

Study on the Political and Diplomatic Relationship between China and DPRK (1949-2009)

【作者】 权红

【导师】 姜龙范;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 世界史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 朝鲜半岛自古以来就是我国维护国家安全的战略要冲。两国在建国之初就建立了外交关系,尽管两国关系经历了60年风风雨雨的考验和历练,但是中国始终如一地立足于两国之间特殊的传统友谊的基点,一直以国家利益为基本准则,坚持全面而可持续的政治外交战略,在中朝关系中发挥着积极作用。本选题结合历史学的研究方法和国际关系学的相关理论,从中朝两国共同抗击外来侵略,争取民族独立运动开始,时间跨度半个多世纪,尤其是参鉴中国对外政策的发展历程,通过考察不同时期中朝两国国家关系的特征,重点探讨中朝建交后一波三折的两国政治外交关系。1949年10月6日,中国和朝鲜正式建立外交关系。当时各国的对外政策和国际关系受到意识形态的极度影响,中国与苏联、朝鲜同属于社会主义阵营,因此,刚刚成立的新中国一方面要与社会主义阵营的国家一道直面美国的“遏制”,一面又要稳固新生政权,所以中国实行了“一边倒”的外交政策,与苏联、朝鲜等社会主义国家结盟,此间,中朝关系十分密切。1950年6月25日,朝鲜战争爆发,美国随即以“联合国”名义进行军事干涉,并将战火直接引烧到中国边境鸭绿江沿岸,中国的国家安全受到严重的威胁。在朝鲜政府的请求下,中国政府为“抗美援朝,保家卫国”和发扬国际主义精神,派兵入朝,与朝鲜人民共同作战,抗击侵略者,用鲜血凝成了中朝友谊。1953年11月,中朝两国签订经济文化合作协定,中国又向处于战后恢复经济期的朝鲜提供了大量无私的援助,帮助朝鲜重建经济。1961年7月,中朝两国缔结了《中朝友好合作互助条约》,更加强化了两国具有共同意识形态和社会制度的战略同盟关系。1966年,中国爆发了“文化大革命”,中国的外交政策和对外关系受到严重影响。在整个文革期间,中朝关系处于两国关系发展中的低潮。20世纪70年代初,国际形势发生了比较大的变化,东西方关系趋向缓和,同时,中国也为了改变自己的国家安全形势,摆脱“孤立”的地位,逐渐将“一边倒”的外交政策调整为“一条线”的外交政策,中朝关系也进入平稳时期。80年代,朝鲜与中国加大了在政治、经济、文化、体育等各个领域的密切合作,两国高层领导人以及政治、经济、军事、贸易等方面的代表团频频互访,促进了两国人民的友好团结。同时中国也进入了和平自主的外交政策时期,中朝两国关系的发展比较顺利。冷战结束后,意识形态不再是决定国际关系的主要因素,中国的外交战略也更加突出了和平外交的理念。20世纪80年代末、90年代初,邓小平提出了“冷静观察,稳住阵脚,沉着应付,决不当头,韬光养晦,善于守拙,抓住机遇,有所作为”的战略思想。中国加快了改革开放的步伐,加速了对社会主义市场经济理论的探索和实践,与各周边国家的关系也随之发展为以经济合作促进发展为主要目的。第一次“朝核危机”爆发后,中国保持了低调姿态,并没有直接介入,但中国在关注之余也在积极地发挥着比较特殊的协调作用,即希望美朝通过双边谈判和平解决核问题。1992年8月,中韩建交,中朝两国关系一度处于胶着状态,陷入前所未有的低谷。90年代末,尽管国际环境的变化在客观上给中朝关系带来了相当大的影响,但是中国仍然始终强调中朝之间的传统友谊,一直致力于中朝关系的友好发展,努力为两国间全面改善和发展关系营造着良好的氛围,这样,两国关系逐渐走出低谷,并且逐步由同盟关系向伙伴关系转变。进入新世纪,两国间的高层互访频繁,经贸往来密切,在地区和国际事务中保持了良好的沟通与协调,中朝两国关系也逐步发展成为成熟的新型国家关系。第二次“朝核危机”爆发后,中国为实现半岛的无核化与和平解决朝核危机,积极搭建六方会谈这一有效平台,为朝鲜半岛无核化做出了积极主动的外交努力,在朝核问题的解决过程中扮演了积极斡旋的重要角色,这在新中国外交史上是前所未有的。虽然六方会谈一再陷入僵局,但是它仍然是各方认同的和平解决朝核问题的有效机制。2009年是中朝建交60周年,亦是中朝双方近年来就双边关系而言极具重要意义的一年,两国政府将这一年确定为“中朝友好年”,充分体现了两国政府对于中朝关系的重视和定位。然而,朝鲜核问题的迂回反复不仅对东北亚地区安全产生了深刻影响,而且给中朝关系带来了微妙变化。朝鲜在2009年连续发射导弹、进行核试验,朝核问题成为了影响中朝关系的重要变数。尽管如此,继续重视中朝传统友谊、维护半岛局势的和平与稳定更加符合我国的国家利益。目前,中国的穿梭外交仍在紧锣密鼓的进行之中,在中国的努力下,和平解决朝核危机的希望会再现曙光。中国仍将继续支持朝鲜半岛自主和平统一,“南北并重”的基本策略不会改变,重视朝鲜在中国对外战略和安全战略中的地位不会改变。东北亚区域合作是今后整个东北亚地区和平与发展的必然趋势,而保持中朝之间的传统友好关系则是这一进程中不可或缺的前提条件,也是中国国家利益的必然所在。

【Abstract】 Korean Peninsula has been China’s strategic communication center of maintaining China’s safety. Korean and China have established diplomatic relations at the beginning of national establishment. Although the relationship between two China and Korea has undergone all kinds of hard proof and experience for 60 years, China has persisted in overall and sustainable political and diplomatic strategies with national benefits as basic criterion based on particular and traditional friendship between two countries all the time. China plays an active role in China-DPRK relations. This article mainly discusses two counties’ political diplomatic relations full of twists and turns after China and DPRK established their diplomatic relations starting from two countries’ campaign of jointly fighting external invasion and striving for national independence for over half a century through reviewing features of relationship between China and DPRK by combining history research method and relevant theories of international relations, especially referring to development course of China’s external policy.China and DPRK established diplomatic relations on Oct.6,1949 formally. At that time, all countries’external policies and international relations are affected largely by ideology. China. Soviet