

Research on Cross-layer Design of Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

【作者】 周晓芳

【导师】 屈玉贵;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络WSN (Wireless Sensor Network)集成了传感器、微机电、现代计算和无线通信网络等技术,由于其巨大的应用前景成为了学术界和工业界广泛关注的焦点。路由算法在面向应用的无线传感器网络中起着举足轻重的作用。而无线传感器网络在网络特点、通信模型和数据传输需求等方面的独有特性,制约了众多传统的路由算法在无线传感器网络中的应用。跨层设计以其简单灵活的设计理念、对不同网络结构和应用环境的普适性等优点,使得跨层设计理念和无线传感器网络中路由协议的设计形成了天然的结合,为无线传感器网络的研究注入了新鲜的血液。本文为设计出适用于无线传感器网络的路由协议,以跨层设计的理念为主线,主要的研究成果和创新点如下:1.以跨层设计理念为核心,提出了一种基于竞争模式的、对动态信道具有较好鲁棒性的路由协议—CACR (Channel Aware Contention based Routing scheme)针对已有路由算法在信道较差的情况下难以保证数据报文的正确、有效传输的缺陷,提出了一种具有良好性质的信道参数。在此基础上,从节点竞争信道的过程出发,针对多个节点同时接入信道可能产生的碰撞等问题,提出了一种优化的接入空间机制ASM (Access Space Mechanism),并设计了一种基于竞争模式的可感知信道的路由协议。协议综合考虑了物理层、MAC (Medium Access Control)层和路由层的性能,实现对竞争过程和下一跳节点的优化过程。本文利用了动态规划等数学理论,充分分析了接入空间的成功概率等性能。而在不同信道状况下的仿真结果表明,协议在报文递交比率等方面有了较大提高,并能够有效保证信道的竞争性能。2.基于跨层设计思想提出了一种面向分布式事件检测的特定应用的路由技术——ECCRD (Energy-efficient Contention-based Cooperative Routing for distributed event Detection)为实现无线传感器网络事件检测的应用,除了要考虑无线传感器网络自身的能量和资源受限的问题,还必须解决大量检测数据对网络造成负荷过高的问题。文章引入基于高斯-马尔科夫模型的链路参数,采用跨层思想设计了一种节能的可用于分布式事件检测的协作路由协议。协议将路由性能、单个链路对全网检测性能的贡献以及无线信道接入的动态特性相结合,将路由、检测和信道接入几个问题转化成一个跨层的接入空间的求解问题,在每次寻路过程中求解可优化网络性能的方案。仿真表明,协议在保证无线传感器网络中大范围事件的分布式检测性能同时,能够有效地减小网络的能量消耗。3.采用跨层理念,提出了一种可优化网络生命周期的路由算法MOFD (Multi-Optimized Function Directed diffusion protocol)从无线传感器网络路由协议的能耗问题出发,分析了目前无线传感器网络路由协议的研究特点,指出已有工作在协议能量消耗和网络能量均衡等方面的缺陷。进一步针对平衡网络中节点能量消耗、延长网络生命周期上的优化目标,提出了一种可优化网络生命周期的路由协议。仿真结果显示,与传统的推扩散协议相比,本协议实现了更低的能耗以及更高的传输可靠性,显著的延长了网络生命期。4.以跨层设计为主线,提出一种可抵抗干扰攻击的安全路由协议SRRJ (Secure Routing protocol Resilient to Jamming)从无线传感器网络路由协议的安全性出发,着重分析了干扰攻击及检测模型,并提出一种可抵抗干扰攻击的路由协议。协议首先引入干扰检测机制对网络安全状态进行跨层分析。在获得干扰攻击及网络安全性能等检测结果的基础上,协议采用跨层设计的思路,最大程度地避开恶意节点及其影响区域,并尽量减小干扰攻击对网络带来的负面影响,从而实现网络安全性能的提升。

【Abstract】 Wireless sensor network integrates the sensor, micro-electromechanical system, modern computing and wireless communication networks. WSNs have attracted much focus from both academic and industrial fields due to their great application prospect. Routing algorithm plays an increasingly important role in the application-oriented WSN. However, the unique characteristics of WSN in network feature, communication model and data transmission, have hampered the application of most traditional routing protocols in WSN. Cross-layer design has formed a natural combination with routing protocols of WSN for its simple but flexible idea and its universality for different network structure and application. Thus, with cross-layer design, research of WSN has become less complicated and more practical.This theme takes cross-layer idea as the main line to design routing protocols suitable for WSN. The research briefs and innovation of this theme are mainly indicated on four aspects as follows:1. A cross-layer channel aware contention based routing scheme for wireless sensor network is proposedThe existing routing protocol could hardly guarantee the correctness and effectiveness of packets’transmission, thus the theme proposes a well-defined channel characteristic. Then an optimized access space mechanism is proposed used as criterion of relay selection during the channel contention round. Based on ASM, a channel aware contention based routing scheme for wireless sensor network is presented. The scheme selects the appropriate relay node by the integrated consideration of access probability, routing cost metrics and wireless channel characteristics. Besides, we analyze the performance of ASM, such as successful probability, with the dynamic programming. The simulation results show that CACR achieves better network performance in terms of packet delivery ratio and improves the contention efficiency consequently.2. An energy-efficient contention-based cooperative routing for distributed event detection is proposed based on cross layer methodologyEvent detection is one of the significant applications in WSN. Besides energy and resource constraint of WSN, high network load due to plenty of detection data is one of the most important problems for the routing for event detection. This theme introduces a channel parameter based on Gauss-Markov model and designs an energy-efficient contention-based cooperative routing for event detection. ECCRD incorporates detection efficiency, access probability and energy consumption. Detection, channel access and routing are formed as a cross-layer access space problem, and network performance is optimized during the process of routing. Simulation results show that ECCRD achieves better detection efficiency for large scale detection and consumes less energy.3. A cross-layer multi-optimized function directed diffusion protocol called MOFD is proposedThis theme analyzes energy consumption and balance of the existing routing protocol and points out the defectiveness of these works. Then for the purpose of network energy balance and lifetime improvement, a novel cross-layer multi-optimized function directed diffusion protocol called MOFD is proposed based on traditional push diffusion protocols. Simulations in ns-2 proved that the MOFD protocol could prolong the lifetime and enhance the robustness of the whole network, compared with the original push diffusion.4. A secure routing protocol resilient to jamming is proposed via functional interactions with physical and MAC layer.To improve the security of routing protocol in WSN, this them analyzes the jamming attack and detection model, and proposes a secure routing protocol resilient to jamming. SRRJ introduces a jamming detection mechanism for cross-layer network security analysis. Based on detection result of jamming attack and network security, SRRJ avoids the malicious node and the affected region by the greatest extent. SRRJ could reduce the negative impact of jamming attack and improve the network security performance.

  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN915.04
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】787
  • 攻读期成果

