

Multiphoton Interference and Quantum Ratchet Effect

【作者】 陈磊

【导师】 郭光灿; 李传锋;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 光学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 光学是物理学中一个很重要的分支,它既具有巨大的实用价值,又对整个物理学理论的发展起到了很大的推动作用。目前光学的整个体系中既包含有以经典电磁波理论为基础的波动光学,又包含有以量子理论为基础的量子光学。在量子光学中光子干涉处于一个很重要的位置。量子光学领域中的巨擘Mandel认为光的干涉本质是光子的来源或者路径存在着内在的不可区分性而导致的物理反映,它是光的量子本性的重要体现,同时也为很多技术应用提供了基础。在本篇论文中我们将对多光子干涉进行分析。棘轮效应是一个很奇特的现象。它是指粒子在没有平均偏置力的作用下而出现了定向运动。这是一个十分独特的粒子输运方式。在微小的尺度下面实现棘轮效应,或者说是制造出以棘轮效应为基础的介观或微观的器件,将对工程技术的发展和应用产生巨大的变革作用。目前人们对棘轮效应的研究已经有了很多的成果,但离真正地实用化目标还有很大距离。在棘轮效应的研究中还有很多基础性的工作需要去做。在本篇论文里我们也将介绍一些我们在棘轮效应的研究中所做的一些工作。因而本篇论文的主要内容包括以下几个部分:1,多光子Hong-Ou-Mandel干涉的时域单模近似分析法。我们以自发参量下转化产生的参量光场为光源,针对Hong-Ou-Mandel型干涉过程进行分析。在一定的条件下,参与干涉的光子波包可以近似理解为具有单一的频率但又以一个波包的形式存在于时间域中。分析Hong-Ou-Mandel干涉时,可以根据两个光子波包在时间域的波函数之间的交叠关系,把情况分为两个波包不可区分和可以区分两种,然后把每种情况下干涉会出现的结果分析出来,最后将两种情况下的结果混合起来就能得到最终的干涉结果。依据这一方法分析光子干涉时,过程变得简单,思路变得清晰,在不丢失物理本质的同时又很容易地获得了结果。2, Hong-Ou-Mandel型干涉中的量子拍频现象的分析。对Hong-Ou-Mandel型干涉装置加以适当的变换就可以观察到量子拍频的现象。与单纯的Hong-Ou-Mandel干涉相比,能够出现拍频的干涉可以更好地提高对光子间时间间隔的分辨。我们同样地采用时域单模近似的分析方法,对以自发参量下转化产生的参量光场为光源的拍频干涉进行了分析,对干涉中的拍频结果给予了精确的描述。3,双delta-kicked型的量子棘轮模型。我们在别人工作的基础上构造出了双delta-kicked型的量子棘轮系统模型。我们将对此模型的由来和构造方式进行较为详细的介绍,并把我们的模型与别人的模型进行比较。我们的工作为量子棘轮效应的实现提供了一个理论方案。4, delta-kicked模型中香农熵的研究。我们对delta-kicked模型中kicked粒子的香农熵的演化进行了研究,发现了粒子的香农熵的演化与棘轮效应以及量子共振之间的关系,并且从能量的角度对一些结果进行了分析。5,以delta-kicked模型为基础的Parrondo游戏。棘轮效应中存在着流逆转的现象。我们把delta-kicked模型中流逆转现象与博弈论中的Parrondo游戏联系了起来,构造出了以delta-kicked模型为基础的Parrondo游戏以及相应的anti-Parrondo游戏。并将我们的结果与别人的相应结果进行了比较,指出了我们工作中的一些独特之处。

【Abstract】 Optics is an important branch of physics, and it has huge practical value and dra-matically promoted the development of physics. Nowadays optics contains both wave optics which is based on classic electromagnetic theory and quantum optics which is based on quantum theory. Photon interference is an important subject in quantum op-tics. Mandel believed that photon interference is the physical manifestation of the in-trinsic indistinguishability of the sources or of the photon paths. Many techniques de-rive from photon interference. In this dissertation, we will give our analysis on photon interference.Ratchet effect is an intriguing phenomenon where a directed transportation emerges in a system without a net biased force. If ratchet effect is achieved in micro-scope, in other words, corresponding devices can be manufactured, engineering technology will be changed significantly. Nowadays, much achievement has been produced in this do-main. But it is still not enough for practicality. Although the prospect is bright, much work should be carried out before ratchet effect can dramatically influence life and work of human. In this dissertation, we will introduce our works on ratchet effect. Thus this dissertation contains following parts:1, Time-domain-single-mode-approximation-method (TDSMAM) to multi-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel interference.We analyze multiphoton Hong-Ou-Mandel interference where parametric light field from spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) is used as the source of photons. In some condition, photons can be considered as single mode in frequency while existing as wave packets in time domain. Because there exists overlap of wave functions of the two wave packets, the interference effect can be divided into two parts with a full quantum treatment:one from the indistinguishable case and the other from the distinguishable case. These two parts are mixed with certain probability distribu-tion. Our method is simple and meaningful.2, Analysis of quantum beating in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference.Beating phenomenon can be observed in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference when some adjustment is done in setup of original Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. As compared with original result, better time resolution can be gotten when result of beating emerges. We also adopt TDSMAM to analyze beating in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, and give some precise conclusions.3, Double-delta-kicked model for quantum ratchet effect.Based on works of other peoples, we construct a double-delta-kicked model for quantum ratchet effect. We will give detail information on our model, and compare our model with other peoples’. Our model can be considered as a candidate scheme for the realization of quantum ratchet effect.4, Analysis of Shannon entropy in delta-kicked model.We investigate the evolution of Shannon entropy of ratchet particle in delta-kicked model, and find the relationship between the evolution of Shannon entropy of ratchet particle and quantum resonance. We will give interpretation of the results in viewpoint of energy.5, Parrondo game based on delta-kicked model.There exists current reversal phenomenon in ratchet effect. We relate the current reversal phenomenon in delta-kicked model with Parrondo game in game theory, and construct a Parrondo game and an anti-Parrondo game based on delta-kicked model. We compare our results with other peoples’and point out some unique feature of our work.


