

【作者】 魏丽莉

【导师】 高新才;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放的30年也是中国整个社会经济结构剧烈变动的30年。在各种结构变动中,城乡关系及其结构变动是所有结构变动中的核心表现。如何正确处理好不同区域城乡关系及其协调发展,建立健全城乡互动机制,具有重大的战略意义。进入2000年后,在快速推进城市化的同时,城乡关系尤其是欠发达地区城乡如何协调发展已成为人们关注的重大问题。城乡失衡的巨大差异将中国当前城乡关系分为以下三种类型:一是强城市强农村型,区域城乡经济发展水平都比较高,城乡一体化发展趋势显著,如东部的上海市、江苏省;二是强城市弱农村型,区域内城市发展水平相对较高,但农村发展水平较低,城乡差距较大。三是弱城市弱农村型或双重滞后型,区域经济整体发展水平较低,区域内部城乡差距悬殊并呈现持续扩大态势,主要分布在西部、老少边穷等欠发达地区,甘肃的城乡关系即属于此种类型。甘肃城乡差距远远大于发达地区,城市和农村的发展也较其他地方落后。这种区域欠发达背景下双重滞后型的甘肃城乡关系使得本论文的研究具有很强的针对性和现实性。本论文从区域经济学、发展经济学、社会学、制度经济学等学科交叉的视角入手,以现有国内外城乡关系理论及城乡协调发展理论为基础,全面梳理和审视了中国城乡关系的演化路径和发展脉络,对二元结构的区域差异及其与城乡协调发展水平的关系做出分析和判断。在充分立足于甘肃城乡关系特殊性的前提下,分别从时序和空间两个维度对甘肃城乡关系进行了定量分析。测算结果表明甘肃城乡关系失衡度较高,无论城乡协调度还是空间组织度都呈现出极为不平衡的区域差异与发展态势。与全国、西部乃至西北相比,在长期处于三大制度劣势(存量制度依赖过度化、市场制度创新滞后化、区域制度推进边缘化)和五大区域劣势(经济带动力、生态压力、公共服务、空间条件、社会约束)的内外夹击与共同作用下,实现甘肃城乡协调发展必须要从机制构建、模式选择、路径措施等几方面有所的突破与创新。立足于城乡资本流动机制、农业技术进步机制、农业剩余劳动力转移机制、城乡生态协调机制、城乡文化融合机制的共同构建,本论文从制度创新、公共服务、产业协调、空间分类等方面给出了甘肃走向并逐步实现城乡协调发展的相关对策建议。

【Abstract】 The three decades of reform and opening to the outside world in China have also been three decades of upheavals in Chinese socio-economic structure. Of all the structural changes, the urban and rural relationship and its structural changes have been the focus of all. How to correctly deal with the urban and rural relationship and the coordinated development of the two areas and how to make wholesome the interactive mechanism between them are of strategic significance to the development of the whole country. With the advent of the 21st century, the urban and rural relationship in China, especially the task of how to coordinate development between the two in the process of urbanization, has become a key issue of wide attention.The great difference due to urban and rural imbalanced development has divided current Chinese urban and rural relationships into three categories:the first is that of strong urban and strong rural areas, where regional urban and rural economic development has been relatively advanced, such as Shanghai and Jiangsu Province in the east; the second is that of strong cities and weak countryside, where the level of urban development is relatively high while rural development is lagging behind and there is quite a gap between the two; the third is that of both weak urban and rural areas, where the whole level of regional economic development is relatively low and the gap between the city and the countryside is great and continues to be enlarged. Such places are mainly distributed in western China and other underdeveloped areas. To the last category belongs the urban and rural relationship of Gansu Province, where the gap between urban and rural areas is far wider than the developed regions and the overall development of the province is also lagging behind other regions. This type of double lagging behind in the urban and rural relationship of Gansu has made this study both strongly target-oriented and realistically useful.The thesis, from the perspectives of interdisciplinary subjects such as regional economics, development economics, sociology and institutional economics and based upon current Chinese and foreign theories on urban and rural relationships and coordinated urban and rural development, makes a complete survey of the evolution and developing trends of urban and rural relationships in China and provides the author’s analysis and judgment of the dualistically structured regional gap and the level of urban and rural coordinated development. With its premise on the particularity of Gansu the thesis has made a quantitative analysis of urban and rural relationship of the province in terms of temporal and spatial dimensions. The calculated results show that the urban and rural relationship in Gansu is highly unbalanced, the urban and rural coordination and the spatial organization thereof demonstrate a great regional gap and an unbalanced developing trend. Compared with the whole country, western China and even the northwest of China, Gansu has been long affected by its three big disadvantages (overdependence upon residual institutions, lagging behind in market institution innovation and marginalization in introducing regional institutions) and five big regional disadvantages (in economic dynamics, ecological pressure, public services, spatial conditions and social restraints). Therefore, the coordinated urban and rural development requires breakthroughs and innovation in mechanism construction, mode selection and path determination. Based up the mechanisms of urban and rural capital flow, agricultural technological advances, transfer of surplus agricultural labor, urban and rural ecological coordination and convergence of urban and rural cultures, etc, this thesis has provided targeted suggestions concerning institutional innovation, public services improvement, industrial coordination and spatial classification for a coordinated urban and rural development in Gansu.

【关键词】 甘肃双重滞后城乡关系
【Key words】 Gansudouble lagging behindurban and rural relationship
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

