

A Study on Agriculture Cooperation of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Relationship with Literature Based on a New Spring in Suckgaeul Written by Cheon Sebong

【作者】 金英姬

【导师】 金宽雄;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 亚非语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪20年代末到50年代末,前社会主义阵营为了实践社会主义理念和制度,作为社会主义改造中的基本步骤,在农村实行了农业合作化。农业合作化不是循序渐进自然发生的,而是在无产阶级政党领导下,自上而下的将生产资料的私有制改造为公有制的农村经济体制改造运动。农业合作化运动在政治的牵引下,由无产阶级政党领导,短时间内声势浩大地在全球范围内兴起。这是一场翻天覆地的农村改革运动,同时它也带有浓烈的大众运动政治色彩。文学反映现实,作为当时社会生活主旋律的农业合作化运动必然会出现在前社会主义阵营诸国的文坛上,即在共同的社会政治、经济背景下,前社会主义阵营诸国的文坛涌现出了大量反映农业合作化运动的文学作品,并形成了“农业合作化题材文学作品群”。也正是由于前社会主义阵营农业合作化题材的文学作品都具有共同的社会政治、经济背景,前期作品和后期作品之间也有着很明显的传承关系。因此,在研究“农业合作化题材文学作品群”的后期作品时,就不得不探究这些后期作品与前期作品之间的关系。本论文立足于主题学(thematology)研究,拟采用文学政治学及其它文献资料一起研究的新历史主义(new historicism)文学批评方法,以20世纪50年代朝鲜农业合作化运动的代表性小说作品——千世峰的《石溪邑的新春》为主要研究对象,阐释了朝鲜战争后农业合作化运动及其文学作品之间的互文性(intertexuality)。同时本论文运用了比较文学研究方法中的平行研究和影响研究,以苏联和中国的代表性农业合作化题材小说——肖洛霍夫的长篇小说《被开垦的处女地》和周立波的长篇小说《山乡巨变》为参照研究对象,探究它们之间的内在联系和传承关系。本论文从阐释学的角度对这些小说作品中的人物形象和矛盾所体现的意义进行了研究,并深入探讨了反映农业合作化运动文学作品的社会历史意义。本论文的研究前提是阐释以《石溪邑的新春》为中心的农业合作化题材小说作品的共同背景,即马克思主义过渡期理论及前社会主义阵营农业合作化运动的社会实践。因为脱离这个巨大的社会背景,不能保证属于“农业合作化题材文学作品群”的个别小说作品的广度和深度。因此,本论文首先着重探讨了农业合作化运动的理论根源——“社会主义过渡期理论”,即马克思、恩格斯关于从资本主义过渡到社会主义的理论和列宁、斯大林的“过渡期理论”。在考察这些理论背景的同时,通过研究朝鲜、苏联和中国的时代背景及相关实证资料,具体地阐述了当时农业合作化运动的实践过程。在此基础上,为了更好地理解并评价上述政治理论及社会实践的背景下刻画朝鲜农业合作化运动的《石溪邑的新春》,本论文还考察了战后朝鲜的文艺政策,并通过研究小说作者千世峰的农村生活经历与对农业合作化认识的关联性来探讨了《石溪邑的新春》对朝鲜农业合作化的叙事策略。农业合作化运动是按照当时朝鲜、苏联和中国无产阶级政党的路线、方针、政策而制定的社会改造运动,是以官方的形式强力地开展的。因此,农业合作化运动采用的是贯彻、执行无产阶级政党路线、方针、政策的劳动阶级或共产党出身的党干部来进行启蒙和指导,并遵守“依靠贫农,团结中农,消灭阶级敌人”的阶级政策。这就形成了农业合作化运动题材小说的基本叙事形态。以《石溪邑的新春》为代表的农业合作化题材小说反映了当时的社会主流意识和无产阶级政党制定的文艺方针,在人物形象的塑造上,正如恩格斯所说的“主要人物是一定的阶级和倾向代表,也是他们时代的一定思想代表”,小说中的人物形象可分为三种类型—主导农业合作化运动的肯定人物形象、对农业合作化半信半疑,容易动摇的中间人物形象、反对并破坏农业合作化的否定人物形象。作品中这些人物形象之间的矛盾具有敌对和非敌对的特点,又可概括分为敌我矛盾和人民内部矛盾。这体现了当时农业合作化运动的一种形式。最后,不得不提出对农业合作化运动及以《石溪邑的新春》为代表的农业合作化题材小说的价值评价。因为随着前社会主义阵营农业合作化运动的失败,对于反映农业合作化的文学作品的评价也自然褒贬不一。本人认为前社会主义阵营的农业合作化运动,与无产阶级政党,特别是无产阶级政党的领导者对马克思主义过渡期理论的理解和诠释有着极大的关系。中国有个成语叫“盖棺定论”,即一个人的是非功过到死后才能做出结论。除了朝鲜以外的前社会主义阵营诸国的农业合作化运动都是以失败而告终。但无论我们肯定还是否定,农业合作化运动都已湮没在历史的洪流中。因此,本人认为在实事求是地分析农业合作化运动及其文学作品的同时,更应运用现代视角,有侧重地对这些政治运动及文学作品的意义进行评价。本人也希望以农业合作化这样的政治运动对文学产生的深刻影响为实例,为文学政治学提供鲜活的论据。总之,以千世峰的《石溪邑的新春》为代表的农业合作化题材小说体现了20世纪20-50年代前社会主义阵营农业合作化运动的时代特点。但不同国家的小说又表现出各自不同的民族及国家特色,这些小说作品不愧于成为研究前社会主义阵营诸国农业合作化运动的资料及理解当时历史时期的鲜活史料。本论文通过对这些小说作品全面而深入的研究,不仅提供了理解20世纪20-50年代前社会主义阵营农业合作化运动的更加切实准确的资料,而且揭示了文学作品中描写政治运动的虚、实及经验教训,在今后研究文学反映政治运动方面具有很大的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 During the 1920s to 1950s, in order to put the ideology of socialism into practice and carried out socialism reform, the former socialism countries pushed forward the agriculture collectivize which can not occur naturally. Carried out by the proletarian party, the agriculture collectivize was a kind of agriculture economic reform that changed the private-owned production material system into state-owned one. It was a tremendous and influential reform in countryside, which had changed millions of farmers’life and had a profound effect on society.The literature is a mirror of society. Therefore the agriculture collectivizes, as the theme of the time, was sure to appear in the literature