Union and DPRK belonged to socialist camp, hence, new China which was just established should not only join force with countries in sociality camp to confront the US’"restriction", but also steady new regime. Hence, China implemented diplomatic policy of "leaning to one side" to ally with socialist countries such as Soviet Union and DPRK and during this period, China-DPRK relation is very close. June,25,1950, Korean War broke out, then the US executed military intervention under the cover of "United Nations" and directly spread the war to Yalu River coast situated in China’s border, which led China’s national safety seriously threatened. China’s government dispatched militaries to enter DPRK to join hands with DPRK to jointly fight against aggressors in order to "fight against the US, aid DPRK and defend country" and carry forward internationalism spirit as the request of DPRK government. China used blood to establish friendship between China and DPRK.Nov.1953, China and DPRK signed economic and cultural cooperation agreement. China supplied lots of and self-giving aid to DPRK which was in economy recovery term after the war to help DPRK to reconstruct economy. July,1961, China and DPRK concluded "China-DPRK Friendly Cooperation Mutual Assistance Treaty", which further enhanced two countries’strategic league relationship with common ideology and social system. In 1966, "Cultural Revolution" broke out in China and China’s diplomatic policies and external relation is seriously affected. During the whole period of cultural revolution, China-DPRK relation is in the low tide of development of China-DPRK relationship. In early-1970s, international situation changed largely and relationship between Eastern countries and Western countries tended to easy up. Meanwhile, China has adjusted its diplomatic policy of "leaning to one side" to be "one line" gradually in order to get rid of status of "insulation" and change its national safety situation. The China-DPRK relation also entered smooth era. In 1980s, China and DPRK enhanced their close cooperation in politics, economy, culture and gym. The two countries’senior leaders and delegations in politics, economy, military affairs and trade realized mutual visits frequently, which promoted the amity and comity of the two countries. Meanwhile, China also entered peaceful and independent diplomatic policy era and the China-EPRK relation developed smoothly.After the cold war was over, ideology has not been the main factor of deciding international relation any longer. China’s diplomatic strategies further gave prominence to the idea of peaceful diplomacy. During the period of from late-1980s to early-1990s, Deng Xiaoping put forward the strategic idea of "executing observation in calmness, holding our ground, making treatment calmly, concealing one’s capacities and biding one’s time, being good at hiding ones’capacity, mastering opportunities and having something to do" China accelerated its reform and opening and accelerated exploration and practice for socialist market economy theory. The relationship between China and peripheral countries also developed aiming for promoting development with economic cooperation. China has kept low-key attitude since the first Korean nuclear crisis broke out. China has not made intervention directly for "Korean Nuclear Crisis", but China also exerted the particular coordination role in "Korean Nuclear Crisis" when giving a focus. China hoped the US and Korea