

Historical Materialism Review of China’s Reform and Opening up

【作者】 戚桂锋

【导师】 王维平;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 党的十七大把我国改革开放以来取得成功以及伟大成就的经验概括为“十个结合”。这为学界总结改革开放伟大实践指明了方向。本文正是在上述思想指引下,运用唯物史观全面审视改革开放全程,总结改革开放以来的成功经验,找出问题、不足与解决之道,从而推动改革开放更好的向前发展。全文由序言、结语和五章内容构成。序言:坚持运用唯物史观科学剖析和总结改革开放——兼论必须毫不动摇地坚持社会主义自我完善的改革观。唯物史观视要求一分为二地正确看待改革开放,既要看到改革开放是成功的,成绩是主要的,也要看到问题和不足,特别是资本主义改革观的客观存在和影响。第一章,唯物史观的历史贡献与本质特征。总结归纳了唯物史观的基本内容,认为当下正确理解唯物史观的关键在于防范唯意志论和经济决定论两种错误倾向。第二章,唯物史观视阈下中国改革开放的历史必然性。对改革开放的历史必然性和正当性作了充分的理论论证。第三章,唯物史观视阈下中国改革开放的理论与实践。全面审视了改革开放的理论与实践。第四章,改革开放实践对唯物史观的坚持、丰富和发展。认为社会主义初级阶段理论;社会主义市场经济理论;社会主义和谐社会理论;社会主义对外开放理论等坚持、丰富和发展了唯物史观。第五章,唯物史观——继续推进中国改革开放事业的理论指南。强调坚持唯物史观,继续推进改革开放,促进社会主义制度的自我完善。认为继续推进改革必须始终坚持正确的改革方向,确保人民群众的根本利益。对坚持和完善社会主义基本经济制度、基本分配制度、社会主义市场经济体制等作了较为深入的历史唯物主义思考。结语:得出了遵循唯物史观,改革开放就顺利前进、成就斐然;忽视它,改革开放就会迷失方向;背离它,改革开放就会出现曲折,我国社会主义事业就会遭受损失甚至曲折的结论。

【Abstract】 The 17TH Congress of CPC summarizes the successes and great achievements made in China since the reform and opening-up as "Ten Combinations", which points out the direction for the academic circle to summarize the great practices of reform and opening up.Based on the above-mentioned thoughts and guidelines, the paper summarizes the successful experiences of reform and opening up, identifies problems and deficiencies and figures out solutions so as to promote reform and openingup to develop further forward by reviewing the whole process of reform and opening-up comprehensively with historical materialism. The paper consists of preface, five chapters and conclusion.Preface:Analyzing and summarizing reform and openingup scientifically with historical materialism-also on adhering to the concept of self-perfection socialism reform unswervingly. Historical materialism requires a correct view on reform, that is, on one hand, it should be acknowledged that reform has many merits and it is successful; on the other hand, attentions should be paid to problems and deficiences, especial attention should also be paid to the objective existence and influence of capitalist reform concept. Chapter one, historical contributions and essential characteristics of historical materialism. The chapter summarizes the basic elements of historical materialism and it is thought that the key to understand historical materialism at present is to guard against two wrong tendencies, i.e. voluntarism and economic determinism.Chapter two:Historical inevitability of reform and opening up from the perspective of historical materialism. The chapter is a thorough theoretical argumentation of the historical inevitability and legitimacy of reform and opening up. Chapter three:Theories and practices of reform and opening up in China from the historical materialism perspective. The chapter is a comprehensive review of the theory and practice of reform and opening up. Chapter four:The practices of reform develop, enrich and uphold historical materialism. It is believed that socialism primary stage theory, socialism market economy theory, socialism harmonious society theory and socialism opening up theory and so on, adhere to, enrich and develop historical materialism. Chapter five:Historical materialism-the theoretical guide to further promote reform and opening up. It is stressed in this chapter that adhering to historical materialism and further promoting reform and opening up can promote the self-improvement of socialist system. To advance reform continuously, the reform should be always in the right direction and the basic interests of people should be ensured. The chapter also provides in-depth historical materialism thinking about adhering to and perfecting socialism basic economic system, the basic distribution system, and the socialist market economic system. Conclusion:The dialectic relationship inference and thinking between theories and practices of reform and opening up and basic social contradictions. It is concluded that following historical materialism, reform and opening up will proceed smoothly and achieve great successes; ignoring it, reform and opening up will lose direction and deviating from it, reform and opening up will even suffer from tortuous turns and twists.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