works of those former socialism countries. And all those works gathered into agriculture collectivizes literature group. The earlier works of this group had a transitional relation with the later ones. And we have to study these relationships.The thesis based on the thematology study and used literature critical approaches of new historicism. Taking the representative novel A New spring in Suckgaeul, composed by Cheon Sebong, as the research object, the thesis explained the intertexuality between agriculture collectivizes and the literature works during that period. Meanwhile, the thesis compared this novel with soviet novel Virgin Soil Upturned and Chinese novel Shan Xiang Ju Bian, both of which are representatives of that period. The thesis studied characters in these novels and the historical meaning of this kind of literature works.The thesis based on explaining the common social background of agriculture collectivizes novels. Therefore the thesis studied the theories of socialism transitional period and described the procedure of agriculture collectivizes according to some historical materials of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Soviet and China. And then in order to understand and evaluate all those political theories and the novel A New spring in Suckgaeul better, we studied Korean literature policies after the War and the relations between the author Cheon sebong’s countryside life and his novel. The agriculture collectivizes was an official social reform following the proletarian parties’policies of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Soviet and China. This historical background formed the narration way of agriculture collectivizes novels. These kind of novel, represented by A New spring in Suckgaeul, reflected the themes of times and policies of proletarian party. And the characters of these novels can be classified into three types:the character of people who played a leading role in agriculture collectivizes; the character of unstable; and the character of people who opposed and destroyed agriculture collectivize. And the contradiction among these characters was also a reflection of agriculture collectivizes.At last, we evaluated the agriculture collectivizes and the novels under this background. We supposed that there was a close relation between the agriculture collectivizes and how the leaders of proletarian party understand and use the Marxist transitional theory. And through the evaluation, we want give more examples and proof for literature politics. In a word, the representative novels of agriculture collectivize reflected the characteristics of agriculture collectivize reforms in the 1950s. And novels from different countries can reflect different national characteristics. Thus, these novels become the vivid historical materials for agriculture collectivizes research.Through the study of these novels, the thesis provided more historical facts for understanding the agriculture collectivize reform in the 1950s and revealed the literature methods to describe political campaigns, which provided references for later literature research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F331.2
  • 【下载频次】97

