

Studies on the Hui Warehouse in Zhangjiachuan

【作者】 靳晓芳

【导师】 王希隆;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 民族地区的经济问题研究一直以来是民族学的热点和难点。民族地区的经济发展不仅直接影响着当地民众的生产生活,而且也影响着宗教、教育及其它各项社会事务的发展,同时也关乎着民族地区的稳定与和谐社会的建设。张家川回族自治县地处甘肃省的东南部,其地貌以“山大沟深”著称陇上。然而,这里一直以来却成长着一股引人注目的经济力量——回族祖祖辈辈经营的皮毛中转贸易,承载这一贸易的实体则是当地人所称的“行店”。它的经营方式主要是凭借为买卖双方撮合生意而提取一定比例的佣金,有的行店也附加赚取进出货物的差价。因而,行店的特征是以扮演中介商为主,兼有中间商的功能。全文采用结构功能论的视角,以张家川回族行店自身的发展史作为主线,通过分析它在地方社会中的嵌入及其对当地社会的结构性影响,展开对于行店的研究。依时间维度将研究内容分为两部分:一、对晚清至民国时期行店的研究。行店在张家川出现于1888年,它的产生与地方社会的特殊历史、地域环境、人的因素密切结合在一起。这一时期,源于地方社会中各种机制的互相运作,行店通过垄断经营模式、钱帖的发行和与洋行的合作,在地方经济的发展中成为主导力量。积聚了大量财富的行店,其资金流向成为我们关注的焦点。在对这一问题剖析的同时,势必引出对作为行店主的地方士绅生产生活方式的探讨。然而,行店活动并不囿于经济领域,它同时活跃于宗教、教育等非经济领域中,并通过与宗教的互动和对教育的渗透方式,对这两者产生重要影响。1954年,在国家公私合营的改造中,这一时期的行店业最终画上了句号。二、对现代行店的探讨。1983年,行店在张家川龙山镇再次复苏,并在之后的十年间创造了发展的鼎盛时期。行店的辉煌经营不仅促进了当地经济的发展,而且对当地的宗教、教育、生产生活方式、社会观念等都以直接或间接的方式凸显着自身的力量。然而,在市场转型日益深化的过程中,它却由于外缘性影响和其自身对传统经济模式的路径依赖,以及当地软、硬环境发展的不足等因素,越来越偏离了市场经济发展的轨道,逐步趋向于萧条。与此同时,深受行店影响的地方社会也随着行店活动的低迷而低迷。因而,在市场转型的过程中,行店业必须突破以往模式的局限,在传统的基础上寻求自身转型的立足点,力图破茧重生,重新发挥它在地方社会中的积极功能。本论文的主线虽然是围绕着对张家川回族行店的探讨,但时刻将研究对象投射在当地社会的大背景之中,这既是行店发生、发展的土壤,也是它功能体现的平台。在某种意义上而言,这篇论文既是对张家川回族行店发展史的重构,也是对张家川社会发展史的再现。

【Abstract】 The studies of economic issues in ethnic mimority area are hotspot and difficult problems of ethnology. The economic development in ethnic mimority area not only influences the production and life of local people directly, but also influences the development of religion, education and other social affairs, and what’s more, it also has something to do with the stability and the construction of harmony society in this area.Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County lies in the southeast of Gansu province, and there are many mountains and deep ditches in this area. However, there is a noticeable economic force growing in this area, which is the trade of transfer furs operated by Hui from generation to generation. The corporation which operates the trade is called warehouse by local people. Hui Warehouse mainly acts as making businesses for both buyer and seller together on a certain proportion of commission basis. Some run a profitable sideline that earns money from price difference between purchase and selling. The primary character of Hui Warehouse is agent middleman and the secondary character is middleman.The main clue of this dissertation is the history of the development of Hui Warehouse in Zhangjiachuan. The author uses the structural-functional theory to analyze the embedding and the influence of Hui Warehourse in the local society. According to the order of time, the dissertation will be divided into two parts.In the first place, the studies on the Hui Warehouse in late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China. Hui Warehouse appeared in Zhangjiachuan in 1888. The emergence correlated closely with the special history, geographical environment and human factors in the local society. Due to all kinds of mechanisms operating with each other in the local society, Hui Warehouse turned into leading force in the provincial economy’s development by monopolizing, issuing qian tie and cooperating with foreign firms during this period. Because Hui Warehouse accumulated a large amount of wealth, the funds flow became the author’s focus. When the author analyzes this question, the author must discuss the mode of production and life of local Four Hundred who were bosses of warehouse. The influence of Hui Warehouse was not limited to economic field, and it is also in noneconomic field such as religion, education, and so on. By means of interacting with religion and infiltrating into education, it had a great influence on them. Because of joint state-private ownership in 1954, the Hui Warehouse of the period came to an end.The second place, studies on the modern Hui Warehouse. In 1983 the Hui warehouse revived in Longshan town in Zhangjiachuan and reached a period of great prosperity in the following 10 years. The prosperity of Hui Warehouse not only helped the development of local economy, but also had direct or indirect influence on religion, education, the mode of production and life, ideas of local society, and so on. However, with the deepening process of market transformation, Hui Warehouse was not adapted to market economy and tended to decline step by step. The result was caused by the exogenous influence, depending on the traditional economic model, the deficiencies of local soft and hard environments, and so on. At the same time, the local society influenced by warehouse was depressed too. During the process of market transformation, Hui Warehouse must break through the limitations of the old model and seek new ways of transformation on the foundation of tradition. Only by those means, Hui Warehouse can perform active functions in local society again.Although the main clue of this dissertation is about the discussion on Hui Warehouse in Zhangjiachuan, we always link it to the local society where it comes into being and performs functions. In some sense, the dissertation reconstructs the developmental history of Hui Warehouse in Zhangjiachuan and reappears the history of social development in Zhangjiachuan.

【关键词】 张家川回族行店经济社会
【Key words】 ZhangjiachuanHuiwarehouseeconomysociety
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

