

Radio Active Galactic Nucleus in SDSS and FIRST

【作者】 卢昱

【导师】 王挺贵; 周宏岩;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 天体物理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 活动星系核的统一模型认为,拥有同样结构的活动星系核属于同一“父类”,不同的观测特征只是由于观测视角不同。当视线被尘埃环遮挡时,一个活动星系核会表现为窄线源(Ⅱ型),未被遮挡时表现为宽线源(Ⅰ型)。对于射电活动星系核来说,在视线接近于喷流轴时表现为平谱的射电致密源,远离喷流轴则表现为陡谱的射电延展源。活动星系核的结构可能依赖于中央引擎的内禀参数,比如光度、黑洞质量、爱丁顿比率等。这些参数可影响活动星系核的吸积盘、宽线区、尘埃环、喷流等结构和性质,从而决定活动星系核属于哪一种统一模型的“父类”。本论文利用SDSS光学巡天和FIRST射电巡天数据,详细考虑了各种选择效应,通过对不同的观测类型(致密/延展射电源,Ⅰ型/Ⅱ型射电源)的统计研究,讨论了射电活动星系核的统一模型对内禀参数的依赖。第一章首先介绍了活动星系核的观测特性与基本结构,重点介绍了射电喷流和射电瓣。然后介绍了活动星系核的分类:根据窄发射线强度比(BPT诊断图)分为Seyfert、LINER和Seyfert+HⅡ混合型活动星系核,根据宽发射线出现与否分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型活动星系核;根据射电光度或射光比,活动星系核分为射电强和射电宁静;在射电强源中根据射电形态可分为致密和延展源;在射电延展源中分出FRⅠ和FRⅡ型源。随后介绍了统一模型,以及统一模型对本征参数的可能依赖关系,包括吸积盘、尘埃环、宽线区和射电喷流,与吸积率光度、黑洞质量、爱丁顿比率等内禀参数的关系。我还介绍了活动星系的两种吸积模式“类星体模式”(QSO mode)和“射电模式”(radio mode),以及“射电模式”对寄主星系和星系团演化的反馈作用。第二章中,我介绍了对于射光比的双峰分布的争论;讨论了光学、射电探测极限等选择效应对射电光度和射光比统计结果的影响。然后介绍了使用SDSS DR3数据和FIRST射电巡天数据来匹配、选取射电类星体样本的过程。我的光学选SDSS-FIRST射电强类星体样本包括3641个射电光度高于1023 WHz-1的纯光学选射电类星体,其中包括859个射电延展源和2782个致密源。我对样本进行了统计分析,讨论了由FIRST的表面亮度探测极限引起的不完备性。我发现在3 mJy水平之上,由于FIRST的小光斑原因而漏掉的弥散射电辐射对样本的完备性影响不大。我也讨论了仅由匹配半径寻找光学源射电对应体造成的选择效应,发现只用2″的匹配半径会造成-16.8%的源流量被低估或者完全被漏掉。我在限定的红移和光学探测极限bin之内进行统计研究,发现尽管延展源与致密源光学光度很相近,延展源的射电光度要明显高于致密源。这一结果提示我们,致密源可能是内禀射电弱或射电中等的源。当它们的喷流轴接近我们视线时,类星体的射电辐射会由于集束效应被显著放大,使得内禀射电较弱的类星体仍然可以被探测到,并表现为致密射电形态;当喷流轴远离我们视线时,这些内禀射电弱类星体则可能落在探测极限之外。在第三章中,我使用Ⅰ型射电活动星系核的比例讨论了射电强活动星系核的尘埃覆盖因子与各种参数的关系。我首先介绍了尘埃环与宽线区对参数的依赖,以及在讨论这种依赖关系中可能遇到的选择效应。随后我介绍了我的射电强活动星系核样本的选取过程。我通过SDSS DR4光谱数据与FIRST巡天的射电源匹配,得到了997个红移z<0.35且射电功率P1.4GHz>1023 W Hz-1的光学选射电强活动星系核,包括711个Ⅱ型活动星系核,和286个I型活动星系核。我通过选择函数的方法修正了证认和探测Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型源过程中产生的选择效应。在限定的参数空间内,我讨论了Ⅰ型源比例f1对活动星系核内禀参量的可能依赖关系。结果发现:经过消光改正后,f1不随[OⅢ]光度增加而增大。这个结果不支持“尘埃环内径随光度增加后退”模型,而是支持高/低两种吸积率模式的模型。此外,我发现f1在M(?)~108M(?)附近上升了约10%,这很可能与星系尺度的尘埃消光有关。最后一章是全文的总结和后续工作展望。

