容有以下几个方面:第一,关于科技领导体制的演变。在前人的研究中,对于建国初期宏观科技管理体制的演变过程尚未进行过系统的梳理,因此在建制思想的选择、体制变化的原因、体制最终形态的特点等方面存在一些不同看法。论文基于较为详实的历史资料,认为新中国科技事业的领导体制,伴随着科技发展指导思想和客观条件的变化,经历了一个由“双中心”向“单中心”的转变过程。在此过程中,苏联模式产生了一定的影响。这一时期,人民政府先后成立了中华全国自然科学专门学会联合会、中华全国科学技术普及协会和中国科学技术协会等科技团体,建立了群众性科技活动的组织领导体制,成为新中国科技管理体制的一个重要内容。在新中国成立后不久,国家就在国防科技领域设立了领导机构,进行统一管理,其后又在尖端武器的研制方面设立专门的管理机构。这些做法,不仅促进了国防科技成果的大量涌现,保障了国家安全,同时也强化了新中国科技体制的行政性特点。第二,关于科技机构的建立。建国初期的“五路大军”究竟是如何形成的,一直是学术界研究的薄弱环节。论文认为,新中国的科研机构,是在接收和整合旧中国遗留的基础上,发展起来的,逐步形成了中国科学院、产业部门、高等院校、地方和国防五个系统的科研力量。中国科学院还筹建了学部,使其成为建国初期重要的国家学术机构。论文重点研究了国家设置科技机构的原则,认为这对科技机构的建立和发展起到了规范和推动的作用。第三,关于科研队伍的建设。前人的研究,集中于比较具体的政策和措施,而对于国家构建人才队伍的思路、方式等,并未进行过深入探讨。论文认为,新中国在科技队伍建设上,着手安排了三个方面的工作:初步建立、全面培养和培养高端人才。建国以后,人民政府对旧中国遗留下来的知识分子,按照“容、化、用”的方针,采取“包下来”的政策,进行了妥善的安排和安置,并通过思想改造促使其世界观的转变,初步建立起了自己的科研队伍。通过院系调整,改变了高等学校的专业结构,扩大了招生数量,初步解决国家建设人才奇缺的局面。在高层次人才方面,人民政府积极采取措施争取海外知识分子归国工作,向苏联等国大规模派遣留学生,并创立了研究生制度,这些措施使得新中国有了一支发展科技的中坚力量。论文重点研究了建国初期的人才培养规划,认为这种方式促进了科技人才在数量、质量和速度上的增长。第四,关于科技管理和组织方式。目前学术界对于计划管理的形成与作用、原子弹研制过程中的协作攻关方式,已有比较成熟的研究。但是,对于计划管理和协作攻关的历史来源、协作攻关的运用范围,以及它们对于新中国科技体制特点的影响等,并未进行过系统梳理,因而产生了一些模糊或错误的认识。论文通过历史研究认为,由于科学落后、基础薄弱和人才不足,建国伊始的科学技术难以满足国家建设和科技发展的急需。计划管理和协作攻关很好地解决了这一矛盾,不仅解决了一批迫切需要解决的科技问题,填补了一些重要科研空白,并且夯实了科技发展的基础,对新中国科技事业的飞跃发展起到了决定性的作用。计划管理和协作攻关既是新中国“有组织、有计划地开展人民科学工作”方针的具体运用,也是中国共产党早期科技管理工作的新发展,它们成为建国初期国家管理科技工作的最主要方式。在上述研究的基础上,论文对建国初期的科技体制进行了分析与评价。认为新中国的科技体制虽然受到了苏联的深刻影响,但其形成却是中国科技事业自身发展的结果。在体制的建立过程中,机构的设立取得了很大的进展,但同时也存在一些问题,特别是条块分割成为阻碍科技体制运行的结构性障碍。规划模式和协作攻关这两种方式对于建国初期主要科技成就的取得发挥了重要的作用,但是也给科技事业的发展带来了一些不利的影响。

【Abstract】 The scientific system with many research results has always been the focus of the academe studying and there are a series of monograph and many articles dealing with their many aspects. These achievements intensively probe into the problem or countermeasure about the circulating mechanism; however, it is not enough or nothing for us to discuss the organization mode, system or management mode of the scientific system. Hence, as a whole, these achievements seem loose and their researches are lack of the integrity, system and historicity.On the basis of the research of data, the paper makes the rather hackling to the scientific system at the founding period of our country. It is summarized as the character of scientific system. Like these aspects.First, the paper thinks the new China’s leading system in scientific course experiences the change from the double centers to the single one. At the beginning of founding country, China Academy of Science has been the center of leading institution and scientific research for a time, which plays a certain role in the development of scientific course. However, owing to the deficiency of the founding system, China Academy of Science found it hard to exert its leading function. Influenced by the USSR’s mode, Chinese government found the Scientific Technology Committee, which leads the whole country’s scientific work unitedly. The appearance of the Scientific Technology Committee also symbolizes the shape of Chinese scientific system. During this period, Chinese government found two associations, Chinese Natural Science and the Application Association of it. The combination of the two associations, coupled with the founding of Chinese Association of Science and Technology, result in the founding of organization and leading system in the people’s science and technology activities in the management of national defense and scientific technology. Soon after the founding of the new China, the leading institutions were set up to consolidate management and rather integrate national defense system; special management institutions are still be built to ensure the success of the top weapons’research. Second, the scientific and technical institution is the important carrier of scientific technological course development. Paper thinks that the new China’s scientific and research institutions develop from the basis of accepting and integrating the old China and form gradually the science and research force such as Chinese Academy of Science, Industrial departments, Higher academies, Local and National Defense.Third, the research personnel is the basis of promoting the development of science and technology. After the founding of China, Chinese government arrange appropriately the intellectualist left behind by the old China according to the guide line of allowance, changing and adopting, the policy of contracting and set up their own scientific and technological groups by means of transform of their thought and then the world outlook. By the adjustment of the colleges and departments and the transform of higher schools’special structures, the recruiting number has been enlarged so as to solve the shortage of Chinese construction personnel. In the aspect of the top level personnel, measures must be actively taken to ask the overseas intellectualists to return, send a large multitude of overseas students to USSR etc., who serve as the key force of new China’s science and technology development, and to set up the postgraduate system. In new China, the personnel development plan was set up to promote the increase of science and technology personnel in numbers, quality and speed; in the mean time, many policies and measures were taken to create conditions to better exert their functions.Fourth, paper thinks the organically and systematically starting the people’s scientific work is the pointer for the new China’s science work and main science and technology managing and organizing modes:planning management and collaborated tackling key problems. For the shortage of backward science, weak basis and inadequate personnel, it is hard for the science and technology at the beginning of the founding new China to meet the urgent need of the country construction and science development. The planning management and collaborating tacking the key problems solved this conflict very well, which not only solved a series of science and technology problems in urgent need of solving, filled a number of important science research blanks but also tamped the basis of science and technology development, which played a decisive role in the fast development of science and technology career.On the basis of the above research and addressing, the paper analyzes and comments on the science and technology system at the beginning of the founding China. It thinks that although the science and technology system in the new China was deeply influenced by USSR, its formation is also the result of Chinese science and technology development. In the course of setting up the system, the instauration of institution has made a rather great development, but there is also a series of problems which can be divided into the construction obstacles in the operation of science and technology system. This system engenders two main modes such as planning and collaboration tackling, which makes very important contribution to the main science and technology achievements at the beginning of the founding China.

  • 【分类号】G322.9;K27
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1048
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