can solve nuclear issue peacefully through bilateral negotiation. In Aug.1992, China and DPRK established diplomatic relations and China-DPRK relation has still been in ankylosis status and slumped into valley. In late-1990s, China has still emphasized the traditional friendship between China and DPRK and has committed itself to friend development of China-DPRK relation all the time although international environment changes brought large effect on China-DPRK relation objectively. China endeavored to build good atmosphere for improving and developing relationship between China and DPRK, hence, the China-DPRK relation has stepped out of valley and has transformed to be partnership from alliance relation gradually.After entering new era, the mutual visits between the two countries become more and more frequent and the trade relationship becomes more close. China and DPRK keep good communication and coordination in regional and international affairs. China-DPRK relation has also developed to be mature new country relation gradually. After the second "Korean Nuclear Crisis" broke out, China has actively built Six Party Conference platform in order to realize denuclearization of Korean Peninsula and solve the Korean Nuclear Crisis peacefully. China has made active diplomatic efforts for denuclearization of Korean Peninsula. China plays an important role of executing active mediation in solving Korean nuclear Issue, which is unprecedented in new China’s diplomacy history. Although, the Six-party talk has got into impasse time after time, it is still the effective mechanism recognized by all of parties to peacefully solving Korean nuclear issue.The year of 2009 is the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relation establishment for China and DPRK as well as the important year for China-DPRK bilateral relation in recent years. The two countries’ governments identify 2009 to be "China-DPRK Friendly Year", which adequately embodies two country governments’recognition and location for China-DPRK relationship. However, the roundabout and repetition of Korean Nuclear issue not only profoundly affects the safety of Northeast Asia, but also brings subtle changes for China-DPRK relation. In 2009, DPRK sent missile to execute nuclear tests consecutively. The Korean Nuclear issue becomes the important variable of affecting China-DPRK relation. Notwithstanding, attaching much importance to China-DPRK traditional friendship, maintaining the peace and stability of Korean Peninsula continuously conforms to China’s national benefits much more. Currently, China’s shuttle diplomacy is still ongoing rapidly. The hope of peacefully solving Korean Nuclear Crisis will appear again under China’s effort. China will still continue to support the independence, peace and consolidation of Korean Peninsula. China’s basic strategy of "Emphasizing North and South Korea Equally" will not be changed. China’s strategy of emphasizing DPRK’s status in external strategy and safety strategy will not be changed. The regional cooperation of North Asia and East Asia is the necessary trend of peace and development in the whole Northeast region in the future. Keeping traditional friendly relationship between China and DPRK is the indispensable precondition in this course as well as the necessary condition of making sure China’s national benefits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】D829.312.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】3034