【Abstract】 According to unification scheme, active galactic nuclei (AGNs) have the same structure as long as they belong to the same parent population, and their obser-vation characteristics are attributed solely to the different viewing angles. An AGN appears as broad lined (Type 1) or narrow lined (Type 2) depending on whether our line of sight is blocked by a dusty torus or not; a radio AGN appears as compact, flat spectral radio source when it is viewed along the radio axis and as extended, steep spectral source when viewed off axis. The exact division for the different types depends likely on the intrinsic source parameters, such as black hole mass, accretion rate and jet velocity. In addition, these parameters may also determine what parent population the AGN belongs, such as existence of radio jet, broad line region. In this thesis, I explore such an extension of the unifica-tion scheme using large AGN samples drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the radio source catalog of Faint Image of Radio Sky at Twenty cm (FIRST).In Chapter 1, I first introduce the taxonomy, and structure of a typical AGN, and then briefly review the two unification schemes based on the dusty torus obscuration for two types of Seyfert galaxies and based on the jet orientation for radio loud AGNs. I also outline briefly the observation evidences for different accretion modes, and structures of AGN.In Chapter 2, I present a detailed study of selection effect of radio quasars on the bimodality of radio loudness and unification of radio quasars. I extract a uniformed sample, consisting of 859 extended and 2782 compact radio quasars by matching quasar catalog of SDSS Data Release 3 (DR3) and FIRST survey. I analysis my sample within limited redshift and optical magnitude, and find that the incompleteness due to small beam size of FIRST is low above the 3 mJy level, and I find that the 2" cutout will cause-16.8%extended flux be underestimated. I also find the extended sources tend to be more luminous than the compact ones, though their optical luminosity is similar. This may implied that the radio loudness of radio quasars were bimodal intrinsically. When the jet of radio quiet quasars oriented towards us, they appear to be compact sources, and Doppler enhancement make them be detected by FIRST. On the contrary, when the jet perpendicular to us, the radio quiet quasars could not be detect by FIRST in extended morphology.In Chapter 3, I study the dependence of covering factor on some parameters in a radio strong (P1.4GHz≥1023W Hz-1) AGN sample selected by matching the spectroscopic catalog of SDSS DR4 and FIRST. My sample includes 711 type 2 objects and 286 type 1 objects with z≤0.35. After correcting for several selection effects, I find that:(1) type 1 fraction f1 keeps at a constant of~20% in the [OIII] luminosity range of 40.7< log(L[OIII]/erg s-1)< 43.5. This result is significantly different from previous studies, and the difference can be explained by extinction correction and different treatment of selection effects. (2)f1 rises with black hole mass from~20%below 108M(?)to 30% above that. This coincides with the decrease of the fraction of highly-inclined disk galaxies with black hole mass, implying a population of Seyfert galaxies seen as Type-2 due to galaxy-scale obscuration in disk when the host galaxy type transfer from bulge-dominant to disk-dominant. (3) f1 is independent of the Eddington ratio for its value between 0.01 and 1; (4)f1 ascends from 15%to 30%in the radio power range of 23< log(P1.4GHz/WHz-1)< 24, then remain a constant at-30%until 1026 W Hz-1. My results show that the torus opening angle does not change with the nuclear luminosity, thus do not support’receding torus’model, but are consistent with the "Starved/Eddington tuned" two population models.The summary and discussion are presented in the last Chapter.


